starting strength gym
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Thread: hrat's log

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Nope, I've done 4 before, but the last was in August last year, so it's been a while. The last one was also terrible, I only got 3 out of 9 lifts.

    Forgot to add above; I had real shakes after every lift today, was having to draw rather than write my next attempts. I think it was just adrenaline worsened by only eating sugar and caffeine all day. I wasn't lightheaded or anything else so I'm not worried.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Nice job, especially given the Friday night fun! Eat, rest, and be happy.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Europe


    Congratulations - sounds like the 55kg are almost there!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    Cheers. Since I usually get too nervous to sleep, I think being tired didn't hurt, and I didn't drink much really.

    This week; Tues; squats 60 5x5 in flat shoes. Probably shallow, no bounce at all, in fact accidently paused several and felt no harder. Def. prefer Oly shoes. Some dips, I think 3x5 with red band.
    Thurs; deads 80x5, 90x5 easy and fast. 100x2 not fast, too heavy. 60x10 very fast. Then for fun 1-armed 60 x3 each arm. Fun, had to strap up as bar has no centre knurl, felt really tight in the torso. Some chins.
    Donated blood Weds. so taking it easy. Off to a conference next week, then will be back with a vengeance.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    Spent last week in Manchester in sunshine. Too much sitting and drinking, but did get away one afternoon for a decent walk and some climbing. Came back with a cold, but I feel pretty much OK, just snotty.

    Monday; squats, 40,50x5 Getting quad cramp a little but hey. 60 2x5, 65 3x5. Not sure if the specific cramp is due to sitting, driving, or tiptoeing the bar out of the rack on warmups. Probably all 3. Finished with some OHsquats and snatches at 25kg.
    Today; front squat 35 2x5, HBsquat 35 1x20 Legs stiff, wanted to get some blood thro'. Bench 30,40x5, 45 3x3. Slow and not tight. Feeling better by last set though.

    On the plus side, the minor SI joint/low back pain I had from all the sitting last week has subsided already.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    As expected, could not walk down stairs rest of Tuesday, and Weds not much better. Went climbing, had fun, managed to get cramp in pretty much everything at some point. Not feeling too great, coughing etc, but seemed strong enough, mostly;
    Tonight, squats 60x5 felt really good, 70x3 pretty good. belt on loose; 75x5 pretty good. belt tight 80x5 meh. My eye line keeps slipping when the reps get hard. Need to stop that. 80x1 no belt, horribly loose in the hole, dumb idea all round. 60x10 why?
    Deadlift; went for barefoot, felt pretty nice. no belt 80x5, loose belt 100x5 grip going, tight belt 110x1. Felt my sinuses pop, and had nothing more. Crawled home.
    Messing around a little, just seeing how I've recovered, and what I've got after the meet and work related disruptions of last 3 weeks

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    Had sausages and mushy peas for tea last last, because I was too knackered to cook real food. Making up for it tonight with a pork steak and butterbean stew type thing. Lots of chillies to clear the sinuses.

    Today; press 30kg 5x3, 1x1. Variable again. Quite a lot of layback, tried staggerd stance on last two sets and then couldn't, and noticed a lot of twisting. Wont try that again I don't think.
    OH squats 25 1x5, 35x 4,5 fun. Really getting to love these.
    1 hour game of 5-aside football (soccer). basically interval sprints, because I'm not terribly skilled so I just run about a lot.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    Got about 12 hours sleep Saturday, and last night, and still could have slept more. I think sleeping as much as possible and eating plenty should let me keep training tho'
    Sunday AM 1mile run. 9min 30ish. Sucked, but wanted to do something.
    Today; squat 67.5 5x5 OK. PC 45 8x3. First set sucked. second very nearly fainted, things went bright and had to sit down. Ate some jelly beans, sat down a few mins, and the rest went much better.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    Tuesday; bench 45 6x3 Form is a bit variable at the minute. All slightly paused, and felt good.
    Tried to press 32.5, would not happen. Got 30 for 2 fine as warmup tho'. Ended with a couple rounds of a complex at 30kg, and then OH squats 5,8 dumped both sets.
    Weds; nearly 2hrs bouldering. Variable routes, great fun.
    Today; squat 82.5 1x5 fine. Deadlift 80x4, 100x1 no belt, 100x2 and 110x5 belted, hook grip.
    Press 27.5 6x3, 30 1x3, 32.5xfail, 32 no clips x1. 32.5 just does not leave my shoulders.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    PostDoc Land, Coventry, UK


    starting strength coach development program
    Went to see the relatives last weekend which meant two 5 hour car trips and pissed off my SI joint jet again. No pain, only the clunk-ing and a tight feeling.

    Monday; squat 70 5x5 loose belt because of the back issue, power cleans 47.5 2,3,2,3,2,2 (aim was (2,3) x4) ) plank+20kg 2xslow 30 count
    Tues; game of 5 aside football then press 31 1x3, 32.5x1 v hard, belted, 25x8. Bench 47.5 3x3, 46 3x3 (aimed too high) dips 3x5 red band

    Today, after a 1lb burrito for lunch. Squat 85 1x5 first rep bar went way forward, but got it, other 4 bit variable because of that, but OK, then did another single to reinforce bar path.
    Deadlift-no shoes 90 1x3 no belt felt really good. 100x1 112.5x5 belted OK, but need the chest up better.
    Finished with a 1x21 squat at 50kg. Fun, in the sense that once you put the bar down, there's intense relief

    Still tired, and now have a taste of soap on and off. Gah.

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