That's impressive Lou!
I'm competing in the IPF Canadian Nationals in February in the Masters III 105kg class. I haven't competed for years until recently when I had to get a qualifying total to go to the Nationals event. Because I competed nationally and at Worlds (got silver in the bench) previously, I didn't have to go through the normal and onerous qualifying rigmarole that I would normally have to do.
I checked the competition lifting schedule and weigh ins are at 06:00 with lifting at 08:00 which sucks. I do better late in the day.
As far as recent gym lifts, I've squatted 490, benched 350, and deadlifted 500. For some reason my deadlift is lagging. My nervous system tells my body that anything over 500 is just too heavy and don't do it or you'll break something

For February I'm hoping to break 500 in the squat, 350 bench, and would be nice to get to 550 deadlift but am less sure of that happening. My eldest son is also competing at Nationals in the 93kg Open division.