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Thread: Skid (Marc's) log

  1. #1401
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Cole Gorton View Post
    youre a man skid. im a pussy even when it comes to light yarwork. im always complaining to my wife how all the bent over shoveling will harm my training session and shes like " whats the point of you working out so hard and having these big muscles if you wont even use them?"
    Cole, She does have a point, but so do you! I know yard work affects my workouts.

    Today - my left knee hasn't been feeling good all day and even woke me up last night. I thought it was healing but it seems to have taken a step or two backwards.

    Single leg glute bridge - BW-10,10, SS'd with
    Spanish squats - BW-10,10,

    387-6,2, All the way through warmups my left knee was hurting, and I was putting more weight on my right leg to compensate. I went to do the second set of 6 and did a couple but felt doing any more would possibly hurt my knee more and take even longer to heal. Stopped there.

    Tried some light leg presses - no go, same with light leg extensions
    The only thing that didn't hurt was leg curls. I didn't try DB lunges. Called the workout early.

    Tomorrow's a rest day, then Thursday upper body then Friday deadlifts. Hopefully I can deadlift Friday with little pain. Then next week is a deload.

  2. #1402
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Shoulder taps - 10,10, SS'd with
    Bear crawls - 10 meters x 2

    Pendlay rows - 245-10,10,10,

    Lat pull down - 150-10,10,10,

    DB incline bench press - 95-12,12,12,12,

    DB flies - 50-12,12,

    DB side raise - 15-12,12, SS'd with
    DB front raise - 15-12,12,

    Sprint rows - 8 x 20 second sets for 861 meters - 10 seconds rest between sets

  3. #1403
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Low energy day today - One drawback to living in the backwoods is the long drives to get things. Needed some chicken feed and pine shavings so that's a 2 hour 1 way drive. Stopped at Costco and loaded up the truck with food too. Costco was jam packed with people, God I hate crowds! Basically a full day to get that done. I think that sapped all my energy!

    1 leg Romanian deadlifts with dumbbell - 35-10,10, each leg, SS'd with
    Back extensions - BW-10,10, - This is my deadlift warm up.

    Deadlifts - 440-5 - Was supposed to do 2 sets of 6, probably could have, but said screw it. Next week is a welcome deload!

    RDL's - 330-8,8, These surprisingly went pretty easy

    Single leg good mornings - 85-5, Did a few but decided these are silly and stopped,

    Dumbbell lunges - Used two 40 pound DB's - 10,10, - Didn't really feel into these either. Probably should have worn shoes.stopped 1 set short of the program
    Prowler push - may do these tomorrow in the daylight.

    Next week is a deload and the start of a powerlifting peaking program - As mentioned earlier, I'll do week 1 at reduced weights, then start week 1 for real the following week. Looking forward to focussing more on powerlifting.

  4. #1404
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Deload week - Also starting a peaking program with reduced weights (this week), then then full bore afterwards.

    High bar squat - been ages since I've done these
    320-5,5, didn't do the programmed 3rd set - not easy but not too hard either

    Bulgarian split squats - Haven't done these in a long time, and never really did do much of these.
    Worked up to 70 pounds for a set of 5 - easy on my right leg, left knee is still weak and wonky and taking forever to heal.

    Comp Bench

    Incline bench
    200-6 - seemed too easy

    Did a few DB curls too although not part of the program.

  5. #1405
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Deload week cont. - Skipping the last set or two on all exercises, with approx 10-20% weight drop from what I would normally use

    Pendlay rows - 220-8,8,

    DB rows - 85-8,8,

    Close grip bench - 245-5,5, index fingers 1/4" in from the smooth. SS'd with
    DB front raises - 15-8,8,

    DB side raises - 20-8,8, SS'd with
    EZ bar skull crushers - 50-6,6, - started super light with these. My elbows hate them.

    Wide grip cable pull down - 125-8,8, Slow and controlled - not part of the program but feel some overhead pulling should be done.

    Easy peasy and quick workout!

  6. #1406
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Deload week Continued

    Deadlift - warmed up good, went up in weight a plate at a time. Got to my top set, and even though the weight went well, I had some pain in my troubled left knee that shot down to my ankle . I stopped at 1 rep and called the workout since it was deadlifts, rack pulls and squats.
    I really don't know what is going on. I know my ACL is torn (back in the spring earlier this year) but it shouldn't affect deadlifts and squats. In fact since I always use the stairs at work I was feeling pretty good about my knee today prior to the workout as I had very little pain and no longer had to favor my left leg. However putting weight on it in today's workout caused significant pain, enough that I felt I shouldn't try to work through it. As I type this it hurts even to bend it.

    I'll go sit in the hot tub tonight and hopefully things get better for Saturday's low bar squat workout.

  7. #1407
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by skid View Post
    Deload week Continued

    Deadlift - warmed up good, went up in weight a plate at a time. Got to my top set, and even though the weight went well, I had some pain in my troubled left knee that shot down to my ankle . I stopped at 1 rep and called the workout since it was deadlifts, rack pulls and squats.
    I really don't know what is going on. I know my ACL is torn (back in the spring earlier this year) but it shouldn't affect deadlifts and squats. In fact since I always use the stairs at work I was feeling pretty good about my knee today prior to the workout as I had very little pain and no longer had to favor my left leg. However putting weight on it in today's workout caused significant pain, enough that I felt I shouldn't try to work through it. As I type this it hurts even to bend it.

    I'll go sit in the hot tub tonight and hopefully things get better for Saturday's low bar squat workout.
    damn sorry to hear about the knee skid. although im sure you will rehab/work around it just fine with all your experience getting to the level you are at and all....

  8. #1408
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Thanks Cole - My only experience with injury rehab is to try and work through them, which is what I did today.

    Last day of deload

    Squats - Did a couple with the bar but the knee felt weak and unstable. Didn't want to make things worse so tried -

    Leg Press Machine - These were programmed for single leg but didn't want to go there.
    Sled only-8 - Thought I'd at least try to work through the range of motion - These felt better than squats so added some weight
    50-8- Still felt good, although my right leg was doing 70% of the pushing
    90-8 - still good
    140-8 - still good
    180-8 - still good
    230-8 - still good
    280-8,8 - Could feel a bit of pain here so stopped adding weight - I'm happy with that though. I almost felt like trying squatting after this since my knee felt better going through the range of motion with weight. Almost...

    Spoto Bench

    Finished up with super sets of face pulls and cable raises through the legs for shoulder health.

  9. #1409
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Starting first week of full on powerlifting peaking.

    High bar squats - L Knee is still sore of course. Normally I don't put on knee sleeves until I reach my working weights, but put them on at the start which helped to stabilize the knee. Seems like the issue is with my patella, and it bothers me more if my toes are straight ahead, so took a wider toes out stance.
    330-5,3, 1st set had some pain but stopped at three on the second set as it was hurting and I don't want to make things worse. I tried to distribute the load equally on both legs but for sure pushed harder with my right. Still not too heavy of a weight for me, but felt heavy enough today.

    The program called for bulgarian split squats next but no way was I trying those. I instead did leg press which doesn't seem to bother my knee too much.
    Leg press sled - 10
    320-5,5,5, these felt comfortable and I think I pressed pretty equally with both legs. Knee felt better after these again.

    Comp Bench - did these between sets of leg press
    275-6,6,6,6, these were around rpe 7 to start, maybe rpe 8.5 at the end- the program is asking for 3 reps in reserve at the start.

    Incline press
    230-6,6,6, similar rpe to bench press with these. will add weight to both next week

    Not part of the program below:

    Leg curls - did these between sets of incline press - tried leg extensions but no bueno

    Did some DB curls and EZ bar tricep extensions too. Found the EZ bar doesn't bother my elbows like DB's do so will start to load these.

  10. #1410
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    starting strength coach development program
    Day 2 - Powerlifting peaking - everything is rpe 7ish for this block

    Pendlay rows - 245-8,8,8,

    DB rows - 95-8,8,8,

    Close grip bench - 265-5,5,5, just off the smooth with index finger, - SS'd with
    DB front raise - 15-8,8,8,

    SS'd all three of these:
    DB side raise 20-8,8,8,8,
    EZ bar skull crushers - 55-8,8,10, easy but irritate my elbows so starting light
    Wide & neutral grip cable pull downs - 135-8,8,10

    Everything felt good, several reps in the tank on all exercises, and done within an hour! Weight increases every week on all exercises if I can maintain rpe 7-8

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