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Deload week Continued
Deadlift - warmed up good, went up in weight a plate at a time. Got to my top set, and even though the weight went well, I had some pain in my troubled left knee that shot down to my ankle . I stopped at 1 rep and called the workout since it was deadlifts, rack pulls and squats.
I really don't know what is going on. I know my ACL is torn (back in the spring earlier this year) but it shouldn't affect deadlifts and squats. In fact since I always use the stairs at work I was feeling pretty good about my knee today prior to the workout as I had very little pain and no longer had to favor my left leg. However putting weight on it in today's workout caused significant pain, enough that I felt I shouldn't try to work through it. As I type this it hurts even to bend it.
I'll go sit in the hot tub tonight and hopefully things get better for Saturday's low bar squat workout.