Hello, Coach Rip. I am a 24-year-old male who is training hard in Korea. I squatted 150 through beginner training. I also gained about 15-20kg in weight. As it is written in the blue book, I am eating about 4000 calories a day, excluding carbohydrates. I'm trying to change the program to TM, but I'm asking if I should keep the calorie intake or eat more, but I can't find it no matter how much I search.
Mark Rippetoe
24/165cm/65kg-->82kg/squat 150kg, dead 135kg, press 60. I'm sorry, it's 150kg, not 150lbs. I'm not familiar with the concept of pounds in Korea.
And in the gray book, it says that carb-restricted trainees can drink half Gatorade before training. Are you talking about a half bottle of 1.5 liters?
At 5'5'' and 143 pounds bodyweight, you are quite underweight for strength expression. Ed Coan weighed 242 (110kg) at 165 cm, and your light body weight is limiting your strength, not the program. I very much doubt you are eating 4000 calories in the absence of carbs, and why you would want to elude my understanding.
Right now I'm 180 pounds, not 143 pounds. I gained about 18 kg.
Looks like you're doing well then. Carry on.
44 year old male here. Finally tired of fucking around trying not to be fat. I am 6'3" 260 beginning TRT and NLP and want to know what weight I should be looking at to be the most useful father, husband and human.
You're still thinking about this the wrong way. Think about your lifts, eat for recovery, and quit worrying about your bodyweight.
A Clarification: YNDTP
Rip is correct. Also, the numbers you gave us are meaningless, since we don't know how strong you are. If you squat 600, bench 400 and deadlift 700, then your bodyweight is probably correct, since we deduce/intuit/presume/assume you're carrying a good proportion of skeletal muscle as part of that weight.
Conversely, if you squat 200, bench 150 and deadlift 225 you're a fat, weak piece of shit who both needs to read the "A Clarification" article and keep training, while eating enough dead animals to drive your strength numbers way up.
I say all of this as a 51 year old at 6'4" 270 pounds who does not bench 400, squat 600 or deadlift 700 pounds, so dont think I'm being mean to you.
Strength and Prevention of Injuries –Mark Rippetoe
Dear, Dead Nick –Hannah Pralle
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