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Thread: hrat's log

  1. #101
    Join Date
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    Waltham, MA


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    Did you play football yet while squatting the same day or the previous day? I'm curious as to what the impact of that would be on the soccer / recovery from lifting. As of now, I tend to take an extra recovery day if I play soccer the day between workouts.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    I'll be honest: my version of soccer (5aside, so small pitch) is to sprint about for an hour and occasionally be in the right spot to hand the ball off. No precision required. At the moment, I'm squattting/deadlifting the day before, but I have tried deads immed. before playing. Didn't notice any real tiredness, even when e.g going for a 1RM deadlift. After the game I'm useless though. I tried before adding a mile run and a few hill sprints Sundays: generally squatting Monday was OK, but PowerCleans were awful.

    Couldn't really say if it's affected progress because there's so many other factors, but it seems by the intermediate stage you can get away quite a lot if you're moderately sensible and eat properly.

  3. #103
    Join Date
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    Waltham, MA


    Don't knock 5 aside soccer - the sprints might be shorter, but so are the breaks between plays.

    I never noticed a significant impact on socer from lifting the day before, but my ability to recover is significantly affected. If I lift on Saturday and play soccer on Sunday, squatting and deadlifting on Monday does not work very well.

    And I've just started power cleans, so all of mine are awful.

  4. #104
    Join Date
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    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    I'm doing a variation of TexasMethod, so:
    Monday: squats 5x5, power cleans 6x3
    Tues: bench/press, sometimes a swim
    Thurs: squat 1x5, dead 1x5
    Friday: press/bench, football
    Sunday: indoor rock climbing, sometimes a short run
    So 2 days complete rest (except a couple miles walk to work and back). I do appreciate the day off before the heavy day, because the volume is hard but feels more possible to muscle through by willpower. Proper rest seems much more critical on novice SS, because progress is so fast.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    Sunday climbing. Didn't do much, was showing a few friends the ropes (groan...)
    Today: Glasgow Fair, so gym was on short hours, trained at 2pm, no lunch.
    Squats 75, 5x5 Heavy, first sets painfully slow, 4th prob best. Everything from 40 feels slow right now.
    Power clean 45 4x3, 1x2 ish A bit off, but not bad.
    Afternoon nap.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    Press: 25x5, 27.5x3, 31xAMRAP=4 Belt on, and using an old bar. I think it's a touch light, but these felt sharp at least.
    Bench 35 5x10 First sets easy, final one barely locked the last rep, right arm specifically.
    intersperses with chins: pllel grip 2.9 (chin to but not over, bar), 2, 1. Been too long...
    30 mins swimming. Been a while since I've swum, crawl arm stroke felt really smooth, but I get tired/bored of kicking way too fast.

  7. #107
    Join Date
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    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    Squat: 87.5 1x5 Fighting to keep the knees out, but warmups were way better and faster than recently. Woohoo?
    Deadlift: 115 1x5 or 6 hook grip without problems. Have a feeling I did 6 reps, I got confused at 3 or 4. Chest up nicely, fast enough.
    100 x1, 2 no belt. Small epiphany on how to properly set the back on heavy weights without belt. Can't say what changed but these felt different, in a good way.

    I read somewhere most powerlifters peak in their 30s. Maybe in 5 more years I'll have finally learned how to lift right.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Lincoln, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by hrat View Post
    I read somewhere most powerlifters peak in their 30s. Maybe in 5 more years I'll have finally learned how to lift right.
    That's good to know :-)

    Are you feeling better now? Your training sounds like it's picking up, PRs on the way?

  9. #109
    Join Date
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    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    Yep, think I'm over the lurgi. And I have 5 straight weeks of uninterrupted training before my annual summer holiday. Previous PRs were 95x4 squat and a 120x5 dead, so if I can keep progress going I can add another 5-10kg on top of those. And Tuesday's press felt good.

  10. #110
    Join Date
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    Springfield, VA


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    Quote Originally Posted by hrat View Post
    I read somewhere most powerlifters peak in their 30s. Maybe in 5 more years I'll have finally learned how to lift right.
    Just what I needed to hear!

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