Hi everyone,

So I had a bit of a nasty waterskiing accident that resulted in some pretty bad damage to my right proximal hamstrings. There was a complete rupture of biceps femoris close to the proximal musculotendinous junction, and also the semitendinosus was ruptured through the proximal muscle belly near the distal portion of the proximal tendon. There was also an underlying partial tear in the adductor magnus. So basically I snapped one hamstring tendon from the tendon junction at the pelvis and tore another muscle in half, and had a heap of smaller tears throughout the remaining muscles. Thankfully I was able to get surgery to repair the ruptures within two weeks after the injury.

I am now 11 weeks post-op and have been doing light physio exercises, have a good walking gait, and am basically looking at doing a complete reset back to an empty bar on squats and deadlifts and building them up again. I have a couple of years experience doing starting strength and barbell based training at a novice level.

Sorry for the long post, but I am just looking for any extra opinions from anyone who has experience on the rehabilitation for an injury like this, and if the 3x5 based starting strength routine is an ideal way to go about this? I have read a little bit about the Starr rehab protocol, would this be a more suitable program to start off with?