You're moving back stateside to AZ? And want to open a gym?
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Press - 4" belt + wraps
255x1 @8, 230x3x3 @8-8.5
Bench - 3" belt, wraps (for the last 4 sets)
345x5x5 @8-8.5
Deadlift - 1ct pause
435x5x2, one set mixed grip, one set straps
Notes: Pauses were a little short, haven't done these in a while and might not again. Back didn't love the pauses.
DB Row
110x10x4 - fairly but not absolutely strict
Leg Press - Using weight of plates only, since don't know what sled weighs
90x8, 180x8x3
Cable Reverse Flyes
DB Curls
Notes: I thought this matched my PR, but apparently I did 60x9 four years ago. Not that I actually care about a DB curl PR, nor is there exactly an objective criteria for these reps, but I guess I need to do 60x10. I don't think I could quite do that right now, but I'm getting back up there. I don't remember my arms being so jacked in 2014 but apparently they were.
Ah shitsnacks, I copy and pasted the wrong link. And when I went back to look for it, I found that I actually DID 60x10 around the same time:
Sheeeeit. Now I have to do what? 60x11? 65x8? I guess my guns aren't what they used to be. FOUR YEARS AGO. How does time fly so fast??? At least my press and bench are higher: I benched 333x5x5 that workout with some tough 5th reps, having done a very hard 335x5x5 a couple months prior. I just did 345x5x5 on Monday with no reps being that hard (@8-8.5 on all sets, despite being a kind of crappy day in general after an exhausting weekend). I suspect I'll be able to drive up to or close to 365x5x5 before I switch to "off season" training (I can't compete, except in bench-only, so it's not literally in and off season, but conceptually, as in, not pushing as hard for a period of time). Hopefully hit a PR single in the bench and press too, maybe something like 475-485 bench and 300-305 in the press. Then ramp it up again later in the year and push for 315/500. If I can get it sooner, I'll take it, but even with a much bigger upper body focus than I've ever done before (except for last spring), making gains in the bench and press at that rate is unlikely. Not impossible - for all my years training, I've had so many interruptions that I've never really been that far past early Intermediate style training, and even right now, I'm basically working on only a 2 week cycle. Of course, I'm not PRing yet, so when I get back to all time PR level, I probably won't be able to hit new PRs every 2 weeks for very long, but I think I can scratch a few out - I had a bit more in the tank before I shut it down last spring, so if anything, I may be able to pick up that low hanging fruit before having to slow things down.
Heavy-ish light day.
Press: Dead Stop, Strict
BB Rows
295x5, 315x5x2
Standing EZ Curl French Press
107x10, 117x8, 10
Was supposed to row but I started my workout late and crossfit classes had already begun, and were using all the rowers so did some KBs.
5 rounds, 45s rest between rounds
12 swings @ 32kg
5 snatches / arm @ 24kg
Probably nothing could epitomize all in one snapshot how vast a gulf separates my outlook on how a gym should be run vs the actual outlook of my gym.
Remember the story from last week, where I was 1-2 inches away from serious injury because of the dumbfucks?
Well, the dumbfucks post a highlight reel video to IG - including wearing their tshirts of a competitor gym a block away - and my gym comments "thanks for dropping in!"
Yup, thanks for dropping in, being obnoxious, loud, and disrespectful to the space and equipment, and almost killing our strength coach! Thumbs up!
So, not dealing with it anymore. That was the last straw and I gave notice earlier this week. When I walked downstairs for class and my entire strength area was full of rogue plyo boxes with crossfitters doing box jump-overs in what is supposed to be the area reserved for my class, leaving my people with nowhere to go or stand when not literally inside their racks - and with 2-3 people sharing a rack, this is a big problem - I couldn't have possibly felt more strongly that I made the right decision. The stupidity and degradation of my own standards that I have to continually deal with have gone past the point of my patience. I will finish out the current cycle, and then I will not be teaching for them anymore. After that I may have to figure out somewhere else to train and travel extensively to do so, but sometimes you just can't put up with the bullshit anymore and still wake up and look at yourself in the mirror the next day.
Bench - 3" belt
385x1, 355x3x3
Notes: Feeling a little beat up but moved well.
Press - 4" belt + wraps
Notes: Felt hard and crappy, moved fast. Same as bench more or less.
Block Pulls - 6"
Notes: These actually felt pretty good. Had some snap and grip was solid too.
585x3 block pull on IG
Bro Work
Seated Cable Row
1x10, 4x8
Straight Arm Lat PD
DB Curls
45x8, 60x8x2
Sorry that things went the way they did. I think that it is the gym's loss that you won't be there teaching anymore.
Hope you find somewhere else that you can teach your classes.