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Thread: More Weight: Izzy T's Log

  1. #101
    Join Date
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    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I have to be in the gym five days a week starting next week so it's no bueno, bro.

  2. #102
    Join Date
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Narvaez View Post
    I have to be in the gym five days a week starting next week so it's no bueno, bro.
    Do a TM split then and do conditioning on a day. Add an extra day for arms or calves or whatever, if you must.

  3. #103
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    Seattle, Washington


    That's not very different from what I'm doing. I'm just getting volume from assistance exercises instead of the actual lifts.

  4. #104
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    Out of curiosity, what would you suggest? Instinctively, I feel like doing the lifts more frequently is better, but I don't know how I want to set it up. Also, my inner bro REALLY likes the assistance work, lol.

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Narvaez View Post
    Out of curiosity, what would you suggest? Instinctively, I feel like doing the lifts more frequently is better, but I don't know how I want to set it up. Also, my inner bro REALLY likes the assistance work, lol.
    I think the best way to get good on the lifts is doing the lifts. Now, that's a surprise, huh?

    Now, if you want to do something similar to what you're doing, you could the following.

    Warm up to top set of 3. Take a little weight off, do set of 5. Take weight off, set of 8. Do some assistance. Say this is squat, so do the reps and follow up with some leg curls or pause squats or leg press, bavarian drunken one legged jumping jacks. This would be Monday.

    Say, Tuesday you do bench. Same thing, and do some assistance like DB press, incline, close grip, portuguese tittie twisters, whatever.

    I'm sure you can see where this is going and can fill the holes for the other lifts.

    Now, those three sets might be enough to spur progress, depending on how heavy you do them (how close to failure you go, that is). Depending on your deficit and how you're managing the diet, you might not have a lot of wiggle room with the accessories so take it easy on the volume. Maybe just 2 sets of 8 or something. The nice thing about this setup is that you get a heavy triple, which is good for max strength but you also get some volume to keep things going and get some hypertrophy too.

    This would have you doing the lifts once a week. It's not what I do, but people seem to be doing once a week for ages and well, they seem to be doing ok so I guess it can be made to work.

    One thing: EVERY lift has to be included for a reason. You have to look at each and every lift and be able to say "I'm doing this lift because of ...". The main lifts are easy: they are the competitive lifts so you kinda have to do them. The OHP keeps the shoulders happy. Now, every accessory must have a reason to be. You wanna do pause squats? are you weak out of the bottom? if so then yes, do them. Don't add a lifts just because. The reason I'm saying this is because accessory lifts are individual. If your deadlift sucks because your hammies are weak do RDLs or something. If they are not the limiting factor, then don't fucking do it! If you copy someone's else's lifting program you get a program that worked for THIS fella at THIS specific stage of his training. Ed Coan says his quads are weak out of the bottom of the squat, so he did high-bar pause squats. If this is not your weakness, then don't do this exercise!

    Well, this is all I have to say.

    Tom (and anyone reading this), what do you think about this?

  6. #106
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    Seattle, Washington


    It makes perfect sense.

    That said, Ed is kind of a special case. He really did do the same stuff over and over and over. That's not to say he didn't improve upon the template over the years, but according to Marty, and even Ed, he ran the same stuff and just added 10lbs to every 4 month cycle.

    Non-main lifts that I really suck at right now: DB bench, ab wheel, GHRs, power cleans, curls, and chinups. Last time I did front squats, I sucked at those. That was a long time ago.

    I like doing the lifts more than once a week because I love practicing technique. I'll have to take everything in and consider this all. My off days have to be Thursday and Sunday. I'd also prefer to do intensity squat on Wednesday, intensity bench on Friday, and intensity deadlift on Saturday.

    Initially, it leaves me with this:
    Mon: Bench Volume, Press Volume
    Tue: Arms
    Wed: Squat Intensity, Speed DL/Power Cleans
    Thu: Off
    Fri: Bench Intensity, Press Intensity
    Sat: Deadlift Intensity, Squat Volume
    Sun: Off

    And I kinda like that to be honest.

  7. #107
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    This looks very good, I think. I'm not a big fan of doing both bench and OHP on the same day but I don't see a way around that and it's probably not the end of the world anyway.

    I'd put chins on Tuesday and watch out the triceps isolation on Tuesday too, since you'd be doing them after a good 10 sets of 5 of pressing exercises. I don't know about GHR, if you must, put them where you like them. I must point out that if soreness is any indicator, RDLs are the king of hamstring training. You could do them on Wed instead of the speed dead or PC.

  8. #108
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    Initial idea:
    Bench: 5x5
    Press: 2x8
    Dips: 1x10-20

    Chins: 3x5-8 / 3xX
    Curls: 1x10-20

    Squats: 5x1
    Cleans: 8x3
    GHRs : 3x10
    Abs : 3x10


    Bench: 5x1
    Press: 1x5
    DB BP: 2x8

    Deads: 3x1
    Squat: 5x5
    Krocs: 1x10-20
    Abs : 3x10

    Last edited by Tom Narvaez; 05-29-2012 at 02:03 AM.

  9. #109
    Join Date
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    I'd leave out the dips. There's a ton of triceps volume already.

    But really, I agree with the rest.

  10. #110
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    starting strength coach development program
    I like this better than the monster of a program I was staring into before.

    Thanks, Carlos.

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