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Thread: Fox Lightweight Powerlifting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Wichita KS

    Default Fox Lightweight Powerlifting

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I'm Matthew Fox, I'm a 22 year old lightweight powerlifter. I walk around 140 lbs. I have lifted in NASA and USAPL meets. I will keep this top post with my body weight, maxes and goals. I keep track of powerlifting maxes along other various ones from time to time. I am in hopes that posting my log to a forum will help my consistency. Questions, suggestions and comments are more then welcome!

    Overall Goal- Qualify for the 2015 Arnold's Fesival Starting Strength Raw Pro Challenge.
    To qualify I will need to lift a 405 Wilks total at USAPL Raw Nationals in July 2014.

    Individual lift goals for July 2014 at 135ish I am not looking to win a weight class, just lift at my strongest weight for the highest Wilks total.

    Squat- 175 Kilos 385.8 lbs
    Bench- 125 Kilos 275.6 lbs
    Deadlift- 182.5 Kilos 402.3 lbs
    Total- 482.5 Kilos 1062.9 lbs

    Current maxes- all of these are gym maxes as I haven't been to a meet since the summer of 2012.

    Big Three Maxes- Raw belt and knee sleeves
    Squat 365 x 3 375 x 1
    Bench 260 x 3 275 x 1
    Deadlift 350 x 3 it is going up every week with my current program.

    Other Maxes-
    Front Squat- 285 x 3
    Close grip bench- 245 x 3
    Power clean- x 3 max to come soon
    Last edited by MatthewIFox; 01-02-2014 at 07:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Wichita KS


    Sunday- 12/29/13
    Front squat 245x3, PR! 285x3, 245 3x3
    Close Grip Bench 225x3, 245x3
    My front squat took all of my energy I went lighter on my bench and didn't do any accessories because I was just burnt out.

    Monday 12/30/13
    Deadlift 315x3, PR 355x3, 315 3x3
    light abs
    No accessories legs my back was fried from front squat the day before. I kind of forgot about doing upper back/bi accessories oops.

    Wednesday 1/1/14
    325x3 350x3 325 3x3

    Thursday 1/2/14
    Bench 225x3, 250x3, 230 3x3 all sets competition style
    2x12 db flyes and tri presses

    Friday 1/3/14
    Will be edited and added.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Hey, nice to see a new log. I'm also training for raw nats in July, will be in the 105kg class. What weight class are you planning to lift in?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Wichita KS


    Quote Originally Posted by elVarouza View Post
    Hey, nice to see a new log. I'm also training for raw nats in July, will be in the 105kg class. What weight class are you planning to lift in?
    Thanks and good luck! I plan on lifting in the 66kg class, but I will weigh in light I don't fill out 145 very well yet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Wichita KS


    1/5/14 Sunday
    Morning weight 138 lbs
    Very happy with the days workout. I stayed with the same weight on front squat due to it being so difficult last week. I went up on close grip bench. All in all I felt very good through out my work out and will go up on both lifts by 5 lbs next week.

    Front Squat
    225 x 3
    245 x 3
    285 x 3 This felt really easy. Last week was the first time I had hit 285 for a triple, but felt dizzy on the set. I should have gone up to 290.
    245 x 3 x 3

    Close Grip Bench
    225 x 3
    PR 250 x 3 This did not feel very strong, but I had a random spotter to lift off for me and had to ask them not to touch the bar mid press. Still happy with a PR.
    225 x 3 x 3

    Right leg only lunges 2 x 12 45 lbs (Tore ACL in HS still not the same size as my left.)
    DB flyes 2 x 12
    Tri Presses 2x12
    Abs Medium difficulty

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Good to have you here. Your front squat, especially, is impressive for your weight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Wichita KS


    Thanks, I just added front squat to my work outs regularly a couple months ago and it really seems to be paying off. I'm glad I've finally found a supportive forum.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by MatthewIFox View Post
    Thanks, I just added front squat to my work outs regularly a couple months ago and it really seems to be paying off. I'm glad I've finally found a supportive forum.
    I've got them in my workouts too. Just don't tell Rip.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Wichita KS


    1/6/14 Monday
    Today's workout didn't go as planned. With the huge cold front that came in the temp got down around 0. The gym heater couldn't handle the extreme so I had to work out in 40 degrees with, not very ideal.


    Military Press
    Light abs

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Wichita KS


    starting strength coach development program

    Today's work out when much better then I had anticipated. I've got a slight cold and my sleep schedule is quite off. I still got in and did what I needed to do so I'm excited and grateful.

    325 x 3
    355 x 3
    325 3 x 3
    Cool down and difficult abs.

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