12-05-2024, 10:17 PM
Day 3, week 1
Deadlifts - Tried putting on some loose knee sleeves for deadlifts. Seemed to help as I was able to lift with no knee pain which I couldn't do last week. Maybe that's what 60 year old knees need?
420-3,3,3, These went well and will be a good starting point
Rack pulls from a couple inches below the knees
420-5,5,5, Kept the same weight as the previous regular deadlifts. Don't want to push things just yet
SSB tempo squats - 3 seconds descent, then up fast
270-5,5,5, Kept these light too as my knee still doesn't feel stable. They went easy though so will add 10 pounds for next week.
Back extensions - 15-8,8,8, held a dumbbell, SS'd with
Leg curls - 115-8,8,8, Last set/last rep was 100% effort
12-07-2024, 10:23 PM
W1 : D4
Low bar squat - L knee feels not too bad today
420-2 - A little too heavy
385-3,3, - wanted to leave 2-3 reps in the tank as per the programming. L leg still quite a bit weaker than right
Leg press
370-6,6,6, - Tried to push extra hard with my left leg
Spoto Bench
242-5,5,5, will add 10lbs + to next week felt light
Single leg leg press -
50-6,6,6, Seemed easy with my right leg, quite hard with my left. Hopefully this will help bring my left leg up to speed over the next few weeks
Cable Face pulls and cable front raises super setted these
Seated calf raises - Mitch hooper said these were good for knee rehab. Figured I could do these on my leg ext machine and I could quite well buy setting a bench in front of the machine. Set a 3" block for full range of motion.
115-15,20,20, - will definitely do more of these.
12-09-2024, 10:41 PM
W2 : D1
High bar squat - Took an Ibuprofin before the workout.
340-5,5,5, These went well and easy - Could still feel the R leg being stronger and the L knee a bit unstable still.
Bulgarian split squats - very tentatively tried these as I didn't know how they would go. Found another use for my leg ext machine as I used the adjustable leg cushion to hook my rear leg on.
60-5,5,5, - Surprised these went well and my L knee felt stable. Will add weight for next workout
Comp bench
285-6,6,6, 2-3 reps in the tank on these
Incline bench
235-6,6,6, - 2-3 reps in the tank with these as well
Leg curls - 115-10,10,10,
Did some alternating ad hammer curls too.
12-10-2024, 09:27 PM
W2 : D2 - 2-3 reps in the tank for all exercises
Pendlay Row - 250-8,8,8,
DB row - 105-8,8,8,
Close grip bench (fingers at smooth) 270-5,5,5, SS'd with
DB front raises (seated) 20-9,9,9,
DB side raises - 20-9,9,9,9 SS'd with
EZ bar Skull crushers - 60-7,7,7,7, These don't feel heavy but my elbows hate them. May cut these from workout
Not part of program (below):
Wide grip cable pull downs - 140-8,8,8, SS'd with
Behind the neck tricep extensions with EX bar - 70-8,8,8, these don't bother my elbows.
12-12-2024, 09:44 PM
W2 : D3 - minimum 2 reps in the tank with all exercises (except leg curls those were 100%)
My knee has recovered well enough that I'm not going to complain about it anymore unless it falls apart again. It's not 100% but close enough. Just have to get my left leg strength up now to match my right leg.
Deadlift - 430-3,3,3, - Had a bit of a sore back all week from last week's deadlifts but it had no effect on today's workout
Rack pulls from just below knees - 440-5,5,5,
SSB squat - 280-5,5,5, Went easy will continue 10lb jumps
Back extensions - 20lb DB-10,10,10, SS'd with
Leg Curls - 120-8,8,8, - not part of the program but did them regardless. Need to build up those hammies!
12-14-2024, 09:25 PM
W2 : D4
Low bar squats
400-3,3, added a couple of Microplates to get me to the 400 club. Long ways to go to get to meet shape.
Single leg leg press - 70-5,5,8, Right leg was easy, left leg was hard. Left leg definitely weaker. Its good to do these single leg movements to equally work/strengthen my weaker left leg otherwise my right will over-compensate during regular squats.
Spoto press - 255-5,5,8, still a bit light, added a few reps last set and still kept a couple reps in the tank. Going up by 10 pounds each week
Seated calf raise - 135-20,20,20,
Cable face pulls with rope - 90-11,11,11, SS'd with
Cable front delt raise - 30-11,11,11,
12-16-2024, 09:50 PM
W3 : D1
High bar squat - 355-5,5,5, last set felt the best
Bulgarian Split squat - 70-5,5,5, still light
Comp Bench - 300-6,6,6,
Incline Bench - 245-6,6,6,
Leg curl - 120-10,10, 100-10 dropped 20 pounds to keep better form
Did some DB curls too.
12-17-2024, 09:32 PM
W3 : D2 - Keeping all/most exercises with a couple reps in the tank, or maybe just 1.5 Still adding weight to all exercises except for the DB raises
Pendlay Row - 255-8,8,8,
1 arm DB row - 115-8,8,8,
Close grip bench - 282-5,5,5, index finger at smooth, ss'd with
DB front raises - 20-10,10,10,
DB lat raise - 20-10,10,10,10, SS'd with
Standing behind the neck tricep extensions - 80-10,10,10,10, (last week I said these don't bother my elbows. I was mistaken) &
Wide/neutral grip cable pull downs - 150-8,8,8, These were 100% effort the last couple reps trying to do them somewhat strict.
12-19-2024, 09:52 PM
W3 : D3 - Adding 5 kilos a week to deadlifts, squats and variants so far. Still leaving a rep or two in the tank
Deadlifts - 440-3,3,3,
Rack pulls - 455-5,5,5,
SSB Squat - 290-5,5,5,
Leg Curls - 100-10,10,10, SS'd with
Back extensions - 25-10,10,10,
Had a tiny bit of a sore back all week and going into this workout. Feel no pain at all now, just a glow/tiredness in my lower back. Deadlifts seem to be progressing well but the weights aren't too heavy yet. We'll see how I feel with another 30 pounds on the bar. Deadlifts are one lift I would really like to improve on as that's where powerlifting meets are won. I've come second in two IPF World's meets where I was leading into deadlifts. Or at least that's what I remember LOL.
12-20-2024, 06:40 AM
like joint sore or muscle sore?
DL are what hold me back in my meets too. im usually one of the last to go on squat and bench attempts and one of the first on pulls
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