View Full Version : Mark Rippetoe Q&A
- SS for Baseball / Softball
- Strength Training for Weight Class Athletes
- Problem hitting depth on Volume Day only
- Wife's Squat Check
- Dl/Squat/PC Form
- Review of SS 3rd Ed on
- Deadlift advice
- Doyle Kenady's Photo SS 3rd Ed
- Aurora Pectoralis
- Deadlift Form Check
- Simplicity Is The Key To Brilliance - Malanichev
- Check of WL Shoe Vs FS Shoe Form
- Can climate/geographic location affect strength?
- Index pdf
- Punctuated Meet Prep
- My press is going up uneven
- Squat Path Analysis: Do I have this right?
- Squat Check
- Massage (Deep Tissue-type) and Linear Progression
- A Couple of questions,(Olympic press and Split snatch)
- Wrist Tendonitis
- Levator Scapulae Injury
- The epiphany, journey and miracle
- odd proportions and squat forward lean
- The danger of "good-morninging" squat?
- A solution to my callused and cracked hands
- Training through nerve injury?
- Return to training from ACL reco (patellar)
- New Forum: Programming, with Andy Baker
- Still Battling Knees. Lower Back and Shoulder Issues... HELP
- Squatting with an uneven stance
- Thanks - And DTFP
- Deadlift help!
- Texas Method Question
- Pain in inner thigh
- Squat Form Check
- Starting Strength for 54 yo with no experience ?
- Shoulder pain after OHP
- Overpronation and Lifting
- Weightlifting Nationals
- Testing 1RM during Starting Strength
- Basal thumb joint injury.
- Bar rolling up the neck
- Upcoming seminar and SS 3rd edition
- My training partner is chickening out
- Is My Back Still Acceptable?
- SS DVD still valid?
- Cue for Establishing a Shoulder Width Stance
- question about press grip
- New Article: Tommy Suggs remembers Karl Klein and the tarring of the full squat
- SQ/DL VIDEOS Technique Check
- I've got a dilemma
- bent bar and unbalanced plates
- Have you had any experience training people with progressive neurological disorders?
- 1RM and body's Adrenalin
- Strength Gain by Unknown Mechanism
- Squatting with Perthes Disease
- Athletics FAIL
- Mornings
- 3rd Ed. Style Press exceeds Push Press
- Learning the powerclean
- 3rd Edition. Very nice.
- Squat, hip problem
- Permission to quote SS 3rd Ed.
- Meniscus Tear
- Form check follow-up
- Rack Pull Form Check
- Disk degenerative disease
- Stalling on a cut after many months of progress advice needed
- Botched Set of Squats
- Lack of hip drive and inability to descend quickly with near maximal weights
- Mikhail Koklyaev no hands squat
- Bench:Press Ratio
- Political Compass Test
- Jokes.
- Shoulder / Scapula problems when squatting.
- Hip pain
- Low back injury when switching from high-bar to low-bar squats
- Cholesterol Tests
- Deadlifted 500, need help with technique.
- gaining wieght, lifts staying the same. texas method
- deadlift starting position help
- Squat form check
- Coaching squat in VA, DC, MD
- Advise please
- Equipment sale/barter section/thread for member exchange
- Clarification on Breath
- Weak Shoulders
- Squat form help please
- weight bench
- Programming SS for a vacation
- High bar position
- Eye muscle (orbicularis oculi) strain/pain from squatting
- Spot available in Costa Mesa CA this weekend
- Confused about injury
- Re-knurling an O-bar
- Rotator cuff surgery rehab
- Coming back to Powerlifting
- Your thoughts on Elbow Sleeves?
- How did the Low Bar Back Squat that we use come to be?
- Squat + Deadlift Check
- Chin up programming variability
- Dislocated kneecap
- Appropriate rep range for chins done correctly
- Pectoral Strain Recovery
- Getting used to new shoes?
- Squat form check
- Knee/ankle/calf pain after switching to lifting shoes
- Lack of progress, help
- Right side shoulder issue(infraspinatus) possible from power snatch?
- Callouses formed and painful
- Questions, splitting up SS throughout the day and also shoulder pain from bench press
- Squat and DL form check - follow-up after minor injury
- Texas Method, Farmer's Walk, and Kettlebell Swings
- Squats and Fatigue for Novice
- Any experience with knee issues like this. . .?
- More red meat, more mortality?
- Squat form check
- Deadlift Focus
- Favorite blender concoctions
- back muscle tear
- Trying to Actually DO THE PROGRAM! appreciate advise
- Clavicle issue
- Muscular Imbalance - Squat
- Squat/Deadlift Check
- Rip, mind looking at some squats for me?
- PL Meet Recap and Thanks
- Recurring hamstring strains from deadlifting
- Shoulder injury - AC joint
- Power rack
- Average age we begin to go backwards?
- Question about progression on bench.
- Strength Training With Arthritis
- Interesting new pain
- Deadlift form help
- Still hope for us yet
- Mixed Grip Deadlift and Rotator Cuff Rehab
- New Article by John Fair: More weightlifting history.
- Kirk Karwoski Training
- Shoulder Pain
- Unracking the clean
- Leaning Back with Deadlift
- Texas Method Split Model
- Slipped Rib?
- Texas Method -- No PR's on Friday
- Burst blood vessels after 1RM Squat?
- On/Off Cycles of SS
- Hip-toe connection
- Planned 2nd Attempt. Depth Check?
- Lower leg amputee competes in first PL meet
- Coaching the squat, a critique of my results
- Any word on R.I.T?
- Deadlift check
- Starting Strength In Texas: Come train with us in The Falls
- Common Complaints
- low protein food
- Starr: More on York Exhibitions.
- Starting Strength Reset?
- Power cleans and rotator cuff
- The Starting Strength Series of Interviews: Marty Gallagher
- Help with the squat
- Flat feet on someone detrained.
- Ass Pain - Squat Bounce
- Different shoes for differen anthropometry
- How should I program my deadlifts? (L5-S1 herniation, long time dead avoidance, etc)
- Overhead press and previous injury - is it warranted?
- Hip drive help
- Deadlift belt
- Press article
- Proper anatomical cue for "normal" hip tilt?
- Your thoughts on this?
- Safely bailing a squat
- The Mental Aspect of Training
- Is it better to skip a rest day or take an extra day off when your gym closes?
- Setting objectives and being considered "strong"
- I Have an Oly Coach Now
- DL and RDL checkup
- Low Bar Squats after Back Surgery
- Strange shoulder pain--AC joint?
- The American College Of Modern Weightlifting
- Fixing a "good-morning'd" squat
- New Article: Marty Gallagher's Iron Icons -- Phil Grippaldi
- Squat and DL Check
- Klokov snatches 5kg over WR
- Strength Standards
- Back Extensions: Should they be progressively loaded?
- Skipping bench
- What's on my Eleiko bar? Have you had this problem?
- Starting Strength(Wichita Falls Novice) for Football Offesason Training
- shoulder pain press
- For people that hate milk
- Positive Drug Tests At The Nationals
- Starting Strenght, do I have it right?
- Squat low bar position self-confirmation
- Patellar tendonitis
- I want everybody to see this.
- Rotating the third excersice on TM VD
- Doing bench press with slight incline
- The Second Half of the Marty Gallagher Interview
- Chemo and nerve damage - rehab
- Neck position and ass tucking in squats - problematic?
- The Importance of Speed in Squatting
- ACJ Arthrisis
- Power Rack
- stance width and anthropometry
- Subscapularis Tendonitis
- elbow pain
- Is exercise science branching out?
- Squats and meniscus
- Edema and Squats
- Another low back rounding on the deadlift question
- Squat check!
- Chest Drop During Squat?
- Still Pained... Have no been in Gym in Months!
- silly/inexplicable powerlifting federation rules?
- Sports blog, for those of you sports fans that also care about Morality.
- Bench press - squeezing shoulder blades together
- Another squat check
- Injury: SS replacement exercises
- Starting Strength is Everywhere These Days
- Can't move arm over head - Doctor's orders
- What to do?
- Using chains for lifting
- Another Depth Check
- Rip's New Article: Is Olympic weightlifting strength training?
- Training Olympic Weightlifting with Chondromalacia
- Split Snatch assistance
- Squat form check
- putting a zinc coating on my B&R bar
- Injury Question Suggestion
- Arms?
- Femoral Acetabular Impingement Surgery
- deadlift technique
- Starting Strength 3rd Edition typo
- Strange physical adaptation?
- Eleiko Bars
- Chronic pain near coracobrachialis
- 'Throwing out' Shoulder
- Yearly Thank you and Brag post...
- Physiotherapist Blundering
- Thanks for the Atlanta Squat Camp Yesterday
- Iliotibial Band Syndrome?
- Tangible Results
- Was I GM-ing my squats? Is it now fixed?
- more pressing matters
- Coach, can you help me...
- Knee wraps: previous recommendation is now unavailable.
- Strength training and dementia prevention
- Squat form check with and without weightlifting shoes
- Strength Training May Stunt Your Growth