We both know it was only because I used straps lol
Squat: 405x3x3
Press: 225x3@8, 235x3@9, 245x2@10, 185x8
Lat Pull Downs: 3 sets of 6-12 reps
notes: Squats were rough. Was planning for some where around 475 for a top set. Decided it was a bad idea. Press was good. Missed an attempted 3rd rep with 245 after the second got slightly out in front.
Halting Deadlifts: 315x8, 365x8, 405x8
Close Grip: 205x8, 225x8, 240x8
notes: I forgot how out of breath I get with haltings. I'm sure these are going to jump up real quick over the next few weeks.
Tempo Squat (3-0-3): 225x8, 255x8, 275x8
Strict Press: 170x8,8,7
notes: Knee felt much better today. Erectors got a mega pump during tempo squats. Did not rest long enough on presses and ran out of gas on the last set.