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Thread: Kyle lifting in Delaware

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Dude, enjoy Wrestlemania! That's awesome. I'm glad that the MD states works for you, with it being that same weekend you won't even really need to change your training schedule very much. If it ends up you need another meet for qualifying there's a Delaware meet on June 7 right off I-95, so that would be easy to get to also. If I manage to qualify for nationals that's the meet where I'm looking to get my total.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    This week I'm doing a short LP to recover from my flu last week, which is also kind of fortuitous because I have to travel for work this week to LA. I'm going to take advantage of this business trip to go visit the good folks at Horn and Strength Co on Thursday and Saturday. I feel like my deadlift in particular has been very messed up since I got this new belt so I'm really looking forward to some coaches laying eyes on it.

    Sunday 1/20
    Press 3x5 @135
    Notes: I don't really do presses very much any more since I'm focusing on bench, sometimes I'll throw them into light day, but I was moved to do a few after watching USSFs

    Deads about 20-30 @285
    Notes: Sunday wasn't really a "training" day, I mostly just spent some quality time with the weights playing around with my setup. Moving the belt to different places on my torso, moving my toes and/or heels an inch or so in and out, and playing with how wide I gripped the bar. I think I figured some stuff out.

    Tricep push downs 3x12 @170
    Notes: Sometimes ya gotta bro out.

    Monday 1/21
    Squats 3x5 @405
    Notes: Adducters were pretty tight at first, I think it's because it was so cold today and I was actually wearing long johns which was weird

    Bench 3x5 @235
    Notes: These were fine

    Deads 1x5 @425
    Notes: Feel a little better about these I guess, just kind of tired after all those singles yesterday.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    In LA for a work trip, so started off my Starting Strength gym crawl with Horn strength tonight. Great place and great people. I'm no closer to choosing between sumo and conventional, though, they had great reasons on why I should do both. "They say go not to the elves for advise, for they will say both 'yes' and 'no'"

    Squats 3x5 @425
    Notes: Pretty good, I widened my stance just a tiny bit and looked down more consistently as I was driving out of the hole. Glad to get confirmation that my depth looked ok.

    Bench 3x5 @235
    Notes: My gym doesn't have J hooks, so those took some getting used to, but I was mostly happy to hear that my form hadn't degraded too much since the last time I saw Diego.

    Sumo 1x5 (but really like two doubles and a single as I talked about what I did) @425
    Notes: I get set up much tighter and better on sumo, but I struggle on the lockout more, especially as I drag my grip up my milky thighs. At some point soon I need to just pick one and go with it.

    Thanks again to all the great folks at Horn.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    Went to Strength Co today. What an awesome gym, I can't say enough good things about it. People were super nice and I got some great pointers.

    Squats 3x5 @435
    Notes: Last rep of the first set I overdid a "lean forward" command and almost lost it, but I managed to save the lift. Besides that I feel like I'm really locking in the wider stance.

    Bench 3x5 @245
    Notes: These felt great, so much easier with a lift off

    Sumo 1x4 @425
    Notes: Ok, I'm switching to switch grip sumo. Had an issue on one getting a bit too far forward on what was really rep 3, but besides that switch grip sumo is the train I'm riding. I've had enough indecision.

  5. #15
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    Jul 2017


    It wouldn't be my luck if I hadn't gotten sick again. I had such a great trip to LA, but the I had a scratchy throat getting on the plane to fly back, and by the time I got home I had a 103 fever and the Left Coast version of the flu plague about a week after getting rid of the Right Coast version. Anyways, after three days of not eating and so much coughing I'm back to the gym.

    On the upside, today was super easy! I was maybe too conservative on coming back, but at least I'm not all beat up.

    Squats 3x5 @415

    Bench 3x5 @245

    Sumo 1x5 @405
    Notes: It's humbling, but after making the switch I need to actually run these up logically and not just jump into the deep end.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    Still feeling pretty ground down after the flu, but I'm starting to feel the press of time, so there was no resting today.

    Squats 3x5 @425
    Notes: These were pretty easy today. I'll jump 10 or 15 lbs again Friday and then get back to my HLM plan on Monday

    Bench 3x5 @255
    Notes: These are pretty smooth. Pleased with them.

    Sumo 1x5 @365
    Notes: did sets of 5 all the way up through warm ups. Just trying to get some light volume here and practice my set up to hopefully get a good routine and commit it to muscle memory.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    Oh man, today was my crappiest day of lifting in a long time. It was the perfect storm of a super stressful week, still being ground down from the lingering flu, and waking up with a sore back. Normally when I start warming up my back aches go away by the time I get a sweat at 225, but today it just got worse. Oh well, I did some stuff, I'll be back strong on Monday.

    Squat 1x5 @365 and 1x5 @315
    Notes: These hurt my back, and when I did one rep at 405 it was spreading down my ass, hamstrings, and curling my calves, so I just did some light stuff and called it.

    Bench 2x5 @265 5RMPR and 1x5 @225
    Notes: Sore back didn't hurt my bench! Nice to get a PR on a crappy day. First set was great, second set was still pretty good, but a little borderline scary on my last rep. Dropped weight for the third set because the only people in the gym today were crazy jackasses who couldn't be trusted to spot me.

    Deadlifts 2 @415
    Notes: These were frozen shit on a stick. There's nothing for it but to eat protein, have a Scotch, sleep, and do better on Monday.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    Well I feel like I've had a lot of days recently where things have been bad, but not today! It was awesome to have a good day in the gym. Which is about time because my first meet is less than 2 months away.

    Squat 1x5 @480 5RMPR
    3x5 @425
    Notes: These moved fast and easy. repping 500 is only a few weeks away!

    Bench 1x5 @260
    2x5 @270 5RMPR
    Notes: Realized after the first set that I had messed up my plate math. Fixed it for the next two which moved nicely.

    Deadlifts 1x5 @405
    Notes: This was my lightest weight but felt like the biggest breakthrough. I finally figured out how to set up with my new belt and get tight. Once I figured it out those reps just flew! My hook grip needs to get better, but I'm optimistic again and it feels good.

    Edit: Forgot one of the best things about the day. One of the bro lifters actually came up to me and asked me to teach him how to squat! Then he was super excited and told all the other bros, "Dude! I actually feel the work in my quads and hamstrings and not my back, it's amazing!" The only downside is that if I make too many converts they'll take my racks.
    Last edited by Kyle Martin; 02-11-2019 at 07:59 PM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    Happy Wednesday! Or as I like to call it, HLM "Light" day, a.k.a. the day I let myself do "fun" things that I hope are actually helping me. Ahhh the joys of wandering in the dark while I do my own programming.

    Squats 2x5 @385
    Notes: These were easy but I decided to do them without knee sleeves because I was lazy. From now on I squat with knee sleeves, it feels so much better.

    Pull Downs 3x8 @180
    Notes: I'm a giant fat ass and can't do chins, also after three shoulder surgeries I can amazingly do everything except chins pain free, but once I get to 200 something wonky happens and I can't close my right hand, so I do pull downs at 180

    Close Grip Bench 3x5 @225
    Notes: Never did these before, they were fun, but I think my delts might tell me about it in the morning.

    Rows 3x8 @225
    Notes: Hadn't done these in a while, they were fun, but I did them too light, next week I'll shoot for 275

    Tricep Pushdowns 3x8 @185
    Notes: I believe these help my bench lockout. Am I correct? Who knows but I've convinced myself that they help so I'm riding the placebo train right into the station.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    starting strength coach development program
    7 weeks out from the USAPL Delaware Championships, I feel the clock ticking.

    Medium Squat 4x5 @405
    Notes: A little tired coming into these tonight, but they moved well despite feeling a bit off. Overall pretty happy.

    Bench 2x5 and 1x4 @275 PR
    Notes: Made a tactical error and wore the more slippery t shirt. Ended up sliding around a bit, especially on that last set, and missed the last rep, but I'm sure I would have had it if I hadn't got messed up. Anyways, next week I'll move on to 5 sets of triples.

    Deads 1x5 @415
    Notes: These moved very nice! Feels so good for my deadlift to finally be waking back up.

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