- 76 year old olympic weightlifter
- Elderly Thread of Awesome
- 53 yrs old & twice a week sqauts
- Coach Baker: Volume for Lifters Over 40
- Programming halting deadlifts and rack pulls for women on TM
- Female Linear Progression
- Weight training for 84 year old woman
- OHP with Cerebral Palsy
- 2 or 3 days a week for a 59 year old novice
- First Post: Am I a P***y, a Snowflake, or Just Old?
- Programming 70 YO Mother
- Standing vs Sitting Press
- Volume sensitivity: 2 sets good. 3 sets bad. Your experience?
- Wrist Wrap Recommendations
- Experiences about training differences between men and women
- should I change my squat to deadlift ratio?
- Pathetic press problems
- Slow gains
- important question about BB-RX programming
- Later Stages Novice Tweaking
- Recent milestones, now 3 lifts over bodyweight!
- How Far can I expect to go @ 47 years Old?
- 40 Pushups and your good.
- pressing texas method Barbell presciption
- Deadlift is stuck
- A program for me?
- Re-calculating after 2 Week Layoff
- Two per Week
- Volume sensitive/TSFOSB
- Texas Method ID stalling
- Modifications needed to Texas Method for deadlift
- Upper/Lower 4-Day Split for NLP
- Programming advice for my elderly mom
- Programming question and cardio?
- Long and lean 15 year old
- Where to insert some amrap?
- Strength training for artistic gymnasts
- Multiple day programming for addiction recovery/mental health?
- Training with a high rate of Premature Ventricular Contractions
- Programming for Jnr
- Working around a 3x week physical training obligation.
- Programming around a huge change in work load
- One Main Lift a Day Question from Barbell Prescription
- Questions regarding recent video (USMC PFT training)
- 6 Day Split
- Need advice on moving a Geezer from 5/3/1 to SS
- Deadlift grip and sets/reps
- cardio and weights for "old" beginner with total joints
- How to help a friend with one working arm
- SS Novice progression for 42 YO. 2 days a week vs 3 days with a light day?
- NLP 4-day split question
- Old Man TM modifications for powerlifting participant.
- Advanced novice
- Training intensity, genetic potential and age.
- Intro Novice Program LP for 12 year old using Cybex Machines
- Advice for programming coming off LP
- Mods to HLM with rep progression questions?
- Intensity day on 4 day heavy/light
- Starting HLM/Intermediate programming.
- Programming cycling and Strength Training - perhaps a question for Steve Hill?
- Programming for bench and deadlift only meet
- Last minute meet prep
- Another female deadlift programming question: Clarification on sets across
- Deadlift volume day - Texas Method
- Recovery from a meet
- Hangboard training
- Modifying rackpull/halting deadlift height for long armed trainee
- Geezers: Andy's Strength/Mass over 40 on 3 Day Schedule
- Solutions for a soldier
- Benching alone
- Replacement for bench press
- 4 Day split for First stage nlp
- 4D TM Split with Split Squats
- Poor ankle dorsiflexion
- Masters flexibility, power cleans, dead lifts and their alternatives
- ClubFoot, knee valgus. little mobilty. Trying to squat
- Need Help With Power Cleans
- Intermediate for women (TM)
- SS in Mass Setting
- Arm Wrestling and Acrobatics
- Texas Method modification.
- Best alternative to OP that does not require external rotation
- Adding back-off sets in TM
- Can’t Add 5 lbs on squats anymore
- Emergency training
- 53 years old, making good progress but pain is increasing
- Barbell Training Without A Rack
- Return to barbells after quarantine
- Work
- How to treat (seated) press in low ceiling quarantine gym
- Not Enough Weight
- Programming seated press during quarantine
- Programming for 13 year old son
- Program with DL variation
- Adjusting NLP Programming for Low Back Pain
- COVID Home Gym
- Advanced programming for an old powerlifter
- Programming around change in life
- Post-Lockdown Programming
- Type 2 Diabetes: more weight OR higher reps?
- Programming question for a masters novice female
- Deficit Deadlifts due to weights cap?
- Training post-covid recovery
- How to know when DL twice a week is too much?
- Need Advice for Training My Mom
- Rheumatoid Arthritis preventing Press/Bench on NLP
- Maintenance Program
- Leverage Squat Machine okay?
- Strength loss - need modification
- Shingles and Overtraining
- Next Level Programming @ 50 yr old
- Novice Progression
- Replacing Power Cleans with Chin-Ups
- 72 Year Old Male Programing
- Between a Rock and a Hard Place Squats
- Increasing more on Monday, less on Wed and Friday?
- Strength & Mass After 40 modifications for lack of an adjustable bench and dumbbells
- Training program for gym lockdown
- Help with masters programming after missed workout
- HLM programming question for old guys
- working around hurt shoulder
- Staggered Deloads
- 3 ankle surgeries
- Recovery and training schedule
- Sanity check- spreading to program out over 6/7 days at home
- Modifications for a female recently post breast cancer treatment
- LP to Four Day Split
- Clarifications for PPST3 special populations-older lifters
- HLM Question - late 40's
- SS with above parallel squats
- Partial squats from bottom?
- VJs plateauing
- HELP! My clean keeps stalling out at a measley 60kg
- Issues with OHP; Need substitute
- 50yr old LP changes
- The Barbell Prescription for younger guys
- Any considerations for persistent strength imbalances?
- Return to training after Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection
- I think I missloaded the bar on GGW
- Does this combo of sets count?
- Deadlift programming for intermediate masters.
- Deadlift programming for Intermediate female trainee
- Training twice a week, covering all 4 lifts
- Total newbie help
- Training while at US Army OCS: 2 hours of lifting time per week
- Unfortunate reason why my wife was unable to squat.
- Programming for Bone Strength, any difference?
- At what age can the body no longer build muscle?
- Strength Training Adjustment for sports
- Do women have a wider deadlift stance
- Bench press for Ataxia.
- Multiple sclerosis special snowflake and shoes
- Modification for time constraint
- The Bad Bencher
- Seeking a squat alternative for an older female lifter
- Training while COVID Positive (at home gym)
- How to improve fragile shoulders?
- Unable to Do 5 Step DL Setup
- Calf strength & power production
- MS modifications?
- Competing at 64 with the TSFOSB
- NLP third attempt - Night shift worker
- Kankle programming
- 61 yo male. Recovery time from illness( colonoscopy from hell)
- My teenage daughter wants big arms
- Switch to Novice Phase II or go to 2 days per week for a 55 y/o male
- where to put light squat in 1-on-2-off
- Sumo instead of conventional?
- Intensity day question
- NLP without ankles
- An exception to the no-partial-squats rule?
- Bench 15 total reps modification
- Texas Method - Vol Days Kaput ; Rip Ripped Into it, and what's an alternative?
- Starting strength not working help for a member of the special population!
- Squat Assisted Leg Press Training
- Compressed Texas Method for old guy and questions
- Lower Body Exercises After Surgery on Legs & Hips
- % offset on Kingwood Texas Method
- Leg amputee doing modified NLP: getting stuck (on bench)!
- Possible dysautonomia after covid, Dr Dooms are saying to avoid weight training
- New Father Short on Time
- When to switch from NLP
- New trainee with back problems - need help to teach her to set her back, please
- Sets and Reps Deadlift, Press Considerations, and Rest Time for Women
- Training Son
- Training day has become too long - please help!
- Continue with the intermediate level or stop here?
- 2 Days A Week Programming
- Programming around Hormone-Induced Back Pain.
- Intensity or Volume
- Customizing The Barbell Prescription 2 day a week to 531 for an intermediate?
- Effect of asymmetry between exercises performance on programming
- Bench stuck at 200
- Dad has Parkinsons - wants to train once a week... with caveats
- Details on 30-min Express Program by Ray Gillenwater
- Programming for lean body mass maintenance during weight loss
- Addressing unilateral lower body weakness
- Slowed LP and Hip Replacement
- Box squats for limited ankle ROM: Why?
- 3 weeks with no weights
- Intermediate lifter new to SS
- Patellar Tendonitis: Box Squat Progression Back to Regular Squat
- Quad tendon rupture and re-injury
- [Question] Intermediate Programming For The Press
- Missing out the bench press temporarily
- Lifting with an Aortic Graft
- Race Lead up Programming
- Programming following knee surgery
- Trash Back Work Arounds
- Advice for 54 year-old after four months of Novice program
- limiting bench
- Doing squat with S-Curve Scoliosis
- CMT – Balance Issues and SS Program Modifications
- Bony Shoulder Impingement
- Shoulder arthritis and the Press
- Deadlift programming vs armspan
- Cleans, Snatches and Lifter Age
- Injured hand, what exercises to do?
- Bench press rehab or will it be inclines forever
- Adjustments (if any) for very flat strength curve
- One Lift a Day?
- Monday/Friday Deadlifts
- Dumbbells vs Barbells due to atrophy
- Novice: Deadlift on separate day
- Further programming for Female with Cerebral Palsy and Stroke
- Programming without Cleans Due to Flat Feet
- Can't Power Clean for the next 5-6 weeks. What's the best replacement?
- How important is volume
- Club Foot Mobility
- Combined Pin Firing + Overcoming Tendonitis for G. Elbow - it works!
- Power Clean Spinal Fusion
- 2x Week Programming question for teenage female
- Running the basic program...
- With a younger lifter...what to look for to move to TM from novice/advanced novice
- Training my Mom
- 2-on, 1-off Training Cycle
- Light squat day for older lifter
- Entering final stages of NLP?
- Programming Haltings & Rack Pulls for 50 something
- Single legs exercices
- Alternating deadlifts, haltings and block pulls
- Osteochondritis Dissecans
- Resuming training following angioplasty and stent
- Lifting with a dilated ascending aorta
- Temporary routine modification
- "Axial fatigue" and the master/perpetual novice