Hamstring Rehab Continued:
Was going to try to squat/deadlift each day but was too tired yesterday when I got home from work. Think I'll try every second day.
Tempo paused squats 3/1/3
Bar-10 - Still feeling a small pinch in the hamstring when ascending - occurs near the top
110-5 - These felt better
155-5 - no issues at this weight
220-5 - feeling slight pinch
265-5 - same
285-3 - minor pinch at top
305-3 - same
330-3 - first two reps felt the same as 305, but the 3rd rep caused a bit of a twang. I'm trying to push things but have to be careful I don't push too hard an re-injure myself. Stopped here, hopefully didn't cause any set back with that 3rd rep.
Bar-10 - Can feel hamstring pain more than with squatting by far.
155-1 - stopped here - didn't feel like anything to be gained and more to lose by pushing things. Perhaps should have started with DL instead of squats.
Leg curls
Tried a couple leg presses but my hamstring seemed to be riled up so stopped.
Will rest tomorrow, and try again Monday.