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Thread: Adam's Shitty Deadlift in the Land of Vag

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Adam's Shitty Deadlift in the Land of Vag

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I will start off by saying I am not even remotely a strong dude by powerlifting standards, but I do compete so this seemed like the appropriate place.

    I've started countless logs but never kept them going online, will see if I keep this one up.

    24yo, 208lbs, 5'10". I compete raw in the 90kg class and would really like to total 1300lbs at my next meet in December. Aside from that, since I am 6 months out I am stepping up the conditioning a bit since that's always been a weak point for me. I intend to just ride my program out straight up to the meet and do well by virtue of simply being as strong as possible, fuck complicating things.

    Here's a recap from my recently completed first meet to give you an idea of where my lifts are:

    As you can see my deadlift is fucking pathetic. I need to get it to 500 very soon if I want to be a man.

    I'm currently running 5/3/1 for my main lifts, but running each day as a full body session, and doing my assistance sort of Greyskull style. Basically just doing sets across but banging out some extra reps on the last set if I feel good and adding weight when it seems appropriate.

    The template looks something like this:

    Bench 3 x 5
    Weighted chins 3 x 5
    Squat 5/3/1

    Press 5/3/1
    Barbell Rows 3 x 5
    Deadlift 5/3/1

    Bench 5/3/1
    Power Cleans 5 x 3
    Squat 3 x 5

    Today's Session (June 22, 2011):

    Press (5s day)
    115 x 5
    130 x 5
    150 x 9

    Barbell Rows (just started doing these, starting light)
    155 x 5
    155 x 5
    155 x 13

    Deadlift (5s day)
    255 x 5
    295 x 5
    330 x 8

    Finished off with 10 sprints with the Prowler, outside in an absolutely brutal thunderstorm no less.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Getting a wolf shirt will help your deadlift tremendously.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Well, your squat and bench are better than mine so I'm impressed. Welcome to the club.

    I suspect that your deadlift deficiency is a mental/technical thing that could be worked out quickly. I can't see that you're short-limbed enough for it to be a leverage thing. Given your squat, I'm pretty sure you have more than enough strength to pull 500 lbs pretty soon.

    You may need to add a little deadlift practice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Thanks for taking a look man! I think a big problem is that prior to about a month ago, I haven't deadlifted since last fall due to a pinched sciatic nerve, but now I'm managing to deadlift with little to no pain so I'm working it back in. Because of that though, my lower back seems to be my weak point since my sticking point is below the knees. I'm fairly sure I could lock out 500 already if I could get it past those damn knees!

    I've considered trying to pull sumo but I don't know enough about the technique. I'm hoping just hitting my deadlifts hard once a week will build some lower back strength fairly fast and I'll be able to push through that sticking point.

    Anyone notice anything glaringly wrong technique wise that I could work on?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Thanks for taking a look man! I think a big problem is that prior to about a month ago, I haven't deadlifted since last fall due to a pinched sciatic nerve, but now I'm managing to deadlift with little to no pain so I'm working it back in. Because of that though, my lower back seems to be my weak point since my sticking point is below the knees. I'm fairly sure I could lock out 500 already if I could get it past those damn knees!

    I've considered trying to pull sumo but I don't know enough about the technique. I'm hoping just hitting my deadlifts hard once a week will build some lower back strength fairly fast and I'll be able to push through that sticking point.

    Anyone notice anything glaringly wrong technique wise that I could work on?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Missed a workout on Friday for no really good reason, was supposed to be my 5/3/1 bench day and assistance squat day, so I did the 5/3/1 bench work today in place of the assistance bench work, whatever no big deal.

    June 27, 2011:

    Bench (5's day)
    5 x 190
    5 x 220
    9 x 245

    Power Cleans
    5 x 3 @ 135

    Squat (3's day)
    5 x 260
    5 x 295
    6 x 335

    Bench felt decent although I was hoping for 10, power cleans were really easy but my form is shit so I'm starting light, but probably gonna bump up 10 pounds next week. I want it to be heavy enough that my body has to naturally make the motion more efficient. Squats were tough mostly because I just realized I did sets of fucking 5 all the way up to the top set when I was only supposed to be doing triples, hah. Still got 6 which is good enough for me on a 3's day though.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhere on a Quest


    Well, I'm no competitor so I have nothing to offer, but I have no doubt you'll make your 500lb dead if for no other reason than by posting it here will keep you honest and pushing yourself harder and harder.

    Your strength looks to be very good at this point judging by your size and age!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Hey thanks a lot for checking out my log Oldster, appreciate the kind words!

    June 29, 2011:

    Deadlifts (3's week)
    270 x 3
    310 x 3
    350 x 6

    Just did deadlifts today, a friend is coming by tomorrow to do just upper body + conditioning (he is in season for aussie rules football so can't do any heavy lower body stuff, made the national team and is playing in the international championships in August so he can't risk any injuries) so I will do my pressing and chinning then. The 350 felt pretty good, I probably could have gotten 7 but I only needed 6 to beat my calculated 1RM from last week and I have a bad history of deadlift injuries so I didn't see any reason to push further. This is my second time lifting at home with chalk, first time I ever used it was at the meet earlier this month. It helps a lot but I don't like feeling like I'm cheating my grip so I am only using it on my last set. I figure my bar has the shittiest knurl on the planet anyways though so compared to the bars I get to use in competition my grip is getting worked hard anyways.

    Prowler is at the welder's right now having some modifications done, can't wait to get it back tomorrow though, I miss it badly...

    There's 3 of us tomorrow so the plan for the conditioning is to basically do a sort of non-stop relay. We will pick a 30 yard stretch, put two guys at one end with the prowler and one guy at the other. First person pushes the prowler on the high handles until he completes the 30 yards and reaches the guy on that side. He pushes it back on the low handles, guy at the other side pushes back on high handles, now the first guy goes again but since he's at the opposite side he started on he's pushing low handles back. Wash, rinse, repeat until someone gives up. Basically for every sprint, you get to rest for 2 sprints, nothing more. Going to be funny

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Did 3 sets of 20 on the neck harness w/a 16kg kettlebell as well, important for people in contact sports sure, but even more important for people who play guitar in a hardcore band, haha...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Asheville, NC


    starting strength coach development program
    Did you buy a wolf shirt yet?

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