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Thread: Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

  1. #3631
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


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    Quote Originally Posted by BigA View Post
    Hey Wolf, I am sorry to hear about your injury woes.

    I have been following this log for a while and I think somewhere along the line, I missed why your knees are giving you trouble. What happened to your knees that they are causing problems?
    I didn't detail it. I've been very public and real about a lot of things here, but I just wanted to keep this one to myself, you can read my post about it here: Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

    It's rare, unknown why it happened to me, and structural in nature - meaning, not just soft tissue related. Not tendonitis or tendonosis. There is also no current slam dunk fix. I'm attempting a first course of treatment this week, and I'm hopeful it will help, but not banking on it. There's a decent chance I'll be stuck with this severe pain with resisted knee extension (or eccentric flexion) for the foreseeable future.
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 01-28-2018 at 09:57 PM.

  2. #3632
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Bench Press - 3" belt
    265x5, 285x5x2, 325x1
    Nothing of note here, really. 285 felt like an @8.5, looked like a 6.5-7, and should be a 3.

    Block Pulls - 6" block, mid-shin
    Fahves at: 135, 225, 315, 365 - DOH, beltless
    405 @6 - mixed, 3" belt
    435x1, 465x1 @6 - mixed, belt
    BWx6x2, BWx5x3, BWx4x2 = 35
    Notes: Block pulls went well, so skipped ahead a bit and went to 405x5. Still pretty easy though definitely felt hard enough to be "work" and not warmup. Easy work, but work. Grip on DOH at 365 wasn't great; last rep couldn't have held for a 5 count after lockout. But it does seem to be improving a little as I go up. Mixed grip seems solid at these weights so far. On track to do 500x1 next week if all goes well.

    Standing French Press w/EZ Curl Bar
    67x8, 87x8x2

  3. #3633
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Press - belt + wraps
    200x5x3 @8.5ish.
    Notes: Still disappointed these don't "pop" more and are as hard as they are, but at least I'm now past where my LP ended and back in the 200 club.

    200x5 Press on IG

    Barbell Row
    135x5, 225x5, 265x5x3


    DB Curls
    40x8, 50x6, 7

    Then I tried a handstand pushup to see if I could still do one. I can't remember the last time I did one but I'd guess last spring. Spoiler: I did it, pretty easily.

  4. #3634
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    Glad to see you're back in the 200 club!

    Here's hoping your joint luck improves in the New Year.

    (I've never written the words "joint luck" before. It feels weird but I'm sure it's a good omen)

  5. #3635
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Maybe I should start the Joint Luck Club???

  6. #3636
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Block Pulls - 6"
    Fives at 135, 225, 315, 375, 415 (mixed + added belt)
    455x1, 495x1 - felt like @9 but was probably @6.
    365x1 + 5s hold DOH; 315x1 +10s hold DOH
    Notes: Rack area was busy so did these first. 375x5 was done DOH but not super solid. Still, definitely couldn't have done that a few weeks ago.

    495 block pull on IG

    Bench w/3" belt
    275x5, 295x5, 315x1, 335x1 295x5 @8ish by feel, didn't film to confirm.
    Notes: A little harder than expected. Meh.

    BWx3x6 - did these between rack pulls to save time, so kept reps low.
    BWx6,6,7 = 37 total

    Standing EZ Curl French Press
    72x10, 92x8x2

    4 rounds, escalating rest starting at 60s, adding 10s per round
    5 snatches/arm @16kg
    10 swing @24kg
    2 strict HSPU

  7. #3637
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Long Island, NY


    Good to see things starting to progress again for you, Wolf!

  8. #3638
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    205x5x3 @8.5-9
    Notes: Blargh. Be easier, dammit.

    Block Pulls - 6" blocks
    185x5, 275x5, 365x5 - DOH
    405x5 - mixed
    430x5 @6 - mixed, belt
    BWx6x5, BWx5x2 = 40
    Notes: Pulls still feel hard but move fast. Grip, esp left hand, still weak but improving little by little as the weights go up.

    DB Curls
    40x10, 50x8
    Notes: Dropped a set today since I added the ring rows. Will add back in after giving some time to adjust to the additional work of these circuits.

    4 rounds with escalating rest like last time: starting at 60s and adding 10s rest after each
    5 ring rows
    10 KB Swings @32kg
    Alt 8/7 pushups (so 30 total)
    Notes: Took just under 7 mins total. Pretty easy but HR was still 165ish by the end.

  9. #3639
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Bench Press - 3" belt
    305x5x3 @8ish
    335x1, 350x1 @9
    Notes: Still feeling much weaker than I should here, but 10 lbs jumps are still going for now. The good news / bright side is that today was the first day I could pull the 45 lb bumpers off the pegs with one hand and pinch grip them and put them on the bar with a secure hold. I have been doing that as much as possible, but my grip, especially the left hand, has been iffy - sometimes I couldn't do it, and other times the plates would be almost slipping out. Today I had super secure, locked in holds. Nothing to do with my actual lifts, but a nice signaling that my strength is coming back after a long ass time.

    Barbell Row
    Notes: First set felt awfully crappy off the floor, but ok after that. Not being able to do the full normal set-up, and having to do these essentially SLDL style is annoying.

    Notes: Added a set of pullups.

    5 rounds, 1 min rest between rounds
    KB Clean + Press: 24kg x 1+1, 1+2, 1+3 / each side
    KB Swing: 24kg x15

    Meant to do triceps afterwards but forgot. Womp.

  10. #3640
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    Still feeling much weaker than I should here
    Huh. If it makes you feel better, I've felt that way for about a year now.

    The good news / bright side is that today was the first day I could pull the 45 lb bumpers off the pegs with one hand and pinch grip them and put them on the bar with a secure hold.
    Good stuff. Now you can throw them at people who annoy you.

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