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Thread: Skid (Marc's) log

  1. #1451
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Week 9 Day 3 - Keeping volume to a minimum for maximum recovery between workouts

    Deadlifts - Worked up to 235kg/519lb-1,1. I have to be careful with intensity because heavy deadlifts burn out my CNS quickly and messes me up for the next week. I should probably go light for next week but we'll see how things feel. This will likely be close to my opener at Nationals. Vid below

    Block Pull - Loaded up 250kg but it just felt too heavy and I didn't want to kill my chances for a good workout next Thursday. I need almost 2 weeks to recover from heavy deadlifting. Pulled the two 15kg plates off the bar and dropped to 220kg for one set of 4.

    Slingshot bench
    170kg/375lb-3 - Felt good in my hands - not too heavy and lighter than I expected. The slingshot is helping my CNS get used to benching heavy weights. I feel I can comp bench this now; We'll see in 4 weeks. Will bump up another 2.5-5kg next week.

    Leg Press - 360lbs-5,5, - Didn't go heavy. Just did these to get some leg muscle activation before low bar squats Saturday. My Right knee is still snapping and crackling and painful.

    DB curls 40lbs-20 - Cheated the last few reps but got a good pump

  2. #1452
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Week 9 day 4 - Got my Theragun clone - yesterday so worked over my quads with it last night. My knee was sorer today as a result but as I got into my workout the pain didn't get worse and didn't stop me from doing what I wanted to do. I'll have to say I was impressed with the quality of this. Seems very professional grade and much cheaper than Theragun.

    Comp squat
    210-1 This was as heavy as I was planning to go but it went pretty fast so bumped up another 5kg
    215kg/474lb-1 This slowed down a bit so called it here. Pretty happy with this and although my R knee is still healing pain wasn't stopping me. This will likely be close to my opener. I'll go for a 220kg single next week.

    Leg press - 540-5,5, Stopped at 2 sets.

    Spoto Press - 153kg/337lb-3,3, Stopped at 2 sets - last rep on the second set was rpe 10. Got to save myself for Monday's Comp benches.

    Face pulls, front cable raises and curls finished up this week.

  3. #1453
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Week 10 Day 1 - roughly 3 weeks out from my meet

    High Bar squats - 175kg/385-2,2,2, My knees are cooperating now. They're still sore but I'm able to squat somewhat heavy again. Rpe 8ish.

    Comp Bench - I seem to be responding to 4x/week bench. Strength is still climbing. Just have to keep the volume down.
    150-1 - Last warm up
    165kg/363lb-1 - Did this a month ago; Today was much faster/easier. This is also the Canadian Master 3 record for my weight class.
    160/352-3,2, 1st set was rpe 10. I think that is a PR - 1 rep max calculator says 160-3=175kg/385lbs.

    DB Curls - 45's-16, will try for 20 next W/O

  4. #1454
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    that bench single moved

  5. #1455
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Thanks Cole, The bench felt good yesterday, some fatigue today though.

    Week 10 Day 2

    Pendlay row - 145kg/320lb-5,5,5,

    Close grip bench
    160/352-2,1, -Definitely had some bench fatigue today after yesterday's workout. Was supposed to do 3 sets of 2 at 160 but just didn't feel it today.
    150/330-2 - Dropped 10 kg for the last set

    DB side raises/lat raises - 25-10,10,10 - Was supposed to do some additional tricep work but my left elbow is a bit sore from last week's tricep extensions. No sense further triggering that joint any further.

  6. #1456
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Week 10, Day 3

    Deadlifts - worked up to a 240kg/530lb single - Next Thursday will be my last heavy deadlift before the meet which will then be 13 days out. Was supposed to do 3 singles but that would burn me right out for next week. I'll shoot for 245kg next week.

    Block Pull - dropped 10kg- 230kg-2,2, Had a couple reps in the tank for these

    Slingshot bench - Went totally legit with competition weights, bar and collars
    160-1 - 1st warm up with Slingshot
    175kg/385lb-2 RPE 9ish Felt pretty heavy but not overwhelming. Thought about a 3rd rep but decided not. Just 1 set

    Leg press - 360-5,5, Decided to not go too heavy on these and just get some easy volume in. Right knee is still sore and I have heavy low bar squats Saturday. Got to keep this old body together and not break anything for 20 more days.

  7. #1457
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    looking good on the pulls marc. im trying to keep my delts together before my meet.

  8. #1458
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by Cole Gorton View Post
    looking good on the pulls marc. im trying to keep my delts together before my meet.
    Yep, when the weights get heavy the body starts to rebel. Maybe try some delt raises or Lu raises to work them in a different way?

    Week 10 Day 4 - A bit of a low energy day. Spent a couple hours shovelling snow today that fell a few days earlier. Can't complain as this is our first snowfall this winter and there is only 2-3 inches. Plowed the driveway with the tractor too.

    Low bar squats - Knees are feeling better but still a bit sore, especially the right one.
    220-1 - Although this felt hard I still want to push things so bumped up closer to where I should be on my program. Vid below.
    225kg/495lbs - Lost my balance on this when I got near the top. Was trying to think of too many squat cues; Bar low, brace, grip the floor with your toes, break at the hips/knees, hit depth, etc. Forgot I had to push the weight up. I'm going to video from the side to make sure I'm getting depth too. Hard to tell from the camera angle since the camera is mounted high on a tripod. Second vid below.

    Spoto Bench - 150kg/330lb-3 - Programming called for 155kg. but I dropped weight a bit and only did one set instead of 3.

    Leg press - Worked up to 570-5. Only did one set. This is the heaviest I've gone on leg press and it wasn't too hard. Could have done a few more reps. My monkey brain thought of hitting 600 for 5 but my real brain kicked in and thought better of it. Next week...

    Finished up with face pulls and cable front raises.

    On to week 11 which will be my last heavy deadlift. I still will have two more low bar squat sessions.Will shoot for 230kg next week, and likely drop weight a bit for the last week before Nationals. I compete on a Wednesday afternoon so will have to figure out a good way to taper for that day.

  9. #1459
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    starting strength coach development program
    Week 11 Day 1 - Bench was supposed to be doubles and squats singles. Feel a bit sick today so hopefully today's less than great workout isn't indicative of how my meet will go.

    High bar squat - 185kg/407lbs-1, New pain unlocked! In addition to my knee, my right hip is now sore. Probably because my form is off trying to work around my sore knee. Was supposed to do three sets but stopped at 1 as I don't want to make things worse.

    Comp Bench
    167.5kg/369lbs-1 - This was near max for me for today. According to my program I was supposed to do doubles with this, but I don't know how Hooper figures that would be possible. Again supposed to be 3 sets but stopped at 1 because things just weren't happening and I feel achy (is that a word?) all over.
    Regarding the video, I really need to watch my pause at the bottom. Looking closely the bar was still moving around and I could get called for a couple of different fouls. It needs to be absolutely still.

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