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Thread: Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

  1. #1001
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Long Island, NY


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    405x5x5 is a nice number. Strong work, Wolf.

  2. #1002
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Israel View Post
    Dude, you are dominating 405, dominating! Great session. I wasn't expecting that music change. Awesome. Made me want to watch more.
    Thanks Rob. That's how I felt yesterday. 405 was my bitch.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsilman View Post
    what do you use to edit your videos together/add music?
    The basic youtube editor. Which Tamara helped me out a bit with when I was first starting to use it and didn't know what the hell I was doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by John Petrizzo View Post
    405x5x5 is a nice number. Strong work, Wolf.
    Thanks John. It's good to be back there after a long climb back up. The nice thing is it's way easier this time around. When I was doing the straight TM, I remember every workout starting around 390 or 395x5x5 being a real grind. Near death experience kind of thing. I got to 420x5x5 on volume, but man was it hard. 405x5x5 felt pretty easy yesterday.

  3. #1003
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Tulsa, OK


    imo those power clean were puuuurty!

    edit: this probably inspired some boners?

  4. #1004
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by sking1001 View Post
    imo those power clean were puuuurty!

    edit: this probably inspired some boners?
    Haha this boner thing is getting a lot more play (pun intended) than I expected. It was just a throw-away comment, really.

  5. #1005
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Press - Intensity
    213x4- failed 5th rep, 225x1
    Notes: I really don't want to talk about this. Pissed. No excuse, this is 9lbs off my press PR for 5, and that was done before I was getting any heavy work on the bench to supplement. I just plain fucked this up. I was upset right away, rested 1 minute, changed the plates, and did a 225 single to get off the steam.

    Bench Press - Volume
    No problem

    BW x 9
    Notes: My left shoulder/pec insertion really doesn't like the bottom position of chins. I'm starting to suspect that this, more than actually benching, is what's causing the lingering issue, so I decided to scrap chins for now and move to pulldowns, where I can control the weight. The area seems totally fine with the movement at lighter loads than my own BW.

    Chin-Grip Pulldowns
    Notes: Felt fine. I'm gonna use these for now and see how shoulder reacts.

    DB Row
    95x10, 100x10x2
    Notes: Still easy-ish, just ramping up slowly. Gym has dumbbells by 5's up to 100, then 110 and 120 and that's it. This might present a problem soon if I want to use heavy weights and not do high rep Krocs.

    EZ Curl Bar OH Tri Extensions
    Bar + 70 x 14, Bar + 75 x13

    Alt DB Curlz
    50x8, 55x6
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 09-05-2013 at 07:37 PM.

  6. #1006
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    I've had problems with my shoulder with chins before. At the bottom position I feel like it's not protected and "unpacking" too far (over-extending? not pulling out of the socket, but stretching the tendons or something too much). Not sure how to explain it, but I have to not really bounce out of the bottom of the chin. I pretty much have to do close to dead stops or cut it short at the bottom and not do the full range of motion. Your solution sounds very reasonable to me and it's one of the reasons I like going to the globo: cable machines. CFSBK really needs some. Maybe if and when there's a bigger space and a dedicated strength area David will get something.... I can have my dreams.

    Hope to see you for drinks this weekend. I think it's BBQ at Dino on Sat. which is awesome.

  7. #1007
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Israel View Post
    I've had problems with my shoulder with chins before. At the bottom position I feel like it's not protected and "unpacking" too far (over-extending? not pulling out of the socket, but stretching the tendons or something too much). Not sure how to explain it, but I have to not really bounce out of the bottom of the chin. I pretty much have to do close to dead stops or cut it short at the bottom and not do the full range of motion. Your solution sounds very reasonable to me and it's one of the reasons I like going to the globo: cable machines. CFSBK really needs some. Maybe if and when there's a bigger space and a dedicated strength area David will get something.... I can have my dreams.

    Hope to see you for drinks this weekend. I think it's BBQ at Dino on Sat. which is awesome.
    I feel something similar, I think - if I understand what you're describing correctly - but I feel it when I bounce or do dead hangs. I suppose band assisted chins would accomplish the same, but I do like being able to titrate the weight more precisely as a lat pulldown allows.

    I think we're at the beer hall tomorrow night.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsilman View Post
    if your gym has a hammer strength iso-lateral row machine, for the love of pete, use it once you exhaust the DB rows.(or now, you know, whatever)

    that thing is freaking amazing, and it's the one machine I'll miss if I ever leave this gym.
    That's actually not a bad idea. I think they do have one. If I'm still training there, I might make use of it. Though I haven't used it for years, I did use it back in the day, even after I had stopped using any other machines.

  8. #1008
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I really enjoyed today's training at CFSBK with Petrizzo, D'Agostino, Osorio, and Rip present. Steve was there too, but mostly upstairs doing admin stuff. Having four really good sets of eyes on you when lifting and lifting in a great facility, makes a huge difference. I still pussied out and missed a squat I absolutely had no business missing, but it was a good day.

    It was also a great experience watching Rip coach Nick on his olympic lifts. And not bad watching Nick PR his snatch and C+J either. Much more impressive than any of my lifts.

    475x1, 495x1, 505xf, 315x1 with 1 band, 405x2 with 1 band
    Notes: As you can see in the vid, I missed the 505 way up towards the top. Nothing went wrong, I just ran out of gas. I think it was because I didn't mentally prepare and focus and decide "I am going to keep grinding through this rep no matter the fuck what!" which is what I need to do before heavy attempts. We were joking around until just a few seconds before the lift when I got focused. Didn't give it enough time. The best part here is in the video after the miss, Rip asks me "What happened, Wolf?"

    I had planned on a back-off triple at 455, but Rip wanted me to do banded squats to work on the point where I failed. I'd never done these before, so it was weird getting used to. Using bands that I think have ~75lbs tension at the top, I did a single at 315 to get used to it. Rip wanted a triple at 405 and then called me a pussy after I racked it after two reps. I was saving something for the deadlift. But it's true, I'm a pussy.

    I don't know if I'll attempt more than 500 at this meet, since I am not peaking for it and it's just a tune-up, but although my squat may not quite be where it was when I was hitting 500 for doubles, it's close. I just haven't trained with high intensity to get used to the motor unit recruitment requirements that limit/near limit attempts require.

    545x1, 575x1
    Both smooth and not too hard. But my hook grip wasn't solid enough at 575 and I felt the bar slipping a little, which is why I didn't hold it at lockout. I taped my thumbs to see how that feels for hooking a heavy dead, and it seems like my hook just isn't quite strong enough yet for my limit attempts. I plan to pull over 600 at this meet, but looks like I'll have to use an alternating grip, unfortunately.

    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 09-07-2013 at 01:23 PM.

  9. #1009
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    Dude, you were practically standing straight up on that 505 miss. I know, easy for me to say, but man that was freaking close.

    I almost tried to arrange with you to work out today during lunch, kind wish I had. Who all is coaching today?

    Too bad about Dino BBQ! I got an invite out to Rockaway from my cousin who I don't see enough so I'm headed out there tonight.

    Anyway, good lifting. I like your plan for the meet...

  10. #1010
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Dude its fine. Just remember that that kid with the red shirt side spotting you squatted 65 more pounds than that with a pause in the July meet. That will motivate you to find some gas somewhere....somewhere enough to finish the rep.

    Either way, you are so strong right now but you ayn ee know it.

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