starting strength gym
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Thread: Cole's HLM/TM

  1. #371
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Recovery Day

    Squat (-20%)
    295 x 5 x 2

    Press (-10%)
    150 x 5 x 3

    bw x 6, 6, 6

    - making a batch of monster mash now. then ill go on a walk bc its so freaking nice today and i need to move my body and get some sun. sitting at a computer for work sucks.

  2. #372
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Intensity Day

    410 x 5 (PR)
    im pretty confident that i hit depth on all 5 reps. they were slow but controlled and i never had any doubt about getting them. rep 4 i stopped the knee travel a little early which led to a stange looking and feeling rep. overall im happy with this pr

    Bench Press
    310 x 5
    closing in on pr. these were easy wtf. everything is feeling great upper body wise.

    450 x 3
    suppose to be 5 reps obviously. normally i would have done another tripe to get to that 5-6 rep range for I-day but my low back is way to fatigued right now. these were slow, grindy reps. its frustrating bc i know i have the strength in my quads and core to get 5, but my low back just didnt want to cooperate. maybe its in my head too....

    - this ends 15 weeks of TM. normally i would continue and just change the I-day to triples and run it out. however, i have a meet coming up in 12 weeks, and i just cant see myelf continuing at this pace for that long without it ending bad. low back has been extra achy and stiff lately and i know that sensation is what i used to percieve as pain or injury now i know its accumulatede fatigue on the joints and i prob need to pump the brakes a bit. planning on taking 2 lighter weeks, then starting my 9 week meet prep on the week of the 23rd with the slight reduction in volume day load and making I day into singles to start practicing for the meet. that will have the effect of stress reduction without actually taking any load off the bar. id ratehr go into my meet feeling a little on the rested/fresh side than over done side. i lift better that way.

    Squat pr - YouTube
    Bench - YouTube
    DL pr - YouTube

  3. #373
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Cole Gorton View Post

    - this ends 15 weeks of TM. normally i would continue and just change the I-day to triples and run it out. however, i have a meet coming up in 12 weeks, and i just cant see myelf continuing at this pace for that long without it ending bad. low back has been extra achy and stiff lately and i know that sensation is what i used to percieve as pain or injury now i know its accumulatede fatigue on the joints and i prob need to pump the brakes a bit. planning on taking 2 lighter weeks, then starting my 9 week meet prep on the week of the 23rd with the slight reduction in volume day load and making I day into singles to start practicing for the meet. that will have the effect of stress reduction without actually taking any load off the bar. id ratehr go into my meet feeling a little on the rested/fresh side than over done side. i lift better that way.
    NOPE. wife just told me not to change anything. she said just cuz i didnt get my 450x5 i shouldnt throw the progam out the door and shes right. i will continue doing what im doing bc it has been working. ill try for 450x5 again next week or ill move the pulls to triples. i dont care about the meet prep. if i keep making the progress ive been making ill be as strong as ever anyways. at some point i will need to be doing singles though to practice.

  4. #374
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Smart bride you have there. You should keep her.

    And keep at it!

  5. #375
    Join Date
    Aug 2022


    That's a major benefit that your wife is supportive of your training. On your deadlift, with the speed that you pulled 445x5 I would have figured that you had some runway left. For what it's worth I failed my first set of 5 deadlifts at 445 back in August. The switch to triples has been amazing for me.

  6. #376
    Join Date
    Jun 2020


    Congrats on the PRs! A few impressions that I got from your deadlift set is that you let the bar get away from your legs, and your hamstrings gave up some position, probably what made you feel low back fatigue. Haltings and rack/block pulls, coupled with floor-breakers on a couple of warm-up sets might help you with that.

  7. #377
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by ReconquistaBarbell View Post
    Congrats on the PRs! A few impressions that I got from your deadlift set is that you let the bar get away from your legs, and your hamstrings gave up some position, probably what made you feel low back fatigue. Haltings and rack/block pulls, coupled with floor-breakers on a couple of warm-up sets might help you with that.
    yes i definetly see that on rep 3, which made for a slow grindy rep. ive been considering going to an every other week heavy pull, so maybe for the light pull week i could do haltings. thanks for the advice!

  8. #378
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Dawson View Post
    That's a major benefit that your wife is supportive of your training. On your deadlift, with the speed that you pulled 445x5 I would have figured that you had some runway left. For what it's worth I failed my first set of 5 deadlifts at 445 back in August. The switch to triples has been amazing for me.
    hey matt, yea shes supportive about half the time, the other half the time she bitches about how long i spend in the garage or about how obsessed i am with training and doesnt know why i dont just lift like a "normal" person haha.

    i do think i have the strength for 450x5, i really think my DL is just finnicky like that and probably needs more than 7 days between limit sets of 5. i dont know, maybe im wrong. the plan is to go to triples soon and possibly to alternate heavy pulls one week with haltings or lighter SLDL the next week....ill try one small change at a time. and yes i see pretty much everything has been working wonders for you the last 6 months.

  9. #379
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Anders View Post
    Smart bride you have there. You should keep her.

    And keep at it!
    i plan on it! you too Bill, keep training hard like you have been

  10. #380
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    starting strength coach development program
    I've got a meet in about 12 weeks too. I'll definitely be watching your progress. I've found that it's good to deadlift heavy 1 week and then do a lighter accessory deadlift (snatch grip or paused or similar) the following week. If I deadlift heavy every week my CNS get's burnt out. That said the program I'm on calls for deadlifting somewhat heavy every week, but to leave 3 reps in the tank. We'll see how that goes.

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