Week 7 Day 3
Deadlifts - 485-2,2,2, - Program called for increasing weight 20 lbs and to drop from 3's to 2's - rpe 8-9
Block pull from 5" blocks - 510-4,4,4, Same as deadlifts, increased 20 lbs and dropped 1 rep. Last set was rpe 10 - Overshot a little as I tired. Should have skipped the last set. Hopefully won't be burnt out next Thursday.
Slingshot bench - 350-4,4,4, Was taking my normal competition wide grip on warm ups but could feel a bit of pain in my right pec. Narrowed my grip a finger width in from the rings and took it slow and steady. Weirdly I feel a bit stronger with a narrower grip and don't feel any issues with my pec then. 2-3 reps in the tank.
Leg press - 430-5,5,5, - Was supposed to be SSB squats but I'm still avoiding squat variations as my knee doesn't feel stable enough. Will go low bar Saturday.
Leg curl - 115-10,10,
Leg extensions - 85-10,10, - Can finally start loading these a bit with little knee pain. Will work up from here.