Since I have 2 workouts to log, I’m only going to list the work sets for each exercise to make it easier for all of us to get through. 😁
Wednesday 4/24/24: 16,101 steps, 7.3 miles, 8 floors climbed
Lower #2, Planet Fitness
Smith Machine Good Morning
140 lbs + bar/8 reps
I tried a suggestion from Dr. Mike, and set the safety pins at the low point of my reps as a way to standardize my range of motion, and ensure that I stay tight and control the eccentric. Good call from him - it helps.
Smith Machine Squat - high bar, sitting on my ankles, link to video of heaviest set posted below
*190+/7 - *This was supposed to be a work set. I added my belt, but forgot to increase the weight like I planned for this set. No wonder it felt easy.
230 lbs + bar/7 reps
Calf Press - on plate loaded leg press
180 lbs + sled/20 reps
Seated Leg Curl
130 lbs/13 reps - tried a rep at 145, aborted that mission and dropped it by a plate
Thursday 4/25/24: 14,322 steps, 6.3 miles, 10 floors climbed
Friday 4/26/24: 15,827 steps, 6.9 miles, 13 floors climbed
Upper #3, Gold’s Gym
Rogue Bar Bench Press - neutral grip
185 lbs/9 reps
I’m replacing these with dumbbell bench press - flat or very low incline - after the show.
Cable Pulldown - very wide, MAG (anchor) handle
180 lbs/13 reps
Seated Lateral Raise Machine - the kind where you bend your arms and put your forearms against the pads
60 lbs/20 reps
Standing Triceps Pressdown - back against pad to prevent cheating, and I guess for stability
60 lbs/13 reps
Standing Cable Curl
70 lbs/18 reps
I made some clips from last night into a reel that I posted to my Instagram and Facebook pages (link below). It was inspired by all the comments I’ve been getting lately from people telling me how slim or skinny I look. I don’t know if they realize it or not, but it’s not a compliment. I can’t wait to start eating and gaining again. Fortunately, with only 2 more weeks until I finish this story, I can see the stage lights at the end of this tunnel.