Starting Strength Weekly Report

May 10, 2021

Infrastructure Edition

On Starting Strength
  • Q&A Episode - Gynophobia – Rip answers questions from Starting Strength Network subscribers and fans.
  • 3 Types Of Jerks – Starting Strength Coach Josh Wells describes the difference between the three different types of jerks.
  • Josh Harris's Experience Training at Starting Strength Denver – Josh Harris talks about how lifting using the Starting Strength method has improved his quality of life, and cured his chronic back pain.
  • Muscle “Imbalances” and Injuries by Mark Rippetoe – The problem with “muscle imbalances” isn't how poorly they are defined so much as how they are generally treated by Physical Therapists, Athletic Trainers (Certified), Chiropractors, Personal Trainers, Kinesiologists...
  • Lats in the Deadlift by Steve Ross – Deadlifts are hard. Anyone who has pulled a sufficiently heavy weight off the floor can tell you about the physical and mental anguish that goes into a limit set of five...
  • Translation: Mal de dos et force du dos Mark Rippetoe, Traduction Française par Etienne Chaudron – Le squat et le soulevé de terre aux barres libres semblent absolument contre-indiqués pour soulager les douleurs chroniques au dos. C’est en effet à l’opposé de l’opinion dominante. Pourtant, la méthode fonctionne presque à chaque fois si vous pratiquez les exercices intelligemment. Dans 90 % des cas, non seulement le renforcement du dos fait disparaître le mal de dos, mais vous retrouvez une fonction normale et sans encombre en moins d’un mois.
  • Weekend Archives: Programming Halting Deadlifts by Nick Delgadillo – Novice lifters, having the ability to go through a stress-recovery-adaptation cycle in 48 to 72 hours, will deadlift every session initially. As novices get stronger, they’ll alternate the deadlift with the power clean...
  • Weekend Archives: Can You Put Your Kids on a Strength Training Program? by Mark Rippetoe – We do seminars all over the country, every month. We have an extensive question-and-answer session following the rather long weekend, which includes several detailed lectures and...

From the Coaches
  • Phil Meggers shows you how to make a simple and cheap chalk stand so you don't have to bend all the way down to reach that silly chalk bucket you've been using. Phil also gives an update on all of the upcoming events at Testify.
  • When a new lifter squats high and is endeavoring to squat deeper, two mistakes often rear their ugly heads. Phil Meggers describes these mistakes and gives a couple of cues to help solve these issues.
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In the Trenches

madeline sets a clean and jerk pr
Madeleine Sharp goes 5-for-6 at her first weightlifting meet at this weekend's Testify Barbell MAYhem weightlifting meet in Omaha, NE. Here, she sets a PR with this 60 kg clean-and-jerk for her third attempt. [photo courtesy of Testify Strength & Conditioning]
grace with a clean and jerk pr
Grace Hopwood cleans-and-jerks 21 kg for a PR on her 3rd attempt at the Testify Leprechaun Lift-off this weekend in Omaha, NE. [photo courtesy of Testify Strength & Conditioning]
wyatt sets a snatch pr
Wyatt sets a PR on his second attempt with this 11 kg snatch at this weekend's Testify Leprechaun Lift-off weightlifting meet in Omaha, NE. [photo courtesy of Testify Strength & Conditioning]
bobby trains with rack pulls at starting strength denver
70 year old Bobby with 135 on the rack pull at Starting Strength Denver. [photo courtesy of Jay Livsey]
josh wells leading the coach development camp
Josh Wells explains and demonstrates hip drive on Cody Smith at this past weekend's Coaching Development Camp. [photo courtesy of JD Shipley]
jd shipley coaches at the coach development camp
JD Shipley points out what to watch for to Darin Lovat at the Coaching Development Camp held at Starting Strength Houston. [photo courtesy of Josh Wells]
rubber flooring installation at starting strength boston
Contractors installing first rolls of rubber on the gym floor of Starting Strength Boston. [photo courtesy of Arthur Frontczak]
wood floor installation at starting strength boston
Wood floor being installed by workers in rear lobby area of Starting Strength Boston. [photo courtesy of Arthur Frontczak]
gym base ready for the bars plates racks to go in
Flooring installed and adhesive curing. Next we add bars, plates, racks and suddenly it will be a gym! [photo courtesy of Arthur Frontczak]
Meet Results

At the 2021 Testify Barbell MAYhem Weightlifting Meet, the women's Best Lifter Award (Morgard the Manatee) went to Bianca Irlbeck, and for the men, the Best Lifter Award went to Brady Parkis. The Best Lifter Awards were determined using Robi points. See complete results

Best of the Week

3 in belts


I read this: The Belt and the Deadlift

I agree that the 4 inch belt is a problem with deadlifts. I used a 4 inch belt the other day and it feels great doing presses but shit with deadlifts. It's too wide, and depending on where I put it, it either digs into my lower rib or hip area. I have bad red/purple bruising along the hip area now. It also makes it hard to set my back properly.

So, I'm looking at getting one of the SS 3 inch belts, but if I do, will the edge of the belt still dig into the skin and cause this bruising? I realise it will be narrower and therefore probably not dig into the hip area as much, but will it just cause the same kind of bruising an inch higher up on the stomach?

I’d only deadlifted with a 4 inch velcro belt before (which I actually thought worked pretty well, and no digging in/bruising, but it's shit with pressing and squats). Is digging in/bruising just an unavoidable thing that is part of deadlifting with leather lifting belts? Is it something that always happens initially until belts are worn in over time? Or will a 3 inch likely get rid of the problem altogether?

Mark Rippetoe

The bruising comes as a result of the position of the belt relative to your hip flexors. The narrower belt fixes this, if you wear it corrected.

Best of the Forum

Peer Reviewed Studies

Robin UK

I can’t let the Trap Bar conversation I had with that rugby strength coach in the sauna go. I'm afraid it’s not in my nature.

So I telephoned Northampton Saints Rugby Club and the guy is actually prepared to speak with me on the telephone which is a very pleasant surprise. I have an appointment scheduled with him next week. I’m concerned, however, that should the conversation get technical about evidence, he will “out cite me”.

My Masters degree is in History (not hard science which I know is your preferred “go to” recommendation to those considering University education choices). I’m fairly confident about my ability to outmuscle him on the specificity of barbell v trap bar safety due to your brilliant writings on the subject. My concern is that he’ll pull “Peer Review Hierarchy” in other areas of conversation should it get that far. I hate losing and need a Thor’s Hammer to his Scientism Sword. This is a duel.

Question: Do you think this constitutes an adequate blow?

Here’s my only peer review Mr. Strength Coach:

“Vikings were huge, powerful and sexy. They lifted very heavy things, kicked everyone’s ass and fucked like jack rabbits - with or without permission. They did not play rugby and did not use trap bars. I trust that the sample size and length of study is acceptable to you”.

Ref: History et al”

Wish me luck.

Mark Rippetoe

He'll have some smartass bullshit response like, "Well, the Vikings didn't have barbells either, Mister Archimedes."

Robin UK

I’ll just have to hit him with the Lindy Effect argument then a la Taleb. Barbells have been robustly proven over a very long time / Crossfit didn’t get you injured until it did etc.....


If I may offer my advice:

Show him this and tell him about the books. And offer an experiment - two or three guys from his youth team should follow SS Program as strictly as possible and let him see what will happen. Make a study of your own.

Easy trade as there is nothing weird in it - simple lifts, simple progression just basic stuff. If you have just a little bit of salesman in your blood you should succeed.

If he is open minded he will think about it, maybe even go for it. If he is not then there is nothing you can do and there never was.

Robin UK

Great advice and that’s exactly what I planned to do. Even if he takes nothing on board at the very least I’ll have raised SS awareness.

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