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Thread: Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

  1. #2441
    Join Date
    May 2014


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    How wide do you grip for SGDL's compared to a regular snatch grip?

  2. #2442
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ChasingCurls69 View Post
    How wide do you grip for SGDL's compared to a regular snatch grip?
    Slightly narrower. I grip my SGDLs with my index finger just outside the olympic lifting ring. Were I snatching, I'd be a little wider.

  3. #2443
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Today was a very weird day. I woke up feeling hurt: my right trap and arm were really uncomfortable, like I slept on them wrong all night and never moved. My normal Friday coaching had all been rescheduled on the clients' ends till the evening, so I was considering just skipping training altogether. I got myself up for it and the pain went 100% completely away, and I ended up PRing my squat even though I wasn't feeling particularly strong today (aside from the painz). Today was also the first time squatting in a while where my knees didn't twinge at all. That was really nice.

    Squat (Belt+regular SBDs)
    465x2, 485x2 @7.5, 505x2 @8.5, 525x2 - PR @9.5, 405x8 @cardio
    Notes: Wasn't tight and got forward for almost all reps today, and didn't feel strong and explosive out of the hole. But despite that, everything still felt pretty good. Probably could have had 525x3 on that first go at it, if it hadn't been for clanging the safeties. I've been using that hole for a while and never so much as touched them, but I guess 525 was sinking me deeper. I lowered them one (inch) for the next go and made it, but had lost some steam for the second attempt. Might've had a really Petreeeezo level grindy 3rd rep, but 525x2 was already a 10lb PR for a double, so I was satisfied.

    Side note: How the hell does Karl do so many 8s?! I hate 8s.

    185x2, 205x2 @7.5, 225x2 @9, 232.5x2 @9.75, 185x7 @8.5
    Notes: Bleh.

    Power Clean Warmup
    135x2, 165x1, 185x2, 205x1, 225x1, 245x1, 255x1
    465x5 @6, 515x5 @8 - belt+hook
    405x5 - beltless, DOH
    Notes: Cleans were moving pretty well but was using iron plates and running out of time, so stopped at 255. Still not getting hips through at heavier weights, among some other issues, but it feels really good to just be doing the lift again, even for reduced reps.

    DLs were solid.

    Ran out of time for conditioning. Again. Will try to get to the gym early to do before coaching tomorrow, need to get on this. The 405x8 set winded me way more than it ought to have.

  4. #2444
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lexington, KY


    Awesome. Great work and glad to hear no pain on knees.

  5. #2445
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Long Island, NY


    Congrats on the PRs, buddy! It looked like you could have done 505x5. Also, isn't 525 only about 10lbs off your meet PR?

  6. #2446
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by John Petrizzo View Post
    Congrats on the PRs, buddy! It looked like you could have done 505x5. Also, isn't 525 only about 10lbs off your meet PR?
    Heh, I don't think I would've gotten 505x5, but probably 505x4. And yes, good memory! 535 is my meet and training PR; though I don't think it represented my 1RM either last summer or now, it's still the most I've ever done. Doing only 10lbs less for a double felt good.

  7. #2447
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Long day today with lots of volume.

    Squat (belt + XXL SBD)
    7x5 i.e. seven sets of five because that's how we write it when there's no weight written first.
    365 @6.5, 385 @7, 405@7, 425 @8, 380* @7.5, 365 @7.5, 355 @7
    *Uneven misload of intended 385
    Notes: Seven sets of five. A lot of volume for me, more than I've ever done for squat in one day, even at submax lourdes. And I still felt Friday's squats and pulls, too. The next few days should be really fun.

    175 @ 6, 185(b) @6.5, 195(b+w) @7, 202.5 @8, 205 @8.5, 192.5 @8, 185 @7.5
    Notes: I've done more volume on press, at higher intensities, when my press didn't suck back a few months ago. Still, this is a lot of volume for me lately.

    Power Clean
    115x2, 135x2, 155x2, 175x2, 195x2, 215x2, 225x2
    Notes: After all the squats and still not fully recovered from Friday's work, these kinda sucked. Though I'm strong enough I wouldn't have actually noticed till 195 if I wasn't paying close attention. 225 wasn't hard, just felt sluggish and off. Was out of time anyway, but I wouldn't have gone higher. Probably would have just done a couple more doubles at 225 and called it a day anyway.

  8. #2448
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    Nice to see the status of things here Mr. Wolf. Seven sets? Woah.

  9. #2449
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Costa Mesa, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    7x5 i.e. seven sets of five because that's how we write it when there's no weight written first.
    Should be a PSA.
    Take note, world.

  10. #2450
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    is that in the book ?
    ss3 ?
    or PP(#)
    I get so mixed up by 5x5, and 5x5.

    well, you know what I meant

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