Your friend is in the military, so I am guessing she already has daily PT where she gets her runs done. If that is the case, then she doesn't need treadmill time. She needs to do work to improve her strength (esp. leg strength) in support of her training goals (better run time, and depending on the service, better push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, etc.). For someone training for the Army or Marines PT tests, I would recommend something that works towards those goals directly.

squats, presses (standing or bench, your call), chin-ups/pull-ups, deadlifts for strength

Sprints and other GPP work to improve her overall conditioning and recovery times.

The hard part will be balancing this stuff with any existing PT work. Overtraining is ridiculously easy to do if you layer weightlifting on top of intense PT. I had that problem pretty much the whole time I was on active duty. If she is already doing PT daily, then adding just one or two lifts a couple of days a week, and a day of sprints or other GPP might work.

Then again, if she is in teh Navy, I don't think they do daily PT (except for the spec ops types), so you may have more flexibility with the programming.