View Full Version : Starting Strength Training Logs

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  1. Aussie Muscle
  2. LongDriver's Training Log
  3. cmrocks journey to the 1,000 lb club
  4. Gat Malice's training log
  5. Chris's Log - SS
  6. Toivo's training log
  7. Iron Virgin: My journey into barbell medicine
  8. I have never touched a barbell in my life (Starting Strength)
  9. Neo's SS montage log
  10. It's Turbo Time
  11. Getting strong like bull - like pimpin - ain't easy
  12. Lanky to large; my barbell initiation.
  13. Squat1 SS Log
  14. Firstpitch Training Log
  15. My training log
  16. My First Starting Strength Log
  17. The Fix for Skinny-fat: Shin's training log
  18. Forian's first SS log.
  19. Losing Fat and Gaininig Strength wit SS
  20. TheRunawayFound's begginer Log
  21. SS log Snapplecakes.. Norwegians Represent!
  22. My second attempt at linear progress
  23. obtaining manimal status
  24. Bradley's Training Log: A Journey From 120 lbs
  25. Michael's Log
  26. Method's Linear Progression
  27. Its all shits and giggles till someone giggles and shits
  28. Diana's do-work Log
  29. Pure strength
  30. My SS Log
  31. Marine012 SS Log
  32. It's Not Just a Fat Buddha, But a Strong Buddha
  33. Dan72's SS Log
  34. Mr. Rogers' SS Log - This is embarrassing
  35. No more missed workouts
  36. Getting strong again...
  37. One Man's Journey through SS
  38. Newbie Woman Questions
  39. FJRC7's SS Log
  40. Look strong - now time to GET strong. My Novice Log
  41. Beginner Starting Strength
  42. INDTP - 100 Days to Inhuman Strength
  43. Hammer of the Gods - A Novice's Training Log
  44. Clint's SS Log
  45. I Want to be a Real Rugger
  46. Johnny's turning 50 SS log
  47. pandaman's Starting Strength log
  48. Quest to be the strongest guy in boot camp, from DevilPup to DevilDog
  49. Starting Starting Strength
  50. Papa Bear's Starting Strength Log
  51. gForce's PP Novice Log
  52. Throwing another log on the fire
  53. Akronon's Feats of Strength
  54. That Vegetarian Guy's Log
  55. mattciupak's SS log: wrestling with bears
  56. Carvalio's Log - Tired of being Inferior
  57. From Skinny-Fat to Swole...Mehnohr's SS Log
  58. 33yr Male - Zero Barbell Training
  59. JKW's training log. I'm tired of being weak.
  60. SS Log for a tall (6'2") skinny guy
  61. Travis' Log
  62. Gerald Boggs Training Log
  63. Skorm89's SS Log
  64. Schwiggity's OBB Adventures: Slowly Getting Stronger and Less Fat
  65. Hi, I'm Chris and this is my training log.
  66. 16 Year Old Football Player's Training Log
  67. Starting Serious Strength
  68. Matty's Advanced Novice SS Log
  69. Starting Starting Strength (for real this time)
  70. Taiga's training log
  71. about time i get strong!
  72. Starting Strength 12 Weeks 2nd with results?
  73. SS third attempt. Targeting B/W press and 200kg squat
  74. Slowjoe's Second Go
  75. Recovering from 10 years as a weak vegetarian log
  76. Dan's Log
  77. Matt's Starting Strength Log
  78. 57 losing weight not wanting to lose muscle
  79. Leandro's Log (skinny)
  80. Training Reboot.
  81. Andy's Log
  82. Russian,Fat,But is stronger than you!
  83. The Pursuit-Starting strength log.
  84. Giving Linear Progression another try
  85. Tzanghi's SS log
  86. Sotiris's Log
  87. iamgmo -- SS Training Log
  88. The Strenuous Life
  89. Fresh Log
  90. Geezer Newb at Sea
  91. WRH's SS Training Log
  92. BZahn's Training Log
  93. OldAndBald Lifts Things Up and Puts Them Down
  94. Beaverbob's Log: Implementing the ideas of those much stronger than myself
  95. starter90's starting strength log
  96. Chris' Training Log: Start Date 06 March 2012
  97. Youngster with 30 year old Arthritic Ankle SS log
  98. Jacked and Tan
  99. Choken fools out
  100. Ham log
  101. Sam's Training Log
  102. Keep me honest log
  103. RussB's Advanced Novice/Beginning Intermediate
  104. Rural Starting Strength - Lee's Log
  105. James' Log - Starting Discipline
  106. journey to beastly
  107. Athenaum Wants to Squat 3 Plates
  108. keeping myself honest and on track
  109. 500lb Squat: The Journey Begins...
  110. Aarons' logbook
  111. Starting Strength + Oly
  112. Starting Strength Training Log
  113. Quest for strength
  114. Post Knee-Scope Log
  115. Exhausting LP before I turn 30
  116. From Scrawny to Brawny
  117. What Julie did...
  118. Brian Broke Legs Training Extravaganza!
  119. AustinGeoff's SS Log
  120. Mike's Starting Strength Log
  121. Anti-weakness log
  122. Sleeping like a log
  123. Ryan's Starting Strength Log
  124. Adam's Starting Strength Log
  125. Steve's Starting Strength Log
  126. James Jackson's Workout Log
  127. The Butcher's Training Log
  128. Daniel’s training log: no motto, no polemic - just facts.
  129. Strong at 40?
  130. Pursuit of Absolute Strength
  131. YASSL: Yet Another Starting Strength Log
  132. Garrett B's beginning
  133. Garrett B's Day 2
  134. Mike D's Training log
  135. need some opinions......my first post
  136. Tommy's log
  137. My Log
  138. Peter's Log: A Summer on Starting Strength
  139. Getting strong this summer
  140. Success Requires Focus
  141. CDCRO Original Novice
  142. Rugger09 Log: With Charts
  143. Power Rack Care- Not sure where to put this
  144. Rachel's log
  145. fleurmonstre's log (it's better than bad, it's good)
  146. Dargien's Training Log
  147. Fat and weak
  148. mun.1010's SS log
  149. Getting back into it
  150. Ezpeasy Lift Log
  151. Quintero's Linear Progression
  152. Harry Flashman's training log: in kilogrammes and pounds
  153. Getting it right.
  154. The dog's log
  155. Blandricks log
  156. Mike's LP Log
  157. LeapingLeibniz's Jelly Journal
  158. barbells, sweat and tears
  159. A little less weak today than yesterday, not as strong as tomorrow...
  160. Sync and Spouse Training Log(s)
  161. Drakes training log.
  162. Nick's Training Log
  163. Colin's 5x5 Linear Progression Log
  164. cwd's log
  165. Attempting to start strength
  166. 91BlckGT "Midlife Crisis" Training Log
  167. School Principal Taking the Summer to Get Strong
  168. M'shizzle's training log
  169. Baldander's log
  170. xupc versus gravity
  171. C's Log
  172. DKDC Gumpy Old Fart's Log
  173. Matt's Log Stardate 2013
  174. Jefferson1775's Starting Strength Log
  175. Lifting after 5 year layoff
  176. Neil's Starting Strength Log
  177. Nick's Training Log
  178. Jzon's Strength Training Log
  179. 8odin8's 'need to be bigger & stronger' log
  180. PDC's training log
  181. Mark's commitment to finish SS
  182. MoreMightThanHeightTheLog
  183. DLT's Training Log - Can't stop, won't stop
  184. FAIL Log
  185. Josua's Log
  186. Stephen's Log
  187. Geezer Novice Log
  188. SS/TM hybrid
  189. thrillman's log
  190. Rusty's "New Dad Time to Get Fit" Log
  191. David Bradley's Log
  192. PokerPariah's very much so beginner SS log
  193. Lee's log
  194. Keeping Score 2012
  195. Fuerza inicial
  196. ThePylon's log
  197. Mega_Man - Training Log
  198. s-m lost his analog workout log
  199. OldForge's Traning Log
  200. James P's "lift things up and put them down" Log
  201. NAVY Joe's Lower Back Rehab and SS restart log
  202. Athena's Training Log
  203. Nevs' SS Practical Programming Novice Logbook or Test Subject No. 4563129
  204. Randy's log
  205. Cara Does Barbells
  206. JPeters' Starting Strength Log
  207. Guillaume's log - from skinny shit to strong bastard
  208. Took an 18-year break . . . Complete Novice at 34
  209. Solongo's SS Training Log (female)
  210. BB on SS--(Finally) getting the elusive three-plate squat
  211. Back to SS. Again. For the 3rd.... or 4th time, I forget.
  212. That Handsome Devil's Training Log!
  213. Joe's Log: From Crossfit to SS
  214. SS + core training 7 days/week
  215. Vfkid's Training Log!!
  216. FemaleLifter - Hello and ?'s
  217. Judy's Log
  218. Restarting Strength, this time I won't quit
  219. Lifting in my garage makes me feel like Kevin Spacey in that movie American Beauty!
  220. The road to the Olympics
  221. Blackout
  222. Teresa's Trek
  223. mi233623 Training Log
  224. KessG Training Log
  225. Pissed Off For Greatness: John's Log
  226. Meshka7, Weakest man in the universe Log
  227. Newbie Log
  228. Chessguy "HOG's" log.
  229. the feebler log
  230. Gadsie's log
  231. Chaloney's log
  232. Diane's sorta training log
  233. The Super Beast Training Log
  234. Jmek's starting strength log
  235. No Ugly Reps - My SS training log
  236. James39's Turning 40 Starting Strength Log
  237. Str8Shutr's Log
  238. Juice80's Training Log
  239. Scrawn78's Novice Log
  240. Strong Lifts Convert, New Start
  241. Draug is trying to get it right this time...
  242. Steves 'get back at it' log
  243. Triathlons to Strength, A Journey to Getting Strong
  244. I'm Mike: I've been a skinny "excuses" guy; I've decided to do something for myself
  245. scteacher's Log
  246. Rick's Newbie Training Log
  247. Toothpick Legs Training Log
  248. Just starting SS
  249. Irish Weakling Training Log
  250. Nick's Late-Stage Post-reset training Log