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Thread: The Chalkshank Redemption

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Default The Chalkshank Redemption

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Haven't trained since early March. Finally able to train again almost 3 months later.
    I was supposed to go to a USSF meet this weekend actually, but that was cancelled in April. Hopefully can compete this winter.
    Getting back to previous strength (and beyond?) following Rip's advice here: YouTube
    I'm 25, 5'10", and 229 lbs currently.

    Sunday 5-31-20
    SQ 275x5
    BP 185x5
    DL 325x5

    Bodyweight 226

    Tuesday 6-2-20
    SQ 305x5x3
    BP 215x5x3
    PR 135x5
    DL 355x5

    Bodyweight 228

    Thursday 6-4-20
    SQ 335x5x3
    PR 165x5x3
    DL 385x5x3

    Bodyweight 229

    So far so good. I feel great.
    Sunday and Monday were rough, most soreness I've felt in a long time. And that was just one set of five at 60% of previous volume weights. I'm glad I didn't kill myself on the first day, and was instead able to take 30lb jumps on the next two sessions.
    Trying to get back up to my previous bodyweight of 235 lbs. Somehow I lost 10 lbs and gained two inches on my waist.
    Last edited by k_kws; 06-11-2020 at 08:02 AM. Reason: format

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    Sunday 6-7-20
    SQ 365x5x3
    BP 235x5x3
    DL 415x5

    Bodyweight 228

    Tuesday 6-9-20
    SQ 385x5x3
    PR 185x3, 175x5x2 (185 just a little too big of a jump)
    DL 435x5

    Bodyweight 230

    Thursday 6-11-20
    SQ 405x3
    BP 250x5x3
    CL/PR 185x1,2,3,2,1

    Bodyweight 230

    Light days on Squats are now needed. Continue with 405x5x3 on Sun. Light day Tues. 415-425x5x3 Thurs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    Sunday 6-14-20
    Squat 405x5x3
    Press 185x5x3
    Deadlift 455x5

    Bodyweight 232

    Tuesday 6-16-20
    Squat 285x5x3
    Bench (265, 260, 255)x4
    P Clean 195x3x5

    Bodyweight 232

    Just a bad day on bench

    Thursday 6-14-20
    Squat 415x5x3
    Press 190x5x3
    Chins 10, 9, 8

    Bodyweight 234

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    Sunday 6-21-20
    Squat 420x5x3
    Bench 265x5x3
    Chins 8,6,5

    Bodyweight 233

    Tuesday 6-23-20
    Squat 295x5x3
    Press 195x5x3
    Deadlift 475x5

    Bodyweight 231

    Thursday 6-25-20
    Squat 425x5x3
    Bench 270x5x3
    Clean up to 205 only available bar was bent as fuck and kept rolling, so:
    Hang Cleans 135x5x3

    Bodyweight 232

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    Sunday 6-28-20
    Squat 430x5x3
    Press 200x3x3
    LTE EzBar+50x10x3
    DL 495x5

    Tuesday 6-30-20
    Squat 305x5x3
    Bench 275x5x3

    Thursday 7-2-20
    Squat 435x5x3
    Press 205x3x3

    Time constraints on Tue, Thur. Morning work plus the highway was being fixed.
    Taking a week off for some relaxation.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2019


    Your presses on youtube are very impressive. How did you progress to a double layback? I had always been doing a strict press and just now started with the 2.0.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    Hi m_s

    Thanks, Its my favorite lift. As for the double layback, I always did 2.0 and it just sorta started happening as the weight got heavier. From there I started watching videos and reading articles to refine the technique. The 3-part Suggs video on YouTube is the holy grail of pressing. I like Carl's articles on here too.

    Do you have a log on here? Your numbers are pretty high and I'd be curious to see how you work in oly lifts with strength training.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2019


    I'll check out the videos, thanks.

    I started a log awhile ago but gave up on it after a few posts. Maybe I'll start posting again. I do really basic programming like you. Strength is progressed through a 2x a week TM style VD/ID. Then I practice the clean and jerk and snatch 2-3x a week. Similar to the TM/OLY hybrid in PPST. I'm still figuring the lifts out so I don't follow the program exactly.

    Btw the rest of your lifts look really good too (except powerclean ha). I'm guessing you are still gaining back your strength now, but before gym closed we had similar squat/DL numbers. You are obviously stronger on the press and bench.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    Oh ok, the hybrid model in PPST page 138/139.

    Yeah, cleans and snatches are a bitch. Arm pull instincts just kill me.
    I'll be doing them first thing tomorrow. I've also got half a mind to just do hang cleans for a while and drill the 'jump with straight arms' part into my head.
    If you have any other suggestions let me know.

    Still gaining back my strength on my 6th week back. But really going to try and surpass my previous strength on this LP. Between all my lifts I think I'm about 20-50 lbs away from volume PR territory.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2019


    starting strength coach development program
    I have no suggestions other than what I'm sure you've already heard: flex triceps or whatever the cue is. I think all the oly movements just take a ton of diligent practice. That is always film yourself and think about what you're doing -- it's a pain in the ass, but necessary if you are learning these things on your own. I'm sure you're capable since you figured out the double layback which is much more technical. I too wanted to PR my lifts when returning on an LP. But I got close to 500 for 3 sets of 5 on the squat and decided I was sick of 3 grindy sets of squats, and just returned to a TM model (where I still only do 3 sets of 5 on volume day.) Maybe you can tough it out though.

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