First off, thanks for the advice a while back regarding sitting back in the squat and how to wrap a knee properly. My jumper's knee / OSD is completely gone after retooling my squat. Now it's my low back that's messing with me since I've widened my stance slightly, pointed my feet out more, and really starting using hip drive instead of a forward knee. Arching of the lower back and movement of the hips is what seems to bother it. Squats are uncomfortable but bearable, but bending down to put plates back on the tree and picking things off the ground is quite painful. The slight trunk twist and asymmetrical movement of picking up / putting back heavy dumbbells also seems to tweak it enough to get my attention. What is the usual remedy for lower back pain if it is not muscular? Further adjustments in the movement patterns, stretching, rolling, chiropractor, or god I do all my training without a belt, so I'm not sure yet if putting it back on will alleviate the symptoms.

I squat 550 and pull 600 if my development makes any difference. No history of lower back pain or injury.