I'm in a no-man's land this week, training-wise. I can train and feel mostly better, but am having the cyst removed next Tuesday, and will have another forced week (or so) off after that. Since I'm still ramping back up after time off and an infection, even if I push my absolute hardest, it won't accomplish anything worthwhile enough to make a difference in terms of where I come back after the post-removal week off. So the idea is to do enough this week so when I come back after that week off, it isn't further back than it otherwise would be. This is just really weird for me, because I'm used to either pushing forward, being on a planned/necessary deload, or ramping back up. Whereas this week I am just treading water, on purpose. It's weird. Anyway.
Bench Press
302x5, 313x5, 324x5
179x5, 190x5, 195x5
BW Chins
Nothing interesting on any of the lifts to note today.