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  1. D'Agostino's First Feature Film
  2. Deadlift help
  3. Starting Weightlifting at 30+
  4. Bar too low on low bar squat
  5. Squat form check
  6. 2016 USAPL National Quailifing Totals have been posted
  7. 2 small questions about spotting, and SS's philosophy
  8. Squat form check please
  9. Scapula Retraction while Benching
  10. Post seminar squat check-up
  11. Upper body stalling, lower body progressing
  12. A drop in blood pressure
  13. Squat redux
  14. Geezer Shoulders
  15. PTW novice program Deadlift form check
  16. Squat check, please
  17. mdusa barbells
  18. Louie Simmons on the Deadlift
  19. Top 100 Deadlifts List ???
  20. B&r 2.0??
  21. Kirill WR Bench 335kg-735lb
  22. Squat Form Check 130kg/287lbs
  23. Squat Check
  24. Deadlift form check please
  25. Some silly questions on adductors and pelvises
  26. BFR bands
  27. Squat Form Check 75kg
  28. Not working - going for fat loss - ideas?
  29. Question for Coach Steve Hill
  30. Squat Form Check
  31. [Jerks] Something unusual, part III
  32. Why (Almost) Nobody Should Pull Sumo
  33. I'd like to reach a goal by dec 1st. I"d like a suggestion.
  34. Expert advice needed
  35. Squat check - set of 5
  36. Deadlift Form Check
  37. Squat check - working through a disc injury
  38. squat check 375x5
  39. DL form check @ 425
  40. Half rack vs power rack
  41. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome (aka numb pinky finger) from Squats?
  42. USPA to Start Drug and TRT Tested Powerlifting Division
  43. Workout Partner
  44. training and working as a mover
  45. Squat check @ 157.5kg
  46. Squat form check 3x140 kg
  47. Troubled with with deadlift
  48. Anybody aware of a better Cyber Monday deal on bumper plates than this one?
  49. Deadlifting with Adipower
  50. Has anyone tried a Javelin throw?
  51. deadlift help
  52. How Strong Can One Get Training Only One Lift?
  53. Whey powder in carry on luggage?
  54. workout, interrupted...
  55. Thoughts During Work Sets
  56. York Contact for Plates
  57. Confused about body fat after re-readingt Starting Strength
  58. Gymnastic grips
  59. Clean and Press as substitute for Press in SS?
  60. 5/3/1 FSL Multiple Sets vs One main Lift a Day for being easy on the joints.
  61. Review: Bulk Up Bros 7mm Knee Sleeves
  62. Newbie Questions:
  63. Squat Rack Question
  64. Strength is important - now coming to MMA?
  65. Snatch-grip deadlifts?
  66. Protein - Does it help?
  67. Rogue B&R 2.0 Bar
  68. Coaching certifications
  69. Current program
  70. I'm deadlifting 400 tonight. What should I do?
  71. Reset Suggestions
  72. Football Camp Bench Press
  73. The "Captain" Was Awesome
  74. Gym in East Louisville, KY???
  75. Deadlift check please
  76. Too much weight gain
  77. Novice Over Lifting
  78. Assault Bike
  79. Stomach Issues
  80. The King
  81. Squat Form Check 335 x 5
  82. Budget barbell - on sale
  83. patella tendon pain stopping me squatting
  84. Squat check @ 325
  85. How to best substitute in DB OH presses in lieu of BB OH presses?
  86. Post seminar deadlift checkup
  87. Back Pain
  88. I'm failing at nutrition
  89. Squat form check (5x100kg)
  90. Hemorrhoids
  91. Adding muscle mass makes you slower?
  92. Quad weakness
  93. Increase vertical leap
  94. Tips for shop around for cheap and convenient protein(what, where, when)?
  95. Strength in Combat
  96. Squat Check
  97. Texas Method question
  98. Getting Hands to rest on top of bar
  99. Deadlift Form Check - 395lbs x 4
  100. Squat Weight Increase + Value of Cleans + Damn Pull Ups
  101. New B&R bar issues
  102. Bodyweight and Calorie Tracking on SS
  103. Deadlift Steadily Going Down
  104. LTE and Bicep Pain
  105. Deloading Dilemma
  106. Arnold looks down when he squats
  107. Squat check
  108. Gluteus insertion pain
  109. Squat Help?
  110. Lifting limit after surgery
  111. DL Form Check Please Sirs
  112. Start Squatting Heavy Again?
  113. Desperately need help with terrible stalled squat
  114. Motivation
  115. When did you move to body part splits
  116. Protocol for training after a layoff
  117. Deadlift form check (107 kg, post disc injury)
  118. Deadlift [Form Check]
  119. Bar swinging away during deadlifts
  120. Squat Check Please
  121. Rings and hands.
  122. SSCAC Series : Recovery via Barbell Training
  123. How Long for a Comeback?
  124. Deadlift form check
  125. Second time injuring my back
  126. Broken Wrist
  127. Should there be "Goal Setting" when running a linear progression?
  128. Question about different approaches to training during a cut
  129. Squat check and lower back pain
  130. How about a little help, macro trackers?
  131. Under Recovered on TM
  132. Squat Check 2
  133. Silly question - Ninja Warrior
  134. Knee pain and shoes
  135. Going Backwards
  136. Push ups
  137. Troubles in getting stronger as a big guy
  138. 2016 New Years Training Resolutions
  139. PR single vs PR reps
  140. Equipment Advice
  141. Deadlift technique in SS
  142. My experience with Clomid
  143. Squat form check
  144. New Member-Restarting SS, new starting weights???
  145. Bench press help
  146. A squat rack at a Planet Fitness??!!
  147. Deadlift grip help
  148. Clothing for power cleans
  149. Diagnosing Silly Bullshit
  150. Power Clean Assistance
  151. back rounding on squat
  152. Another Sumo Thread
  153. adipower gromets
  154. Is this dumb?
  155. Squat check up
  156. Your thoughts on " The Grayskull LP"?
  157. Canadian Protein?
  158. ID Squat Check
  159. Deadlift Form Check 480x3x2
  160. Warming Up for Squats and Do I Have to Clean at my Age?
  161. Questions stemming from the app
  162. Lunges Instead of Squats for Injured Lumbar Disc?
  163. Buying a barbell - need help
  164. Squat Check
  165. Squat Check
  166. Black spots on finger tip from barbell?
  167. Squat Form Check Please
  168. Massage for junky tendons
  169. Elbow and knee pain
  170. Training with Hip Bursitis
  171. Getting older and losing strength .
  172. The First Three Questions
  173. Body weight and fat % for older fat guys
  174. 2015 in figures
  175. Press Check
  176. Doing my Fives
  177. Squat form check, bulging lumbar disc
  178. Vertical or Horizontal bar storage?
  179. Depth check please
  180. Low back pain
  181. Is Spgeneralotter-less Training Possible?
  182. Finding correct shoe size
  183. Deadlift back pain.
  184. Power Cleans
  185. Bar Rolling up back in squat
  186. Bulging lumbar discs, training with neurological symptoms
  187. What's wrong with rogue 2.0 bar?
  188. Why is it so hard to find a quality doctor?
  189. 2016 USAPL Spring Classic
  190. Final 2016 Adipower confirmed
  191. Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time
  192. Are Texas DL Bars Bullshit?
  193. Deadlift form check, please.
  194. Full 13mm leather belt?
  195. Deadlift check
  196. starting strength & postponing strength
  197. Old-fart question
  198. enjoying ski season lighter and stronger
  199. Program order for a novice
  200. Training women: protruding abs?
  201. Squat form check
  202. Deadlift (Form Check) 405 lbs x 3 reps
  203. Squat and deadlift weight increase amount
  204. Squat checkup
  205. Closeout sale B&R
  206. Weightlifting Shoes
  207. Squat form check please
  208. Tricks for dealing with light headedness during heavy lifts
  209. Squat and Press form check
  210. Peaking, is it for everyone(past novice)?
  211. Core Strength
  212. Behind-the-knee pain when squatting past parallel, or coming up from full squat
  213. Introduction
  214. Handstand pushups
  215. Squat fail - maybe a form check is needed...
  216. Deadlift Technique - 6'8" 300 Lbs
  217. Not Enough Warm Up?
  218. New black-iron gym in Seattle Area
  219. Degenerative Disc?
  220. The Times May Be A-Changin'
  221. Deadlift Re-check
  222. Squat form check
  223. Squat Depth & Form Check
  224. Deadlift Check
  225. Jumping tope
  226. effects of jet lag
  227. Advice on cues for maintaining extension and some other questions. Thanks.
  228. Squat imbalance
  229. Squat check, please
  230. Layne Norton's PH3
  231. Weakness right side
  232. Progressing Too Cautiously?
  233. Training for Law Enforcement Physical Training
  234. Squat Check, Pls
  235. Which size weightlifting shoes should I get?
  236. Which weightlifting shoes should I buy?
  237. squat check please
  238. A question about the C2 rower and HIIT
  239. What were your numbers when you moved on to intermediate training?
  240. Power Clean help
  241. Design for the Weightlifting Bench
  242. Squat Check
  243. Novice LP progression question; Elbow pain
  244. Your Professional Library & Recommended Books to Learn From
  245. Other hobbies??
  246. TUT and SS
  247. Squat Check Please
  248. Squats, Really Bad Hip Pain
  249. Sumo deadlifts over conventional deadlifts?
  250. Training to eliminate back pain