
John F Musser, SSC | October 16, 2019

The most common things look different depending on where you happen to be standing. If you view something especially complex from an unfamiliar location, it may be unrecognizable. I ask you to consider trying to understand better, by looking at things from different perspectives..

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Ray Gillenwater, SSC | October 03, 2019

Evaluating our performance comes down to two important questions: First, are we making people stronger? If we're not, we are just like every other gym franchise. Second, are the gyms performing well financially? If not, they won’t be able to pay SSCs the premium they deserve, nor will gym owners be able to make a living. Let’s look at the data

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Ray Gillenwater, SSC | October 02, 2019

What we care about is helping you achieve your own physical potential, however vast or limited that may be, and we realize that the way to achieve it is not to accumulate box jumps, it’s to accumulate muscle mass. Yes, even for women. Yes, even if you’re past middle age – scratch that, especially if you're past middle age.

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Mark Rippetoe | September 25, 2019

You ask. Because it's broken, you know. Has been for a while. When world records can be established by moving a bar approximately one inch, when a guy can drop 30 pounds to make weight 24 hours before a meet, gain it all back, and then compete in the lighter weight class when he actually weighs 2 classes up, when a squat that is clearly 7 inches above parallel gets applauded for “Beautiful depth!”, your sport is broken. It has become a Circus.

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Carl Raghavan, SSC | September 18, 2019

I get this question a lot. What did you do? How do I become a personal trainer or a coach? Of course, they don’t usually want to hear the truth. This question is code for: What is the quickest route (ideally not involving many years’ work and experience) to becoming a highly paid, elite-level coach who can pick and choose his clients, lift when he wants and be his own boss?

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