Bench Press - 3" belt
265x5, 285x5x2, 325x1
Nothing of note here, really. 285 felt like an @8.5, looked like a 6.5-7, and should be a 3.
Block Pulls - 6" block, mid-shin
Fahves at: 135, 225, 315, 365 - DOH, beltless
405 @6 - mixed, 3" belt
435x1, 465x1 @6 - mixed, belt
BWx6x2, BWx5x3, BWx4x2 = 35
Notes: Block pulls went well, so skipped ahead a bit and went to 405x5. Still pretty easy though definitely felt hard enough to be "work" and not warmup. Easy work, but work. Grip on DOH at 365 wasn't great; last rep couldn't have held for a 5 count after lockout. But it does seem to be improving a little as I go up. Mixed grip seems solid at these weights so far. On track to do 500x1 next week if all goes well.
Standing French Press w/EZ Curl Bar
67x8, 87x8x2