View Full Version : Mark Rippetoe Q&A
- Lower back pumped after squats, but not that much in legs/butt?
- New article on PJ: Barbells vs Machines
- Bicep Curls and Moment
- Case study in Defying Gravity
- Best DRUG-FREE Raw Powerlifting Federation??
- Ernie and Billy go to the Olympics -- 1968-Style
- Cervical Spine Decompression
- So Finished the New Book
- Bodyweight Exercise Progression
- Tight/pulling feeling in hamstrings during deadlift pull.
- Is he overextending his spine?
- Rip Racks and Broke Legs
- Your First Major Leaguer
- Dislocated subtalar joint: what can I expect?
- Seeing stars
- Coaches Roundtable: 2013 SSCAC
- Newest PopCul article
- I have tried to squat low bar for 3 months, can only quay with knee break.
- Internally rotated femur
- Good books on discipline/a successful mindset?
- Winter Olympics Coverage
- Did lifting just cause the one thing I was hoping it would prevent?
- Deadlift Plateau - Update
- Ragnarok
- Hyperlordosis + Pelvic Pbliquity
- What are chiropractors doing here...
- Lifting after child birth
- A Fuzzy, Feel-good Question
- Blood Work & Testosterone
- Training someone with cancer. (Redux)
- Video: SSCAC Roundtable Discussion
- College S&C Coaches
- Power Clean/Squat Clean Clarifications
- Knee problems in young cadet
- White (Fat) guys can "kinda' jump - PC check for Brian J
- More on PJ Media
- Manly Mixed Drinks
- Home Gym ?
- NFL Combine
- To Cortisone or not?
- Recovery from a broken clavicle
- The Thyroid
- Clarification on "90-degree-elbow barbell curls" recommendation
- Maui Coaching Opportunity
- Not bench pressing or power cleaning?
- An interview with Andy Baker
- bench press pause
- Squat, Press and Deadlift
- DailyDeal -- PPST version 2 listed for over $1000
- Those of you who wish to become SSCs: Read
- Conventional or Sumo Deadlift for spondylothesis problems
- Trouble with the squat
- Changes to Army Fitness test
- Did you just delete a thread?
- Anatomy
- Transition from Smolov Base to Texas
- Arnold raw results?
- Level 2 Seminar Lecture Excerpt - Part 3
- Lifelong Strength
- Question about a stress fracture/torn cartilage
- External beam Radiation Therapy on vertebral spine l1- squat compression danger?
- Well executed novice linear progression (pages 88-90) PPST3
- Podcast 9: Rip goes to the Arnold
- Tonsilectomy and valsalva
- Maxing squats everyday
- PJ Media: Gaining Weight
- Interesting comparison and data point
- Lifting Meet in Oakland, CA
- lifting and sports requiring a lot of running
- Flat Footed deadlift
- Powerlifting PR's
- Janacek: Doing the Lord's Work in Texas
- Important New Article: Nick Soleyn
- Role of the front squat in intermediate/advanced weightlifting programs (PPST3)
- Question about the right gym to go to..
- Red Light/White Light
- Uneven Bench Press
- Is this a good weight?
- Starting Strength Powerlifting team
- Body alignment "app" - is it out there?
- 21st Century Powerlifting?
- Recovering from CABG - thanks
- Differing arm lengths affecting pressing mechanics
- front squat
- PJ Media: The Deadlift
- Jordan Feigenbaum Speaking Event
- Sprained my ankle today pretty badly. Safe to train?
- Restarting as a not-so-small guy
- Opinion regarding my coach's proposed plan.
- Crossfit open 14.3 workout - what are they thinking?
- SSCAC Exercise Science Presentation Part 3
- Lifting mechanics f'd up my skiing form!
- ITBS/adductor/knee issues
- Philisophical question on training vs. exercise for 65 year old man
- An interview with Andy Baker
- Shoulder hurts: What should I ask the doc?
- Podcast 10: Joe Ladnier
- PJ Media: The Press
- Chinups separately while doing Starting Strength
- MRI results, back of leg paralysed from squatting injury, advice?
- Rash-like symptoms after heavy squats
- Multiple rep meets?
- Coaching Starting Strength to an older guy with bad knees.
- First meet experiences
- history of novice/intermediate/advanced classifications
- Lying Triceps Extension
- Shoulder and squat...really need help!
- Forearms Too Long for Powerclean
- Prerequisites for the Olympic lifts
- Fencing and PPST3
- Hip Labrum Tear Update
- What would your mobility routine look like?
- My Newest T-Nation article: The Belt and the Deadlift
- Breaking from the NSCA
- What are the symptoms of a bulging disc?
- Advice for old guy new to SS but not to weight training
- How do you pronounce your name?
- Knees to the chest while doing chin ups
- WaPo Op Ed. . . female Marine officer and Infantry Officer Course
- Scar tissue, ART and chiropractors.
- fibromyalgia and 26 years old male.
- Lonh head bicep tendon rupture
- Lifting weights that are too heavy
- T nation story
- Power lifting/strength routines
- went full retard in the squat rack
- Jordan Feigenbaum Speaking Event at St. Vincent College on April 4th
- Update From a Past Article?
- Level 2 Seminar Lecture Excerpt - Part 5
- How do I toughen my hands?
- Shoulder position issue
- The Joe Ladnier interview
- Korea, huh?
- Gloves
- A question, Por favor
- Injured Right Shoulder
- Teaching the squat efficiently
- Why do halting deadlifts respond better to sets of 8?
- PJ Media: Exercise vs Training.
- Other Leather Products
- Changing Ingrained Motor Patterns
- Starting Strength Coach Gillian Ward Wins
- Question about Women's LP in PPST3
- Ernie Pickett: The final installment
- Oakland Meet Recap
- University Strength and Conditioning Coach career?
- Fine Aged Moo
- Squat dept
- A Conversation with John Welbourn: Power Athlete Radio
- Joe Ladnier Part 2 is up
- WRONG. No, no, NO.
- The Assault Continues: PJ Media
- From Brodie in Legal: Issues in Strength Training
- Variations of the jerk
- Soreness relationship to intermediate
- Programming in the Military
- hamstrings in the squat
- Partial tear in Supraspinatus
- Wrist injury
- how does someone asses weaknesses
- retracting shoulders on bench press makes me weaker?
- Everybody should read/watch this.
- Does limited shoulder external rotation affect the press?
- Am I Missing something
- This guy gets most of it correct.
- Joe Ladnier part 3
- Unconventional wrist position on squat
- My latest T-Nation article: Exercise "Science"
- Groin Pain during squats
- Getting coaching necessary?
- Pursuing 'perfect' form
- Slow Progress?
- Barbells: How bent is too bent?
- LBBS Oly. Lifting Carryover
- PPST3 question
- Is this a good idea for Wichita Falls?
- Strength Training Post Heart Surgery (Mitral Valve Prolapse)
- Jordan's video is up
- Advice for an aspiring coach/non-prof.
- Ha. Douchebaggery outed.
- For Rip's amusement
- Partial dead lifts
- Need Advice
- Does the SS Techniques apply for high reps?
- I'd like to know what program you think I should start back on.
- bitcoin?
- King Carl is at it again
- Drag Curls
- Cervical disc surgery
- Is LBBS sufficient for strength development in the receiving position for snatches?
- Running long distances is bad for the heart?
- Question post injury
- where is the upper limit for rest?
- Question on Recovery after Surgery
- My new PJ Media article: Building a home gym.
- Just got Slap tear surgery
- an update on my situation with fibromyalgia
- Physical activity and health
- Tricep Function
- Power clean issue
- Sully: VERY Big Medicine
- overtaxing?
- Not sure what I did to myself
- Weak bench press
- Novice female w/Sciatica Issues UPDATE
- Kinnick High School Female Shot Putter (and SS lifter) sets new records
- Hemiplegia client
- DL belt
- Damn Spider Bit Me
- New Rogue Bar - I'm weaker than I thought
- Fractures, hardware, and their compromise; unlikely or inevitable?
- Dan Duane gives us some ink in the New York Times
- Barbell Maintenance
- Starr: The Tarheel Connection
- Pain in hip after DL and squat (leg length difference?)
- Post OP recovery
- manual labor
- Chin ups BEFORE deadlifts?
- Starting strength as a protocol for reseach in elderly populations
- How much does weight training lower blood pressure?
- Sacro-iliac tears and belt while deadlifting
- Ed Coan checks in with a video
- Rippetoe Research Clinic for Ultimate Power and Strength?
- Marty Gallagher: Pat Casey -- The First Powerlifting Superstar
- More from Dan Duane: CBC Radio
- We - -YOU - -can help make a dream come true. Request for assistance.
- NHL Prospect - SS Coaching Opportunity
- Our Leader
- Clavicles and Cleans
- IT Band Syndrome, Vastus Medialis, and Bosu Ball Squats
- What do you do between the sets?
- Percent of Contribution to Lift
- Kleptocracy
- female coworker pec strain
- Andy Baker: 5 Ways to 5 x 5
- Deadlift belt option
- Squat Rack Width
- Drug doses for big guys
- On the radio Saturday
- 88 year old Grandfather is having severe muscle atrophy
- Crossfit on the war path
- Modifying a GHD with rollers for front pad
- Fundamental Differences?
- Bench press disproportionate gains to squat
- Froning
- Silly question. How to tell the difference between a hamstring cramp and muscle pull?
- Falling forward during squats + When to stop GOMAD
- Nice new site content and structure
- The Starting Strength Weekly Report: Sign up today!!!!
- No Meniscus