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  1. End of DST and your training
  2. The Mental Aspect
  3. PPST #2 should I buy it?
  4. Texas Method question
  5. Texas Method Program Critique Please
  6. Thanks for your time and efforts
  7. Hook Grip
  8. Knee pain!!
  9. Trainees in Australia?
  10. Starting strength
  11. Utility Bench Recommendation??
  12. Wrong Squats??
  13. Finding a Strength Coach
  14. How to learn the Power Snatch ?
  15. Workload volume versus intensity
  16. Grip Strength: An observation
  17. Batman bench and Darth vader deadlifts
  18. Shoulder Issue
  19. toes out on the squat
  20. Does this make sense?
  21. postural hypotension?
  22. Want Stronger Abs? Use a Belt.
  23. Weightlifting belts in Australia??
  24. Feels bad, man
  25. Being an Upright Citizen, Not an Upright Squatter
  26. aches and pains??
  27. Frustrating progress for the upper body!! Me MAD!
  28. Bodyweight, Bench and Competition
  29. Patellar pain and warmup routine?
  30. Smolov Minus One
  31. "Core" Stability "Training"
  32. The Bench Press and trainees with a lazy eye
  33. Robb Wolf Dave Castro stuff
  34. Older Trainees
  35. Wichita falls novice program
  36. Texas and a little Hypertrophy (plus diet advice)
  37. Breaking news, free weight squats work better than smith squats
  38. Workout Question For 34 Year Old Novice
  39. Knee Sleeves or Wraps?
  40. Anyone switched from flat shoes to heels?
  41. impact of strength training
  42. Rest time?
  43. Press Stalled Today
  44. Smolov Results and Becoming a Man
  45. Iron Sport Robot
  46. I'm Not As Big As I Thought I Was
  47. Baby Steps
  48. Incremental Increases
  49. Internet Coaching
  50. How long does it take you to warm various movements/bodyparts up?
  51. Heating Pads
  52. Feeling drained after 4 Weeks of SS
  53. Squat programming for Kickboxing
  54. Neoprene Waist Band, Lower Back Recovery.
  55. Every Gear Is Beautiful...In Its Own Way
  56. I don't like Mondays...
  57. Super Newbie
  58. One of the signs of the coming apocalypse...
  59. Chimp Strong
  60. 5 RM to 30 RM
  61. WFAC De-affiliate
  62. Carryover: Vertical Leap and Press
  63. 20Rep Squats - The Results
  64. 5/3/1 Novice Question
  65. Increase weight or repeat set?
  66. starting strength observations
  67. using straps
  68. Squat depth
  69. Ratios: Dead, Squats, Clean, Snatch
  70. Gaining weight on a budget
  71. Texas Method Question
  72. ss problems, mainly squat
  73. Program question and lower back weakness
  74. Starting Strength mishap
  75. Painful deadlift grip
  76. I have a hernia :(
  77. Squats better than DLs and PCs?
  78. What do you guys think about this gym?
  79. Where To Train
  80. PowerCleans and Deadlift Programming Help
  81. Another set of eyes is often helpful...
  82. So you say you want to eat...
  83. An Unintended Squat Compliment
  84. 3 inch belts?
  85. Strength progress over the years.
  86. novice help
  87. Andy Bolton on Deadlift Grip Training
  88. Holiday Training Schedules
  89. Two Stubborn Pounds...I'm Getting Desperate
  90. question about muscle growth
  91. Calling all strength nuts: Help me change my university gym's weight facilities!!!!
  92. Louie Simmons on Wide Stance Squat
  93. New
  94. Iron Radio with Adriane Blewitt
  95. Why Do You Train?
  96. Russian 3 lift peak question?
  97. Skinny arms
  98. Training Chin/Pull Ups
  99. Thoughts on these shoes
  100. How long does a typical training session last for you?
  101. Old Adistars vs. New Ironwork Shoes
  102. Recovoery Question
  103. Difference between Strapped Deadlift and Alternate Grip Deadlift
  104. Coveting Master Novice Weakling Squat Form Check
  105. Is the squat necessary?
  106. Bad knee and squats
  107. Some Scenarios
  108. Starting Obese
  109. Bench, Chins, Presses: Carryover and Staying Power
  110. Novice goals?
  111. New Power Rack
  112. body recomposition on starting strength
  113. powerclean form check
  114. Programming Segregation
  115. Stonger is better
  116. Why do you need a strong mid-section?
  117. Elbow --> forearm pain (tennis)
  118. I can still squat...
  119. What is Progression?
  120. Baby, Bathwater, Gear
  121. -quarter squats-
  122. High bar vs Low bar squat
  123. Keeping Strength in the Strength Program
  124. Thinking about buying SS, but have a question
  125. Novice progression re-setting
  126. Merry Christmas to everyone on the Forum
  127. squat fail with only squat stands
  128. Thank you Rip
  129. Louie Siimmons and Jumping
  130. What the $*&% is Holding Back My Cleans?
  131. To hell with Aesthetics!!!! Who's with me?
  132. Gaining Weight and Breathing
  133. New Weighted Chin PR
  134. Deadlift PR
  135. How to learn explosiveness in the clean, and aggressiveness in the press?!
  136. Your blood pressure
  137. Recovery in the gym: Texas Method
  138. Do I have Hip Drive?
  139. Christmas Squats
  140. Which Knee Wraps to get?
  141. Recommended Straps or Hooks
  142. Texas Method light day
  143. Hight of the bar
  144. Super Newbie II
  145. Deadlifts: Athleticism and Strength Demonstration
  146. Better dumbbell - bowflex or powerblock?
  147. Power to the People Pro?
  148. Gary Gibson, et al., strength to BW proportions
  149. Want to see some embarassing shit? Who's that on the left?
  150. From Chucks to Do-Win's
  151. Diet advice
  152. Better life for someone who's thinking of trying shot put, bench press or standing?
  153. Chasing after the Bounce in new shoes and macaroni pie
  154. Deadlift Slippers
  155. texas method and starting intensity
  156. Calves, Vanity, Being Black and Proud
  157. Squat and DL Progression Question
  158. Where to find Gary Gibson's "properly fitted" bench shirts?
  159. 19 y/o no/no/no squats 350 kg (~772 lbs)
  160. Noob question.
  161. Critique my bare-bones S & C program?
  162. Dave Tate - False Grip
  163. Blue Rehband Knee Sleeve Sizing
  164. Slippery Bench
  165. Question on the glute ham raise
  166. train today or tomorrow
  167. Flexibility for Power Cleans?
  168. Coach in the DC/NOVA area?
  169. Hello all
  170. Reasonable Goals
  171. Goals for 2010
  172. Low back tightness
  173. looking for squat check videos thread
  174. Strength Imbalance - right arm stronger than left
  175. Tweaking Diet
  176. Deadlift Question
  177. Strength training on maintainance or caloric deficit
  178. Realistic Goals for the New Year/SS
  179. Dave Tate vs Mark Ripptoe bench tech
  180. Beer and it's negative effects on training
  181. intermediate programming on a limited schedule, any ideas?
  182. Having a bad workout for no apparent reason
  183. Good Bumper Plates?
  184. Lower Back Proprioception
  185. Lifting 4 days/week
  186. Extreme back flexibility and squatting
  187. Head down on squat and other assorted questions.
  188. Microplates
  189. Rehab duration?
  190. Wrist wraps
  191. Kettlebells
  192. The Novice Effect
  193. Daily Weightlifting
  194. Scapula pain on squats
  195. Did you ever do rep max's as a novice?
  196. stalling on presses a question.
  197. Recommended readings.
  198. Stalling on Squats and Presses and Deadlift
  199. Starting Strength after having a baby?
  200. Oh boy!
  201. So who else is proud of their stretch marks?
  202. For those who haven't bought PP 2ed.
  203. Dead lift 1x5 v 2x3
  204. Mental Workout
  205. Rip's 1/2" heel height shoes are here!
  206. What is your strategy for GOMAD?
  207. Inzer belt
  208. A loooong post about me and request for transition advice.
  209. No More Cutting Weight
  210. Issue with milk, I think
  211. "Hybrid" Programs
  212. APT Belts?
  213. Review: Rehband Blue Knee Sleeves
  214. 3x5 vs 5x5 the pros and cons
  215. At what point do you give competition a try?
  216. My "Properly Fitted" Inzer Blast Shirt
  217. Home gym flooring
  218. Is this a fair critique of the Power Clean in SS?
  219. Really dumb questions about pc's
  220. (joke) The WRONG way to squat!
  221. Good Mornings vs. Romanian Deadlifts
  222. Coaching Help in the CA Central Coast?
  223. Active Hip 2.0: The Directors' Cut
  224. Exterior Influence on my Training Schedule
  225. Training while on holidays
  226. When to go face the competition?
  227. Some questions about front squats.
  228. Tweaked lower back
  229. Tore something. Me thinks its me groin.
  230. Dip handles & plate holders for power rack?
  231. Is there risk of injury when hook gripping heavy deads?
  232. Troublesome elbows, concerned gym rats
  233. What to think when going into the hole (squat)
  234. Thinking of bastardising programme with accessory work..
  235. Definition of fitness
  236. Dead lift, programming, primary, can't, unable, squat
  237. Why You Chose Your Current Training Style.....
  238. Cns
  239. Stuck Squat / Early Shift to Intermediate Programming?
  240. 13mm or 10mm? Belt Thickness???
  241. I'm struggling
  242. Novice Linear Progression: Is a 405# Squat realistic?
  243. Squat Abrasions
  244. Guidelines for reducing workout-to-workout weight increases
  245. power clean or row
  246. question about DOMS
  247. my squat is higher than my deadlift
  248. Starting wearing a belt...
  249. Review: Rogue Rippetoe Shoes - First Impressions
  250. Start SS now or later - i need to do pull ups