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Thread: Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

  1. #3361
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by neilc1 View Post
    I'm sorry, were you benching there ?
    good thing we stare at the ceiling,
    no distrations
    Say! Geronimo! Say, Say! Geronimo!

    You can also start to hear me say, as I get off the bench as the video cuts, "Do I even want to know what you did in the background?"

  2. #3362
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Not that surprisingly, still a little fatigued today from last week's overload.

    Press - dead stop, strict
    95x5, 135x5, 165x5, 185x5x3

    Close Grip Bench Press
    135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 255x5, 275x5x3

    BWx5x6 = 30 - these felt better than they have in weeks since the initial irritation.

  3. #3363
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Felt better and way more recovered today. Used the opportunity to do one more big bench volume workout, tapered the press. Will go light on both on Monday, try to hit a new Press PR on Weds, and a new bench PR the following Monday. Then will call this training cycle a wrap and back-off to off-season mode. I'm going to pull out of the meet, since I STILL Can't squat or DL, there's just no point. I'll have to come back strong for the fall classic and try to do something like 285/137.5/320 then. In the meantime, I need to get an umbilical hernia repaired and get my wisdom teeth out, so plan to get those scheduled close together so I miss the same training time for both, and not too far away so I have enough time to train up for the fall.

    Ok, that said:

    Bench Press - belt
    350x5x4, then last set 350x7 @8 - PR
    Notes: Crushed another volume bench PR today with 350x5x5 except they moved so well I did extra reps on the last set till it got to an @8. Figured my triceps wouldn't be too blown out by that to still be tired on Weds when I go for a new press PR.

    It's funny, on one hand I can't believe I just did 350x5x5 with two extra reps on the last set with no problem. That's huge. On the other, I did 335x5x3 in 2013, and 335x5x5 in 2014; I was on track to be a bench monster and just kept getting derailed by stupid things. Getting to 350x5x5 in 2017 is really not even a good rate of progress considering how long ago I was at those other benchmarks. But because of those stupid setbacks, it just feels huge.

    Press - belt only (no wraps)
    215x5 @8, 235x3 @8, 255x1 @8, 235x3 @8 205x5 @7.
    Notes: Priming the pump before Wednesday's PR attempt. Based on how 275 went last time, and being slightly more tapered this time than I was last time, my goal is 285 or 290. We shall see.

    255x1 @8 Press on IG

    BWx5x7 = 35. Easy and feels great, no pec strain.

    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 03-17-2017 at 11:27 PM.

  4. #3364
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    I guess that is what training success is in the end - once you get to a certain level, at least - being able to string a long enough period together without getting derailed by Life, Injury or whatever.

  5. #3365
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    on that hernia,
    any correlation between the lifts and the injury?
    forgive me if I missed it or just don't remember.

    hit them PRs and good luck on the repairs

  6. #3366
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Vid of the 350x7 @8 bench from yesterday.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris McCarthy View Post
    I guess that is what training success is in the end - once you get to a certain level, at least - being able to string a long enough period together without getting derailed by Life, Injury or whatever.
    Ya, and in my case with Wolf's Disease, those periods have not been often.

    Quote Originally Posted by neilc1 View Post
    on that hernia,
    any correlation between the lifts and the injury?
    forgive me if I missed it or just don't remember.

    hit them PRs and good luck on the repairs
    Nope, no correlation that I'm aware of. But it's there and has been bothering me for nearly 6 months now, so time to schedule the preliminary appointments to start the process of getting it repaired.

  7. #3367
    Join Date
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    Wolf's Disease: First World Problems Edition once again rears its ugly head. I have developed the mysterious dead triceps/shoulders syndrome, the same one I got right before my last meet in October 2015, that caused me to scale back all my press attempts by 10-15 lbs.

    Still planning to PR my Press Wednesday because fuck Wolf's Disease.

  8. #3368
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    95x5, 135x4, 165x3, 185x2, 205x1, 185x2
    Walkout+short holds: 235, 265 295 (this felt heavy AF)
    Notes: Presses were easy, but could feel the tricep and delt fatigue. That said, it was less than I thought it would be so hoping it'll be more cleared up by Weds.
    The walkouts felt very solid at 235 and 265. 295 felt like 2950. But I had no belt and wraps, and jumped straight from 265. The plan on Weds, if I feel fine and don't need to make any gametime adjustments is: 265x1, 280x1, 290x1. Then 245 or 250 for a back-off set of 5.

    135x5, 185x5, 235x5, 255x3x2
    Notes: Light and easy.


  9. #3369
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    New Jersey


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    The plan on Weds, if I feel fine and don't need to make any gametime adjustments is: 265x1, 280x1, 290x1. Then 245 or 250 for a back-off set of 5.
    I hope you can channel your inner Serge Reding for this momentous occasion

  10. #3370
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Arnold View Post
    I hope you can channel your inner Serge Reding for this momentous occasion
    A zero-layback, upper body driven press with about half the weight that the Mastadon known as Reding bulled over his head. That's me!

    Except my tris and delts are still fried AF. Dammit.

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