Quick question. 40 year old male, 6’1 250 lbs with significant lifting history (565 squat, 450 bench, 610 deadlift). I continue to train hard and take creatine.
Recently got blood work with following results - any concern?
Fbun 26 mg/dl Fcreatinine 1.64 mg/dl De-gfr 54 ml/min
Mark Rippetoe
What are the reference ranges for these values? Total testosterone levels?
Reference ranges included below. Also to note - among the tests run, no other out of range values.
FBUN 6-20 (mg/dL) FCreatinine 0.67-1.31 (mg/dL) Fe-gfr >or=60 (mL/min)
They didn’t run total test
Looks like your "doctor" thinks a guy like you with big muscle mass eating a lot of protein and taking creatine should have kidney problems, even if you don't. They have calculated a proxy GFR number based on a value that will be elevated due to your muscle mass and diet. Don't bother asking about the test. Maybe drink more water after you get up in the morning, and make sure that the next time they draw blood you're hydrated and 3 days past your last workout. Get a better doctor, and good luck with that.
5'10", 210 lbs, 27yo. Been doing the program for 2.5 months. Starting weight was ~185. Squat is at 300, and I've jumped 5 lbs every workout (a few bigger jumps early on as I started with just the bar).
I don't see myself hitting a wall on the squat in the next few weeks, as I haven't had any issues other than the fact that they are just getting harder. However, does this seem like a good time to incorporate a "light" squat day in the middle of the week? I'm a little torn on this one. On one hand, I think I can probably handle 3 jumps a week for another couple of weeks, however I've definitely noticed my recovery hasn't been as great lately (just not sleeping as well, more tired in general, but lifts still progressing fine).
On another note, I'm worried I backed off 10 lbs jumps too early on my deadlift and went to 5 lbs. My deadlift is only 20 lbs heavier than my squat right now. Should that factor into the decision at all?
Should I keep pushing the squat heavy 3x a week, or backoff to Heavy on M & F and ~80% on W?
You didn't start by doing the actual program, which does not start with the empty bar. This has created the SQ/DL discrepancy.
You are correct. I should clarify, I started "lifting on my own program" with the bar, and after a month of messing around actually started the program. In reality, when I officially started the SS program, I was squatting 145 and DL 195.
Next time you deadlift go to 355 x 5 and see what happens.
Strength and Endurance –Mark Rippetoe
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