Close Grip Bench Press
225x6, 245x6x2
45x10, 75x8, 95x8, 115x8x3
Recline Rows
BW x8x5
Kept it simple and short today, no stuff that really exerts or stretches my midsection much.
Bench Press
285x5, 305x5, 285x5, 225x10
BWx8x2, 16kg x8, 20kg x8x4
BWx5, 6, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3
BWx3x2 = 41 total
45x10, 75x8, 95x8, 105x8, 115x8x2
Notes: Adding 10 lbs to RDLs seemed fine. Chins - higher reps seemed to bug the ventral repair site, so cut it to lower reps and touched feet back down to floor briefly between reps instead of hanging and doing a rebound/stretch reflex out of the bottom.
45x5x2, 75x5x2, 95x5x2, 105x5x3
KB Swings
16kg x15x5
Notes: Press mistakenly wrote 105 last time, when it was 100. Today I did 105. Swings I did 3 sets American style over my head, even though I generally prefer Russian swings, just to make it a bit harder since 20kg still seems to be too much.
DB Curls
45x7x2, 35x10
Close Grip Bench Press
225x6, 245x6x2
45x10, 75x8, 95x8, 115x8x3
Recline Rows
BW x8x5
Kept it simple and short today, no stuff that really exerts or stretches my midsection much.
Bench Press
315x5, 290x5x2
BWx8x2, 16kg x10, 20kgx10x4, BWx10
Notes: Added some SQ volume, still obviously very easy. BP feels slow but is moving OK, just been so long since I did anything heavy, lost the feeling of grinding.
45x10, 85x8, 115x8, 125x8x3
Ring Rows
Notes: Ring rows much harder than the rows I did on the barbell the other day. Lower height and the instability of the rings vs the fixed bar, probably.
45x5, 75x5, 95x5, 105x5, 112.5x5x2
DB Curls
Adopted a 100 lb ball of canine muscle and energy this weekend, so have been very busy getting him settled in, adapting him to walking on the very busy and noisy streets, etc... I actually missed a meal due simply to being too busy and forgetting, possibly for the first time ever as an adult. Plus less sleep. So today's benches were on the harder side. Can't imagine how it would've felt trying to squat 455x5x5 today.
Bench Press
325x5 @9, 295x5x2 @7
BWx10x2, 25x10, 20kgx10x5
Notes: As noted above, 325 bench was a lot harder than expected but given my lack of sleep and normal schedule since Saturday, it makes sense.
45x10, 85x8, 115x8, 125x8, 135x8x3
Reverse Rows - Supine Grip
Standing French Press
57x10, 67x10, 72x10
Last edited by Michael Wolf; 11-06-2017 at 10:00 PM.
6s up to 255x6x2
Ring Rows
KB Swing
16x12, 20x12x5
45x5x2, 75x5, 95x5, 115x5x2
At Kratos Strength in Evanston, near my old stomping grounds/where I grew up.
Bench Press
335x3, 295x5
Notes: Instead of using one of the super solid R3+Platform set-ups, I opted to bench on the janky upright the support bench which wobbled all over the place, which was silly. So I stopped after 3 reps of the top set and only did one back-off. I didn't notice till 265, and by then was too lazy to switch stations. It's fine.
45x10, 85x8, 115x8, 135x8, 145x8x2
Bench Press
135x8, 185x8, 225x8, 245x8. Then 245x8x2 - feet up
BWx8x2, 12kg x8, 16kg x8x3, 12kg x8
Notes: Ventral repair still frustratingly sensitive at this point, even when purposely not arching all the way. So did feet up on bench 245x8x2 to finish, so my back would stay flatter and less arched.
Rack Pull - just above knee
135x5, 185x5, 225x5x2
Notes: This was OK all around, so seems like I can add weight here.
Recline Rows - barbell
KB Swing
20kg x12 x5
Have you had any follow ups with the doc who did the surgery?