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Thread: Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

  1. #2711
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Frustrated with my shoulder's slow progress, I stretched it aggressively yesterday, including lots of time forcing it into squat position with the PVC pipe. Unlike past days, I went well past the pain threshold and just kept doing it even though it hurt. Today I woke up without pain for the first time since the injury, had much greater pain-free and low pain ROM, and was able to get into low bar position well enough to do the lift. Made my day.

    Squat - rehbands, beltless
    [135,225,275,315,365,315] x5
    Notes: VERY excited to be able to do this today. Shoulder wasn't back to normal, so I had to bend my wrists back a bit to get into low bar position. I experimented with both thumbs around and thumbs over and ended up staying with thumbs over. Wore my wrist wraps due to the wrist bend and it was a little uncomfortable but didn't really distract my squatting. Knees were also mostly cooperative today. I was really, really, really happy to be able to do this.

    [15,25,35,45,55,60,60,45,45] x15

    Paused DL - DOH, beltless
    135x5, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3x2
    Notes: Easy but my back still isn't feeling great. Parts of my erectors feel like they've never really been the same since the stupid Pig Squat. Like they're just tight and wound up and won't relax no matter what I try. Pulling off the floor just feels bad, and like my back isn't solid and properly set.

    KB 1-A Press (Left only)
    20x5, 24x5, 28x5x2, 24x10

    C2 Erg - 250m / 1:30 rest x 4
    Paces: 1:58.6, 1:52.8, 1:52.0, 1:44.0
    Notes: Did four instead of two and went a little faster. Still slow but I have no conditioning base right now so the last one was actually a little hard.

  2. #2712
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lexington, KY


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    Frustrated with my shoulder's slow progress, I stretched it aggressively yesterday, including lots of time forcing it into squat position with the PVC pipe. Unlike past days, I went well past the pain threshold and just kept doing it even though it hurt. Today I woke up without pain for the first time since the injury, had much greater pain-free and low pain ROM, and was able to get into low bar position well enough to do the lift. Made my day.

  3. #2713
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nashville, TN


    Glad to hear about the shoulder improvement.

  4. #2714
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Shoulder was no better than on Weds. Still, at least I could squat some.

    Squat - rehbands, back to 1/2" heeled shoes
    [135,225,295,345] x5 - beltless
    [375,405] x5 - belt
    345x5 - beltless
    Notes: Felt some fatigue but pretty solid overall.

    [15,25,35,45,55] x15
    65x10, 75x8, 85x5x2, 45x20

    425x5 - L-up, beltless
    465x5 - hook, belt
    Notes: Pulls felt crappy again - that spot on my back just won't go away - but looked OK. Mixed grip bothered my shoulder so went back to hook for the top set. Thumbs were mad at me afterwards.
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 11-27-2015 at 06:20 PM.

  5. #2715
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Didn't do any rehab work on my shoulder Sat or Sun. It was slightly better today in getting into position with the PVC was once I got the actual bar, was about the same as Friday in terms of how well I could (or couldn't, as the case was) get into my preferred low bar position and how much it hurt. I did notice a slight improvement in pressing, so some small progress. MRI is tomorrow.

    [135,225,315,365,405(b),435(b),365] x5
    Notes: Everything hurt today. Shoulder, wrists (since they're not used to being bent back yet, even wrist wraps only help so much), back, and knees. Despite all that, the 435 was reasonably fast:
    I'll probably do the safety bar on Weds to give my shoulder a little break, and then plan to squat 455x5 on Friday.

    [15,30,45,60] x15; 75x10, 85x8, 95x5x2, 65x15, 45x15x2
    Notes: This felt better today. It's been painful towards and at lockout, but was less so today.

    SGDL - beltless
    135x5, [225,275,295,295,315] x3
    Notes: Back still jacked up, but I suppose these were light enough that didn't bother me much. Right shoulder felt some discomfort at 315; given that I wanted to keep the pulls lighter today anyway, I just stopped there.

    1-A KB Press (left arm only, beltless)

    C2 Erg
    : 250m/1:30r x4
    Paces: 1:53.8, 1:50.0, 1:50.8, 1:46.4

  6. #2716
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Califon, NJ


    At least your squats are coming back.

  7. #2717
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by tdood View Post
    At least your squats are coming back.
    Silver lining, eh? My squat never really left. I just couldn't do em for a while because of the shoulder. But it's definitely nice to be able to squat.

  8. #2718
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Got an MRI on my shoulder yesterday, haven't heard back with a report yet. Used the safety bar today to give my shoulder a break from the stress of the squat position.

    SSB Squat - romaleos, rehbands
    140x5, 200x5, 250x3, 290x3, 315x3, 340x3x2(b)
    Notes: Pretty easy but still a little fatigued from Monday's squats so didn't go any heavier.

    33x15, 45x15, 60x15, 75x10, 90x10, 100x8, 105x5x2, 85x10, 65x10, 45x15
    Notes: First day I was able to start with the women's bar without needing to warm up on the 15lb technique bar first.

    Paused DL (just below knee) - rogue 1/2", beltless
    135x5, 225x3, 315x3, 365x3x2 - DOH
    405x3x2 - hook
    Notes: Back was slightly less jacked than the past couple weeks, so these didn't feel so bad.

  9. #2719
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Got the radiologist's report on MRI back today and it's pretty ugly. Not going to go into full detail here, but a bunch of issues with my labrum and some other things that will require a consultation with a specialist and possibly surgery. Not certain yet, as I haven't seen the actual images, but it's pretty gnarly judging by the MRI report. On the brighter side, I got some dry needling work done Wednesday night for the first time ever (always been somewhat skeptical of it), and my knees and back both responded well and quickly. Back "lock up" eased off, and knees felt noticeably better when squatting today. Neither one is back to 100%, but improvement that I could feel is a good thing.

    Squat - SBDs
    135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 375x5, 425x5(b), 455x5 (b)@7.5, 405x5
    Notes: Pretty solid today. Shoulder position not any better than Monday, so wrists still as bent as they were. Pretty happy with the ease of 455x5 considering my last 5 weeks of training - or lack thereof - since the meet.

    33x15, 45x15, 65x15, 85x10, 95x8, 105x5, 107.5x5x2, 85x10, 65x10, 45x20
    Notes: Slowly creeping towards better. I can start at 33 now instead of 15, less discomfort all around, and no discomfort at all till I get to about 95.

    Deadlift - belt
    455x5 @6.5 - hook
    485x5 @7.5 - R up, which felt ok on my shoulder
    Notes: 455 felt good but 485 didn't, even though it moved OK. Back has improved, finally, but didn't like the 485 much even though it seems like I got and stayed squoze pretty well.

    1-A KB Press, left only
    20x6, 24x6, 28x6, 32x6x2, 24x12

    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 12-04-2015 at 10:48 PM.

  10. #2720
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    South Korea Incheon


    starting strength coach development program
    Not a training related injury but possibly surgery?No..Hope you hear a good results.I remember 2011 that when i teared my rotate cuff a little bit(also not training related injury),i heard 3times "it would be required surgery" in 3 hospitals.But i really didn't want a surgery.I went another last hospital,fortunately,4th hospital said that try a rehap and if didn't work then we will see again.So i tried a painful rehab,that time i was not able to 15kg woman bar press and one rep of the push up due to a severe pain and ROM.But i just endured the pain when rehabbing and it had been fully healed after several months of the rehab.I was lucky or just misdiagnose.I am not saying you need a rehab these time.But sometimes MRI report and Docs are not correct as i seen and experience.You are doing One arm press..we can see how much you love the training.Just some ramblings by hoping your shoulders are okay.

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