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Thread: Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    **UPDATE 12/4/12**
    Figured it's time I update this opening post, as I've done two meets and progressed a lot since starting this log over 10 months ago.

    I competed in my first PL Meet on May 19, 2012 and went 6/9 for a 1330 total as a 242:
    Squat: 415, 440, 455 no lift
    Bench: 320 no lift (forgot to wait for "rack" command), 340, 360
    Deadlift: 490, 530, 545 no lift

    I continued training after that meet, but had 3 setbacks of significant time, 1 to let tendinitis heal, the other 2 due to illness. Which was odd because I hadn't gotten sick since 2008, but it is what it is.

    I competed again on December 1, 2012 and again went 6/9, this time for a 1445 total as a 275:
    Squat: 475, 500, 515 no lift
    Bench Press: 365 no lift, 365, 375 no lift
    Deadlift: 550, 570, 580

    I was very disappointed by my bench as I'd hit 365 several times easily in training, and 375 fairly easily as well, but happy with my Squat and DL performance. My next goal is to surpass 1500 in my next meet (probably spring 2013, and be at or within striking distance of a 1600 raw total by end of 2013. I don't know yet whether I'll stay up at 275 or try to cut back down to be a 242. Likely the former. My current 'walking around' weight is about 255.

    Another one of those "didn't know where to put this" logs. Could have been in Intermediate, or Competitive. Chose the latter because I do compete in PL, even though I'm an early stage Intermediate and am currently running a novice progression as I return to former strength levels from injury.

    I've been "working out" for 10+ years, lifting seriously for a few years. I work as a trainer and coach, but for a long time my job responsibilities prevented me from perfect consistency, or ability to work out long enough to do the programs I wanted (i.e. I'd only have 75 minutes, total, including time to change and shower). As of the end of 2010, my PR Lifts at a BW of ~230 and 6' tall, and about to turn 29 were:

    Squat 1RM: 405 - high bar.
    Bench Press 1RM: 405 - but this was done in 2005, when all I did was bench. Recent 1RM in BP was...I really don't remember, but probably mid 300's.
    Deadlift 1RM: 505
    Press 1RM: 225
    Power Clean 1RM: 285

    Eager to hit some big PRs in 2011, I quickly lost most of 2011 to 3 injuries:
    1. An ankle sprain in March that prevented squats and DLs for about a month. Have a long history of BAD ankle sprains, so am more sensitive to this than most. The week that healed, in April, I...
    2. Mysteriously hurt my back with a DL warmup set at 275 AT Rip's SS Seminar (Brooklyn, April 2011). If ever there was an epic fail, that was it. Was absolutely NOT the fault of Rip or any of the coaches - just one one those things that somehow happens. Symptoms of herniated discs, but MRI said no. Either way, couldn't train the squat or DL for about 6 months.
    3. August, playing pickup basketball, gone a bone bruise on my right palm while bracing myself for impact against the ground after diving to save a loose ball. Palm struck a stone on the outdoor court. Could not even close my hand into a fist for 2 weeks, and couldn't do any pressing movements (bench or OH) at all with my right hand for 3+ months. Still doesn't feel quite 100% even now, 5 months later, but almost.

    When I could finally train everything again - Squats, Presses, DLs, Bench Presses, and Power Cleans - it was late November/early December. I don't remember exactly, because I wasn't keeping a log.

    Now, I just turned 30 and have been re-Starting Strength (slightly modified) for a couple months now. Decided it was finally time to keep a log here. I'm still 6' tall, current weight is 238.

    I will be competing in a PL meet in May, and currently have the following goals based on where I had to start from when I resumed training after the long injury-based lay-off (subject to change based on training and life stuff):
    1st attempt: 365/335/500
    2nd attempt: 385/350/525
    3rd attempt: 400/365/540

    First 'logged' workout will be happening today at about 1:30pm. Will post actuals this afternoon or evening. Planned is:

    Foam Roll/SMR/Movement Prep/Blah blah blah
    Squat 305x5x3
    Press 188x5x3
    Power Clean 135x3, 165x3, 195x2, 215x2x2
    Pullups: 8-10 x 4

    1/4 Mile Runs: 3-5 @ ~8.5mph (treadmill)
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 12-04-2012 at 06:49 PM. Reason: Lots to update since log started

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default 1/30/2012

    Foam Roll/SMR: Erectors, Hams, Quads, ITB. TFL felt tight so spent some time there too.
    Basic movement prep stuff I always do prior to lifting.

    Squat: 305x5,6,5 - I lost my rep count on set #2, like an idiot. 80% sure I did 6, but may have been 5.
    Press: 188x5x3
    Power Clean: 135x3, 165x3, 195x2, 215x2x2
    Pullups: 10,9,8
    Neutral Grip: 8

    1/4 mile runs: 4, at 7.7-8.7mph

    Squat felt OK, not great. Better than Friday's, which felt really crappy at 300. I let my knees come forward on a few reps, but overall felt like bar path was better/straight than last time.

    Presses were fine. Last rep of 3rd set was a grinder, but not too much. I should get 190 next time.

    Power Cleans - going light because I'm still cleaning 2x/week, Mon and Fri. Don't want to be too fatigued for Wednesday's DLs. 215x2x2 is easy, but I feel like something is off in my form. I'm not getting good explosion in the 2nd pull. Probably need a video.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default 2/1/2012

    Did foam rolling/smr as usual today, except with my NEW BALLS! I have been using 2 tennis balls athletic-taped together for about 2 yrs, to smr my lumbar and thoracic erectors before lifting. Picked up 2 lacrosse balls yesterday, bound em together, and used them for the first time today. The harder balls definitely upped the ante (that's what she said). Left TFL was a bit tight, so spent some time on that.

    KB Swing (I like to do these before squats or deads - I find it good prep)
    Hip Flexor Stretch in between

    155x5, 235x3, 315x1, 365x1, 420x3x2
    Was @ a gym with slightly thicker bars. Knurl was OK, so was able to hold on, but grip was a slight issue. Will need to start bringing chalk with me. The fact that I'm lifting enough weight again to need chalk is encouraging.

    I've literally never done this before - prior to my first 420x3 work set, I had the bar loaded, had rested up, and was ready to go. Got myself in the zone, set up, big breath & valsalva, squeezed chest up, pulled....left side came right up, right side didn't. WTF?!?! I had forgotten to load the 4th 45 on the left side. Like a fool! I had to re-load, then rest another 2 minutes before hitting the set. You can't fix stupid!

    Bench Press:
    135x5, 175x3, 215x2, 245x1, 285x5x3
    Last rep of last set was sloooow, but otherwise fine.

    10,8 - just 2 sets because I was feeling it from the DL

    Recovery Squat:
    Literally forgot to do it. On DL day, I usually squat 2x5 @ ~80% of last 3x5 squat workout, just to practice form and active recovery. I plain old forgot.

    C2 Erg Intervals:
    6 intervals of 200m Row / 1:30 rest. Pace per 500m below.
    1:55, 1:45, 1:41, 1:39, 1:39, 1:34

    Overall felt strong and good. Will be interesting to see how Squatting 310 feels on Fri, specially after skipping squats today.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf View Post

    I'll try some KB swings for warm-up: sounds like a reasonable idea...

    Where and when is your meet again?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Is View Post

    I'll try some KB swings for warm-up: sounds like a reasonable idea...

    Where and when is your meet again?
    I have really come to like the KB Swing/Hip Flexor Stretch combo after foam rolling a warm-up for squats and deads. It works a similar movement pattern to the DL and LB Squat, but doesn't need much of a warm-up of its own to just DO. Enough weight to get a good warmup effect + speed and acceleration that I feel like it activates some of those motor units in a similar way to those who Power Clean to warmup the Deadlift.

    Much less of that effect, I'm sure, but also much less fatigue. After 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps and some hip flexor stretching, I feel way better when I approach the bar to Squat or DL.

    My meet is May 19th in Pine Bush, NY. About an 90 mins upstate. It's on here:

    Doing it with a couple people I know a bit from Equinox. One is trying to hit a 600 pull at a bw of 180-something!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    Cool, that's pretty close. I've been trying to scope out meets that aren't too far away, surprisingly few as we've discussed.

    600 pull? Wow, that's no joke. I'm still working towards 400, it's depressing sometimes how slowly my dead is going up. I've got long arms too, that's suppose to help!

    Anyway, I'll try the KB/Hip flexor stretch combo. I've haven't done a KB swing in about 6 months...

    I would consider trying to do May 19th, but it's my anniversary. Hopefully I'll be scuba diving that week or something.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default 2/3/2012

    Foam roll/lacrosse balls/movement prep/ etc...

    Didn't do KB Swings because KBs were on a different floor than the squat rack I chose. Didn't want to go upstairs and back down again.


    190x5,4 - failed the 5th rep. Next set was 185x5.

    Power Cleans
    75kgx2 - did 2 presses after the 2nd rep, as a makeup for my missed press

    Pullups (neutral grip)
    BW x 10 x 3

    C2 Erg: 200m/1:45 rest @
    1:52, 1:45, 1:39, 1:37, 1:35 (all pace per 500m)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Is View Post
    Cool, that's pretty close. I've been trying to scope out meets that aren't too far away, surprisingly few as we've discussed.

    600 pull? Wow, that's no joke. I'm still working towards 400, it's depressing sometimes how slowly my dead is going up. I've got long arms too, that's suppose to help!

    Anyway, I'll try the KB/Hip flexor stretch combo. I've haven't done a KB swing in about 6 months...

    I would consider trying to do May 19th, but it's my anniversary. Hopefully I'll be scuba diving that week or something.
    Give the Swing/stretch combo a try, curious to hear what you think of it. I like it a lot. Low volume swings (6-10 reps) with a slightly ascending/medium weight.

    I'm hoping to get a 540 pull at this meet in May, at a bodyweight around 235. Not gonna watch my weight like a hawk, but I'll be in the 242 class. 600 at 180-something is legit. I hope to get 600 by end of 2012. But I'm a better DLer than squatter by far - a 400 squat at the meet would make me very happy, and upper 400s by end of the year. Maybe 500, but don't want to get ahead of myself - I only went for 310x5x3 today!

    Too bad a silly thing like an "anniversary" got in the way of the important things in life!! (Kidding, of course!)
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 04-16-2012 at 09:28 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    Yo, I heard back from Lascek-- I think he's actually thinking that 3 sets of 5 is enough volume for the TM. But when I sent him a follow-up question asking him how much to up the Intensity (on volume day in order to compensate for the lost sets) he must have misunderstood me (maybe I wasn't clear) and his answer was confusing and didn't really make sense. But he basically suggested dropping the extra sets and seeing what happens. I may try it on my next cycle, but that's a month a away. I have one more week and start to taper, so I'm not going to mess with things now.

    I messed up my calf squatting last night though-- bummer. Hopefully will alright for next week. Lots of icing-- mild strain. Do you think I should massage it or avoid inflaming it and keep my hands off?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Monday, 2/6/12

    starting strength coach development program
    Foam Roll, Lacrosse Balls, SMR, etc...
    Movement Prep etc...

    KB Swings + Hip Flexor stretch
    24kg x8, 32kg x8

    LB Squats
    95x5x2, 155x5, 205x3, 245x2, 275x1
    315x5x3 - went up surprisingly easy. Knees slid forward on a few reps, but overal getting much more solid and comfortable with the movement. When I was struggling with 300, I thought the end of my LP was near. Now i think I was just not yet hitting my stride in the movement. And this is all still beltless. With a belt in hand, I could easily see going over 350x5x3 in my LP, maybe more. But I shouldn't get ahead of myself just yet.

    Bench Press
    135x6, 175x3, 215x2, 255x1
    290x5x3 - also much easier than last time. 285x5x3 was OK, but last rep of 3rd set slowed a lot. This was strong and solid, all reps and all sets.

    BW x 10, 10, 8, 6 - had 2-3 more in the last set but saved em. Have heavy DL's on Wednesday, will need fresh lats.

    I don't do back extensions, so did some anti-rotational work on the cables. 2 sets.

    1/4 mile runs
    warmup, then four 1/4 milers @ between 8.0-9.4 mph (treadmill).

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