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Thread: Skid (Marc's) log

  1. #1441
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Week 7 Day 2
    Pendlay Rows - 275-8,8,8,

    1 arm DB rows - 118-8,8,

    Close grip bench - 314-4,4,4, these went good - rpe 8ish. Index fingers in from the smooth a finger width or so. Barely felt my pec at all so must have been a minor tear.

    Front DB raise - 25-9,9,9,

    Standing tricep extensions - 95-8,8,8, SS'd with
    DB side raises 25-10,10,10 &
    Cable Lat pull downs with wide grip - 150-10,10,10,

    Finished with a couple sets of curls - Didn't hurt anything today for the win!

  2. #1442
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Week 7 Day 3
    Deadlifts - 485-2,2,2, - Program called for increasing weight 20 lbs and to drop from 3's to 2's - rpe 8-9

    Block pull from 5" blocks - 510-4,4,4, Same as deadlifts, increased 20 lbs and dropped 1 rep. Last set was rpe 10 - Overshot a little as I tired. Should have skipped the last set. Hopefully won't be burnt out next Thursday.

    Slingshot bench - 350-4,4,4, Was taking my normal competition wide grip on warm ups but could feel a bit of pain in my right pec. Narrowed my grip a finger width in from the rings and took it slow and steady. Weirdly I feel a bit stronger with a narrower grip and don't feel any issues with my pec then. 2-3 reps in the tank.

    Leg press - 430-5,5,5, - Was supposed to be SSB squats but I'm still avoiding squat variations as my knee doesn't feel stable enough. Will go low bar Saturday.

    Leg curl - 115-10,10,
    Leg extensions - 85-10,10, - Can finally start loading these a bit with little knee pain. Will work up from here.

  3. #1443
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Week 7 day 4 - Been going to physio which seems like a complete waste of time. Will probably stop since it really isn't doing anything and the exercises are basic. A massage would probably be more effective. I have been foam rolling which I think is helping as one thing the physio pointed out was my muscles seem really tight and are probably pulling my knee which is causing the pain. That and a cracked meniscus.

    Low bar squats
    430-1 - dropped to singles
    200kg/440lb-1 - Stopped going up here as my knee was complaining. Felt I could have done another 5-10kg in a competition setting so somewhat good news. Need to add another 20 KG's to that for my comp. - 5 weeks to go so 5kg/week - we'll see! Hopefully my knee holds up.
    375-1 - was going to do a backoff set of 5 but after the 1st rep my knee said that was enough.

    Spoto Bench
    310-5,5, - Since I had a minor tear in my right pec doing these last week, I narrowed my grip a bit and did these slow, like a tempo spoto. Stopping downward motion 2 inches off my chest, I could really feel these in my pec, so stopped at two sets.

    Leg Press
    Worked up to 450-5,5, - Got some lower body volume out of these since they don't bother my knee as much.

    Did some face pulls and cable front raises too.

  4. #1444
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    good news that youre able to squat 440 with the knee issue. 5 weeks out gives you some time to add another 10lbs a week to get up to some good numbers. hopefully everything comes together for you and you can PR

  5. #1445
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by Cole Gorton View Post
    good news that youre able to squat 440 with the knee issue. 5 weeks out gives you some time to add another 10lbs a week to get up to some good numbers. hopefully everything comes together for you and you can PR
    Thanks Cole, yes good news as my knees are feeling better. My left knee actually feels close to 100% but my right knee is still bothering me.

    Week 8 Day 1
    High bar squat - warmed up to:
    330-3,4, 1st set felt a bit shaky but 2nd set was better. Good enough that I felt I could go a bit heavier
    340-4 - Felt good still, went a bit heavier
    160kg/350lb-4 - These went well too - rpe 8 - getting close to where I was before my knees acted up. Stopped here.

    Bulgarian split squats - dropping these going forward - more risk than reward at this stage

    Comp Bench - Worked up to a heavy single then 3 back off sets
    160kg/352lb-1 This went pretty fast. I was tempted to go to 167.5kg/370lbs but then my brain kicked in. I'll go up 2.5kg per week so next week will be 162.5kg
    145kg/320lb-5,4,4, - kept a rep in the tank so I wasn't grinding

    Incline press - dropping this going forward to to concentrate on the comp lifts.

    Did some curls for the girls and called it a day.

  6. #1446
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Week 8 Day 2 - I'm dropping the 3rd set of accessory exercises, but not on competition lifts or their similar exercises. Also, I may have overdid it a bit with the squats yesterday as my knees were complaining today going up and down stairs. Going for a massage tomorrow. Probably do more than the physio I was getting. Also ordered a Theragun type percussion massager.

    Pendlay Rows - 280-8,8,

    1 arm DB rows - 120-8,8, Need heavier DB's now

    Close grip Bench - 145kg/320-4,5,4, Program called for 4, did a 5th rep second set - I mis-grooved the last rep a bit. Considering I did the same weight yesterday with a competition pause these went not too bad. Not sure why Hooper programs these on back to back days.

    Did some DB front and side raises, behind the neck tricep extensions and lat pull downs, as well as light leg extensions and leg curls.

  7. #1447
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Week 8 Day 3

    Deadlifts - I knew last week I overdid it, and that workout would affect my deadlifts today.
    225kg/495lb - 1st set went sort of easy with a rep or two in the tank. Went to pull the second set and it just wasn't there and I didn't want to go full out and affect the next work out so stopped at 1 set.

    Block pulls from 5" block - same as deadlifts only did 1 set.
    235kg/520lb-4 @rpe 9

    Slingshot bench - Deadlifts decided the tone for the workout,
    165kg/363lb-4 @rpe 8

    Leg press
    450-2 - I had a knee focussed massage yesterday and physio today. After all that my R knee was doing the "Rice Crispy" snap-crackle-pop with some pain so stopped at 2. More important is low bar squats Saturday so no sense pushing things today.

  8. #1448
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Week 8 Day 4

    Low bar squat - Keeping volume as low as possible to save my knees, but pushing intensity up
    205kg/450lb-1 - Up 5kg from last week - next week will add another 5kg - Went well, made a video but you tube blocked it due to copyright

    Leg press - 520-5 - worked up to 1 heavy set

    Spoto Bench - 315-5,4, leaving a rep in the tank - stopping at 2 sets instead of 3 to keep fatigue down since I'm benching 4x/week. I find these harder than any other bench variety, even paused.

    leg extension/leg curls - did some light weight high rep work to get blood into my legs and knees.

    Face pulls and front cable raises too.

  9. #1449
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Week 9 Day 1

    Skipped high bar squats and bulgarian split squats. Knees are still sore from Saturday and at this point I don't need to grow any more muscle, just prime my CNS system to use what I already have. I may slip another squat session in later this week before Saturday's low bar work, but only if things feel good and don't hurt.

    162.5/358-1 - Bumped up 2.5kg from last week. Seemed to go well. Will bump up to 165 next week 1st vid
    150/330-4,3,3, - These were all supposed to be 4's but I didn't want to do any grinding. 150-4 = 1RM 169 so getting close to my goal of minimum 170 in competition. 2nd vid
    120/265-10 - High rep finisher T&G

    Tried some very light leg extension to work some blood into my knees but even those bothered my knees so stopped.

    DB Curls - 35's-20, - Had to do something else besides just benching

  10. #1450
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    starting strength coach development program
    Week 9 day 2

    Pendlay Row - 310-5,5,5, Using some body English to move that weight. All part of the plan since this is a deadlift accessory.

    1 arm DB row - 120-10 - Program called for a single set of 8 at rpe 8. 10 reps was rpe7 or so as those are my heaviest DB's.

    Close grip bench - 152.5kg/336lbs-3,3,3, T&G - had a rep in the tank. Vid below (I'll level the camera one of these times). Super setted with
    DB front raises 25-8,8,8, easy

    DB side raises - 25-10,10, SS'd with
    Standing, behind the neck tricep extensions - 105-8,8, used an olympic bar as it feels better on my elbows, SS'd with
    Lat pull downs - 150-10,10,

    Finished with DB curls - 40-15 for the pump.

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