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Thread: TM for powerlifting - 10 weeks to 1400, courtesy of PPST3

  1. #531
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hertford, UK


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Quote Originally Posted by RugbySmartarse View Post
    Deal! And sorry for not realizing you were Welsh.
    No worries! You probably wouldn't realise if you met me anyway..

    Seems your press are stitching up the English scrum nicely!

  2. #532
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Sydney, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by DeriHughes View Post
    No worries! You probably wouldn't realise if you met me anyway..

    Seems your press are stitching up the English scrum nicely!
    Ha-ha, yeah. I'm doing the best I can to help #scrumstraightjoe

    Good luck v Fiji

  3. #533
    Join Date
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    Hertford, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by RugbySmartarse View Post
    Ha-ha, yeah. I'm doing the best I can to help #scrumstraightjoe

    Good luck v Fiji
    He certainly did not scrum straight!!

    Good luck on Saturday mate, not that you need it after the way you played last week..

  4. #534
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    Hertford, UK


    Punch the clock session tonight. Missed Friday, mainly due to being hungover and a pussy. Four weeks til worlds so need to get my focus on from here on out. Bodyweight is down (124.4kg this morning - was 129kg or so about six weeks ago) and lifts are holding up, despite the kids fucking my sleep up a bit recently. Can afford to eat a bit more over the next few weeks for the gainzZz.

    Monday 5th Oct

    Deadlift - up to 230 x 1, then 200 x 1 x 10 - oly shoes, straps, belt, easy

    Bench - 140 x 3 @ 10, 120 x 5 x 4 @ 7-8 - form was off, right hip and erectors were cramping, but got some work done. Top set was ugly as hell.

    More benching and light squats tomorrow

  5. #535
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    Hertford, UK


    Schedule got fucked so had to bring Friday's session forward to today. Also woke up with a sore throat, blocked nose and general man flu tiredness this morning. Turned top triples into singles across so I didn't totally screw my volume up. Session went ok in the end.

    Wednesday 7th October:

    Squats - singles went 220kg, 230 @ 7, 240 x 1 x 3 @ 7.5-8 - all moved pretty fast, as good as squats have felt for a while. Then 210 x 3 x 2 @ 7, 8 for a bit of volume

    Bench - paused singles @ 130, 135, 140 @ 8, then 145 x 0 - stuck halfway, not too worried as it's <48 hours since I did a heavy triple and a bunch of volume. Then TnG triples, 130 x 3 x 2 @ 8.5, 130 x 2 @ 9.5 - didn't take the third rep. Pecs are on fire now..

    Bench a little off, but putting that down to Monday's volume. Won't bench heavy again until end of next week but need to get a couple of volume sessions in somewhere before then. Pleased with the squats. Thinking of a PR triple next Friday, then a bunch of volume to overreach before I start to peak / deload a bit.

  6. #536
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    Hertford, UK


    Medium day last night. Sleep still at a premium, have been getting woken up 2-3 times a night minimum for weeks now. Been on the road with work a lot recently as well. As usual, strength doesn’t care about any of that.

    Monday 12th October

    Deadlift - singles up to 235 @ 9.5, then 200 x 2 x 8 on 60-90s rest intervals. Tough going. Wanted to crank a bit of extra volume this week to over reach a bit but this fucked my squats up.

    Bench - 120 x 5 x 5 - no dramas, kept moving fast right to the end

    Light Squat - warmed up, 100 x 5 felt heavy after deads so ended up with 140 x 5 x 2 @ 7 and called it a night

    Was coaching a mate during the session so ran over two hours and was cold and tired by the end.

    Worlds is two weeks on Sunday. Feel like I'm clinging on by my fingernails at the moment. Plan is a heavy day Friday, medium Monday, mock meet to second attempts next Friday then deload week and into it. I think I can squeeze out some modest PRs but will see how the next two weeks go.

  7. #537
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    Hertford, UK


    Last heavy volume day before WDFPF Worlds in the bag. Went heavy, and voluminous. Plan was to over-reach ahead of a week of peaking, then a week of deloading.

    Friday 16th October:

    Squat - 220 x 1, 235 x 1, 245kg / 540lbs x 3 @ 10 - PR, 220kg x 3 x 4 @ 8.5, 8.5, 9, 9.5 - volume PR. Top set was rough but it went up for a 5kg 3 rep PR. Given I had to move into the spare room at 3am last night because our daughter was having nightmares I'm pretty pleased to hit this. Top set video below.

    Bench - 120 x 1, 135 x 1, 142.5 x 2 @ 9.5 - PR, 130 x 3 x 4 @ 9, 8, 8.5, 9.5 - volume PR. Lost the groove on second rep of the top set so didn't take my planned third. Not really sure if I'm in PR shape on bench so will have to see over the next couple of weeks.

    Plan is to go to second attempts next Friday, then hit squat and bench openers the following Monday and again on Thursday. Fly out Friday, meet is on Sunday. Getting excited now..

    245kg / 540lbs x 3 PR. Apologies for grunting. I need to get better at keeping my air all the way up.

    Last edited by DeriHughes; 10-16-2015 at 05:45 AM. Reason: gramar wos shit

  8. #538
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    Hertford, UK


    Light day tune up last night. A bit off after pushing it on Friday but less than I expected.

    Monday 19th Oct

    Squat singles - 200, 210, 220 (last warm up) - focused on form, depth & lumbar extension. Dialled it in ok.

    Bench singles, paused - 120, 130x1x3, then 120 x 5 TnG - all moved pretty well. Still working on consistency of my set up. Need to figure out how to get my bench moving after Worlds.

    Deads, flat shoes, belt - singles at 200, 210, 220 - harder than expected but still ok

  9. #539
    Join Date
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    Hertford, UK


    Sport form Friday...

    Squat - singles @ 200, 220, 235, 245kg @ 7.5 - felt good

    Bench - paused singles @ 130, 135, 145kg + 130 x 3 x 2

    Deadlift - singles to 220kg (last warm up)

    Starting to peak I think.

  10. #540
    Join Date
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    Hertford, UK


    starting strength coach development program
    Deload week. Six days out from Worlds.

    Monday 26th Oct

    Squat - singles to 220kg (last warm up). Moved fast and easy.

    Bench - paused singles to 140kg (opener), then 120x5x2 paused.

    No pulling.

    Both felt good, despite me feeling like shit and sleep deprived. Just need to ride the peak through to Sunday.. Last tune up on Thursday, just to final warm ups.

    Think I'm good for something like:
    Squat - 235 / 250 / 260-265
    Bench - 140 / 147.5 / 150-155
    DL - 235 / 252.5 / 260-265

    Aiming to total 670kg to call it a successful day..

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