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Thread: Blalock's Training Log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Boiling Springs, SC


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    Squat: 45/5x2, 135/5, 185/4, 225/3, 275/2, 315/1, 365/1, 390/5x3
    Press: 45/5x2, 95/4, 135/3, 155/2, 165/1, 180/5x3
    Deadlift: 275/5, 375/5, 445/5


    Squat: 45/5x2, 135/5, 185/4, 225/3, 275/2, 315/1, 365/1, 400/5x3
    Bench Press: 45/10, 95/5, 135/4, 185/3, 225/2, 245/1, 260/5x3
    Power Clean: 135/3, 185/2, 225/3x5


    Squat: 44/5x2, 154/5, 209/4, 264/3, 319/2, 374/1, 407/5x3
    Press: 44/5x2, 99/4, 132/3, 154/2, 170/1, 181/5x3
    Deadlift: 264/5, 374/5, 451/5

    A good week of training overall. Training in kilograms at home and pounds elsewhere has allowed me to make some smaller jumps. I pressed 180 on Tuesday and it felt heavy but using 82.5 kg (181) allowed for a very small jump and will set me up well for 185 next Thursday. I do have "record discs" (.5, .25, and .125) and those will be entering the programming for the press soon. I'll probably take smaller jumps in the squat from now on too. I would like to have at least one more week of alternating the deadlift with the power clean every session before adding in the back extension and chin/pull-up to the bench press days. The bench press is moving along well and I don't foresee any slow down for at least a couple of weeks.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Boiling Springs, SC



    Squat: 45/5x2, 135/5, 185/4, 225/3, 275/2, 315/1, 365/1, 410/5x3
    Bench Press: 45/10, 95/5, 135/4, 185/3, 225/2, 245/1, 265/5x3
    Power Clean: 155/3, 195/2, 230/3x5

    Good session, everything is moving forward.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Boiling Springs, SC



    Squat: 45/5x2, 135/5, 185/4, 225/3, 275/2, 315/1, 365/1, 415/5x3
    Press: 45/5, 95/4, 135/3, 155/2, 170/1, 185/5x3
    Deadlift: 275/5, 385/5, 455/5

    Right ankle/Achilles Tendon felt "off" but warmed-up carefully and performed all reps smoothly and a little slower than usual. Work sets ended up feeling pretty good and the last set was the best set. Presses went better than expected and the deadlift moved really well too. Very fatiguing but productive session. Hope to get some videos uploaded soon.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Wow, lifts are going up in weight fast!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Boiling Springs, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by skid View Post
    Wow, lifts are going up in weight fast!
    Thanks! I wanted to make a good run with the NLP so I probably started a little light but it has certainly paid off so far. Your response made me check my training journal to see what my previous bests were so I could set some new goals and it's a good thing too. I was thinking 440/5x3 would be good enough but it looks like I did 457/5, 485/3, 510/2, and 545/1 in preparation for my last PL comp but they were all for just one set. I would have to dig very deep to find a PR for sets across. I would like to hit 462/5x3 and 501/5 in the squat. The overall goal is a belt-less/sleeveless 275 kg squat in competition.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Boiling Springs, SC



    Squat: 44/5x2, 154/5, 209/4, 264/3, 319/2, 374/1, 418/5x3
    Bench Press: 44/10, 99/5, 154/4, 187/3, 220/2, 253/1, 270/5x3
    Power Clean: 154/3, 187/3, 220/1, 237/3x5

    Today's session marks 4 weeks of NLP. I started out pretty light and much of the progress is regaining strength but this run-up will most likely allow me to surpass some PR's in another 4-8 weeks. The sessions are growing long and are very fatiguing but next week I will start alternating the deadlift with the power clean on the "A" day and perform barbell rows on the "B" day. I know that chins and back extensions are the usual suspects but I do not have a back extension bench or chin-up bar at home. I've been using barbell rows for a very long time now and feel that they are very productive for me. I think this change will shorten a few workouts, give me some much needed recovery, and allow for, hopefully, another 4 weeks of solid progress.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Boiling Springs, SC



    Squat: 45/5x2, 155/5, 210/4, 265/3, 320/2, 375/1, 425/5x3
    Press: 45/5, 95/4, 135/3, 155/2, 175/1, 190/5x3
    Deadlift: 275/5, 385/5, 465/5


    Squat: 44/5x2, 154/5, 264/3, 319/2, 374/1, 429/5x3
    Bench Press: 44/10, 99/5, 154/4, 187/3, 220/2, 253/1, 275/5x3
    Barbell Row: 154/5, 187/5x3


    Squat: 44/5x2, 154/5, 220/4, 275/3, 330/2, 385/1, 435/5x3
    Press: 44/5, 99/4, 132/3, 154/2, 176/1, 193/5x3
    Power Clean: 154/3, 187/2, 220/1, 242/3x5

    Having a break from work made for a great week of training. I thought for sure that I would plateau on the press this week but it moved very well and Saturday's session was particularly strong. Turkey gains I guess. Power Clean sessions are getting very long and I look forward to next week having two bench press days. I started using the barbell row this week on bench press days and I think this will definitely help with recovery. I started very light and look forward to the oncoming progress in this lift as I feel it always rounds out my upper body training and helps support both types of pressing.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Boiling Springs, SC



    Squat: 45/5x2, 155/5, 220/4, 285/3, 335/2, 385/1, 440/5x3
    Bench Press: 45/10, 95/5, 135/4, 185/3, 225/2, 255/1, 280/5x3
    Barbell Row: 155/5, 185/5, 200/5x3

    Great session today. I was thinking it might be time to introduce the light squat session into the progression as I was feeling pretty beat up Sunday and yesterday but I warm-up well and things clicked just fine. The LP continues! The Bench Press should get interesting soon... I'll know more on Saturday with 286. Barbell Rows were easy and I'll jump to 209 on Saturday. I perform each rep from the floor but use very strict form, very little body English.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Boiling Springs, SC



    Tough session today and completely wiped out afterwards. Everything was hard but all reps were met. We'll see if adaptation occurs by Saturday with 451 being the goal weight for the squat.

    Squat: 45/5x2, 165/5, 225/4, 295/3, 345/2, 395/1, 445/5x3
    Press: 45/5, 95/4, 135/3, 155/2, 175/1, 195/5x3
    Deadlift: 275/5, 385/5, 475/5

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    starting strength coach development program
    Yeah that looks like a tough slug at those weights! Good on you for pushing through it all. Time for a nice hot tub!

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