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Thread: Adam's Shitty Deadlift in the Land of Vag

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I'd like to know more about this Land of Vag. It sounds too fiction to be genuine.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    There's nothing good about the land of vag. There is a distinct lack of real vag and instead just fat, weak and out of shape dudes. Dudes who instead of being awesome, are vag's. I'm living in the outskirts of vag land right now but hopefully by the time I can deadlift 500 I will have a place somewhere north of vag.

    TBone, no wolf shirt yet, that's cheating like using straps. Last resort.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


    I knew it wouldn't be half as good as it sounds.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    So relevant:

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Workout partners couldn't make it, Prowler isn't finished being modded at the welder's so nothing got done yesterday. Annoying because had I known I would have pressed on Wednesday instead of saving it for Thursday, which then got cancelled. So I did this...

    This morning (July 1, 2011):
    3 x 5 @ 145

    Edit: Decided to bang out some weighted chins a little while after as well

    Weighted Chins
    BW + 12.5 (chain weighs 7.5, added a 5lb plate): 2 x 5, 1 x 8

    Usually go for max reps but kept it to 5 because tonight I have to do 5/3/1 bench and assistance squat. Didn't want to completely skip the press though because I only do it once a week... Will see how it affects my benching tonight I guess, it wasn't particularly taxing but it did feel like I put some work in. Should at least hit my minimum reps + 1 or 2, will report back later.
    Last edited by AdamW; 07-01-2011 at 10:05 AM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Workout partner bailed again and I got caught up in some music production so just did my squats, don't feel too guilty about missing the bench since I pressed this morning anyways, who cares.

    3 x 5 @ 280

    Pretty easy like it should be I guess, not going to bother really pushing these 3x5 assistance sets on the last set I don't think, will save that for just the 5/3/1 sets.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Crazy workout today, 4 of us here training total... Doesn't sound like much I guess but it's a lot to cram into the back corner of the workshop in my basement.

    Bench (3's day)
    205 x 3
    230 x 3
    260 x 8 (great PR here)

    Barbell Rows
    160 x 5
    160 x 5
    160 x 12

    280 x 5
    315 x 3
    350 x 3 (back was feeling funny from a bad rep during the 280 set so I didn't push too hard, but still got a triple when I only needed a single so I'm happy with that)

    Too much.

    Overall awesome day. We probably pushed the prowler for 25 minutes non-stop. Just taking turns back and forth between the four of us, only resting until the Prowler showed up in front of you again. Today was one of those days where you really feel like you kicked some ass at the end of your workout, wish I got to workout in groups more often, it's a good time.

    One of the guys was brand new to strength training, young guy just starting his last year of high school who plays football, probably only weighs 145. He's been doing a 5 day split sort of body building thing until now, hoping to set him on the right path, he seemed to enjoy training with us today so with any luck I can get him to stuff his face and gain another 25lbs before the end of the summer. I'm no football player but I can't imagine that taking his squat from 95lb to 225 and his bench from 135 to 185 or so will do anything but help him on the field.
    Last edited by AdamW; 07-04-2011 at 07:51 PM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    July 7, 2011:

    147.5 x 5 x 2, 1 x 10

    Weighted chins
    BW + 15lb x 2 x 5, 1 x 8

    370 x 4

    8 sprints (one sprint = 30 yard on high handles and 30 yards back on the low handles)

    Going to add one sprint every day and see how long I can keep that up, never in my entire life have I really been "in shape" so it should be a good challenge.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    July 11, 2011:

    Bench Press
    190 x 5
    220 x 5
    275 x 5

    Power Cleans
    140 x 5 x 3

    245 x 5
    295 x 5
    325 x 8

    10 sprints

    Was supposed to do 5/3/1 on bench, screwed up on the first two worksets because I looked at my next 3x5 numbers, but the last set was the right weight for the 5/3/1 week so whatever, just the warm ups were lighter. Cool PR on the bench there though, happy about that. Squats and Prowler raped me.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Forgot to update this earlier...

    July 14, 2011:

    150 x 2 x 5, 1 x 8

    DB Rows
    95 x 5 x 8 (or something, it's accessory bullshit, who cares)

    260 x 5
    295 x 5
    340 x 8

    Pretty decent session, would rather have done barbell rows but I was rowing while my workout partner was squatting and we are way too lazy to change the plates that often.

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