HA! I am surprised he did not ask to work in with you. He must have finished his power cleans before you got there.Also, Alec Baldwin saw me cleaning. He was busy doing his e-z curl bar preacher curls, though
HA! I am surprised he did not ask to work in with you. He must have finished his power cleans before you got there.Also, Alec Baldwin saw me cleaning. He was busy doing his e-z curl bar preacher curls, though
Legs felt a little heavy before I started. Hard to tell if this is due to lack of recovery or the fact that I have to walk about 120 stairs (60/leg, about 85/15 ratio up:down) between the subway and the gym before I get to the squat rack (damn you, NYC). Went OK though.
45x5x2, 135x5, 225x3, 295x1, 335x1, 375x5x5
Squat Notes: ~5 min rest. Easier than last week, but still harder than it should be. Noticed myself getting forward a bit, self-filmed set #4 and lo and behold, the dreaded knee slide was still making an appearance. Just a little, but enough to make this harder than it should be. I really need to zero in on this and eliminate it. Will post video when it's done uploading.
45x5, 95x5, 135x3, 175x1, 192.5x5x3
Press Notes: After ~4 mins rest, almost failed the last rep of set #2. Rested 6 mins, and then made set #3. I've been olympic pressing the first rep, then stretch reflexing reps 2-5. For set #3, I could tell I wasn't going to make it off the reflex, so I re-set and did another olympic style and made it more easily than reps 3 and 4. Perhaps my Press 2.0 skills have now surpassed my stretch reflex press. Been a long time coming.
Triceps are clearly the weak point here. The bar blasts off my shoulders and then slows way down around my forehead.
Video of set #1 will go up when uploaded.
205x4, 315x2, 405x1, 475x5
DL Notes: Technically, and I really only mean technically, this is a PR. Only because I've never attempted it before. When I pulled 580 at the Dec 1 meet, after squatting, benching, and pulling 8 previous limit or near limit attempts over 8 hours, I could obviously have done more than 475x5. Probably 505x5. Anyway, it felt pretty strong and definitely wasn't a limit set. Hook grip was tight.
Did 2 sets of rolling dumbbells after this, just to get the feel of it. Going back and forth between those and LTE's to use as tricep assistance. Been so long since I did isolation work, felt odd. 25x10 and 30x10.
EDIT: added video below. Notes:
1. I’m too lazy to edit, so pardon the 40 second delay between end of squats and beginning of deadlifts.
2. I didn’t do it in this order, I did squats then presses then deadlifts.
3. Squat is 375x5 (fourth set of five total sets of 375x5). Press is 192.5x5 (first set of three at that weight). Deadlift is 475x5. For those of you too lazy to read my whole post.
4. I know the angles and lighting suck. I didn’t have anyone to video the sets so had to prop my phone up against whatever I could.
Last edited by Michael Wolf; 02-25-2013 at 05:20 PM. Reason: added video
Strong work, Wolf. I have the dreaded knee slide problem too and it absolutely fucks up my squat and makes moderate effort weights far harder than they should be.
good to see that your back to hitting some strong numbers again! Hope to get a lift in with you again soon bud.
Everything looked easy to me. Strong work bromontana.
I am def making the switch to hook after this meet. My supinated hand is the limiting factor in my deadlift right now.
technically LTE's and Rolling DB's are a compound movement brother. : )))
Thanks Dave. Good to see you're back at full strength too.
Thanks. Knee slide is no good for nobody. On this set, the bar comes an inch or two forward right out of the hole on reps 2,3, and 5 - and that extra inch is expensive: on 5x5 day it adds up by volume and on 5RM days, it's easily the difference between a completed and a failed set. I will have to coach myself out of it, again.
After going through this process myself, I really do recommend the hook. The narrower and even grip makes everything about my set-up feel better.
Heh, touche'. Though after discussion with Andy Kingwood Baker, I'm going to try seated overhead E-Z Curl extensions. Strict. Which fit into the "torch the tris" category. All bro, all the time up in Wolf's Log. And that line of smiley faces...who do you think you are, Matt Reynolds?!?
Gotta stay ahead of you. It looks bad when a guy 1/4 of my weight (not counting mustache) is outlifting me.
Last edited by Michael Wolf; 02-26-2013 at 04:00 PM.
TM Recovery.
Squat - the usual front squat then high bar then add weight, repeat.
Front Squat: 45x3, 85x3, 125x3, 155x3, 185x3, 205x3
HB Squat: 45x3, 85x3, 125x3, 155x3, 185x3, 205x3, 225x3
Squat Notes: All super easy. Then did 2 sets of 3 squats and a single at 275 with a focus on staying SUPER tight and no knee slide. Got it.
Incline Bench Press
45x5, 95x5, 135x3, 185x1, 205x5x2
IBP Notes: Planned on 205x8x3 but it was a little harder than I expected. I could have done it but figured since I'm just getting into these and this is recovery day, no need to push. I can ease back in. So just did the 2 sets of 5.
Notes: Could have done more here too, but also easing back in to more upper body work as shoulder gets better, so don't want to over-do it too soon.
Old man runs: 1 min walk/1 min run x 6 - started at 5.5, finished at 7.9. Then a 30 second run @8.8. Pretty easy all around, I may be ready to step these up a bit. Gotta keep volume low though. Also didn't need to wrap ankle in ace bandage to run today, for the first time since the sprain.
This forum keeps getting busier. I updated my log Wednesday around 5, and I'm already on the 3rd page. Cool. Had a great Intensity Day today.
45x5x2, 135x5, 245x3, 335x2, 405x1, 440x5
Squat Notes: This is the 3rd or 4th time I've done 440x5, but it's still the most I've done for 5. Till next week. First 2 reps were right on point and tight. Next three reps not quite as good but all were no doubt about it, felt much better and stronger than last week. Nutrition has been better and although sleep has still been scant this week (~5hrs avg, and waking up multiple times), I did get about 7 hrs last night and it definitely helped. Video to follow once it uploads.
45x5, 95x5, 135x3, 175x1, 197.5x5 - PR, 210x1x3
Press Notes: Switched strategy a bit here, from 10 singles to a 5-rep PR/5RM and then 2-3 more heavy singles. I've done 195x5x3 but 197.5x5 is technically a PR. Since I'm doing some dedicated tricep work at the end of this workout, I'm lowering the volume somewhat. For example, today, 5 reps @ 197.5 + 3 reps @ 210 = 1618 total tonnage. Vs 207.5x10 singles = 2075 total tonnage. 22% reduction, but still enough for in the Press for ID.
Video of Squat and Press:
Power Cleans
135x3, 160x3, 180x3, 200x3, 220x3, 225x3x2
PC Notes: For the record, cleaning in front of a mirror sucks giant monkey balls. The mirror is about 25ft away, but it's huge. So I can look at a spot closer on the floor, but as soon as I hit the jump, I see myself it the mirror no matter what I do, and it fucks everything up. So these were harder than they ought to be, despite having a good bar, bumpers, and even a platform.
I am checking out a new gym tonight. It's a bit far and I'll have to convince them to let me open gym, but I'm really desperate for something better.
[B]Seated Tricep EZ-Curl Bar Extensions:[B]
Bar x 12, Bar +30 x12x2
Bro-Work Notes: Torched the Tris, brah. Haven't done anything like this in about forever and a half. Don't know what the EZ curl bars here weigh, I assume 25. I was surprised that 12 reps @ only 55lbs got me fatigued, but it was after all the other work too. Still, felt kinda lame. Maybe the ol' Triceratops need to get used to isolated work again.
If you're wondering what I'm doing, it's basically this (if you ignore the silliness): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QITWQLL-mfs
Chose them after talking to Andy Baker about my triceps weak-point in the press. I may try them standing next week.
Old Man Runs: 1 min walk/1min run x 5, then 30s burst to finish.
Started @ 5.6, finished @ 8.0, burst @ 9.0.
Think I may be ready to run 200s again.
Last edited by Michael Wolf; 03-01-2013 at 04:05 PM.