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Thread: Going from 200 to 225 bench in one month ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2024

    Cool Going from 200 to 225 bench in one month ?

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hi ! I am 6'3", 200 lbs. I have been lifting for a year and went from benching 110 lbs 3x5 to 170 lbs 3x5. Last week I tried a 1RM and was just able to get 1 rep of 200 lbs. It was an exciting milestone to bench my bodyweight for the first time !

    My uncle is very sick and I would love to be able to lift 225 so I could tell him. Is there some way I could increase my 1RM to 225 lbs in one month ? I am not sure how long he will last.

    My first thought was to use Smolev Jr. and add 10 lbs per week.

    Any advice much appreciated.

    Thanks !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    You haven't done the program, and your bodyweight is very low. What has your deadlift/squat done in that period of time?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2024


    Hi Mark !

    I learned all my form from your book, but I have been following a modified Greyskull LP program, without burpees or pushups. Pretty much SS with AMRAP on the last sets.

    I haven't been drinking a gallon of milk per day, and was unable to lift for a week here and there.

    Deadlift - 230 -> 285.
    Squat - I injured my knee and switched to leg press, which is now at 500 lbs.

    I am sure I could be lifting more and eating more. Oh and I'm 42 years old.

    Any advice much appreciated. My apologies if this is a Starting Strength-only forum. If that's the case, I can take my question elsewhere.

    Thanks for your great work on exercise science and literature !

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by benbecula View Post
    Hi ! I am 6'3", 200 lbs. I have been lifting for a year and went from benching 110 lbs 3x5 to 170 lbs 3x5. Last week I tried a 1RM and was just able to get 1 rep of 200 lbs. It was an exciting milestone to bench my bodyweight for the first time !

    My uncle is very sick and I would love to be able to lift 225 so I could tell him. Is there some way I could increase my 1RM to 225 lbs in one month ? I am not sure how long he will last.

    My first thought was to use Smolev Jr. and add 10 lbs per week.

    Any advice much appreciated.

    Thanks !
    Keep adding weight every workout until you’re benching 225, all while eating as much white rice and protein as you can stomach .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by benbecula View Post
    I learned all my form from your book, but I have been following a modified Greyskull LP program, without burpees or pushups.
    I suppose you could ask Greyskull.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by benbecula View Post
    Squat - I injured my knee and switched to leg press, which is now at 500 lbs.
    I'm surprised you let this slide, Rip.
    200 @ 6'3" is very small for this kind of program. That's 5'8" weight.
    Get big! Squat!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I let the Greyskull slide too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2017


    It is such a cool name for those who were children in the 80s, though.
    The strongest man in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!
    And how did he get the strength?
    By the Power of Grayskull!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by benbecula View Post
    Hi Mark !

    I learned all my form from your book, but I have been following a modified Greyskull LP program, without burpees or pushups. Pretty much SS with AMRAP on the last sets.

    I haven't been drinking a gallon of milk per day, and was unable to lift for a week here and there.

    Deadlift - 230 -> 285.
    Squat - I injured my knee and switched to leg press, which is now at 500 lbs.

    I am sure I could be lifting more and eating more. Oh and I'm 42 years old.

    Any advice much appreciated. My apologies if this is a Starting Strength-only forum. If that's the case, I can take my question elsewhere.

    Thanks for your great work on exercise science and literature !
    I'll take a swing here - Ben, if you haven't done the NLP (and you haven't), then that's what you should do, and all that you should do. No AMRAPS, no Smolev, no Greyskull or other jolly, happy pirate-named variants, just the NLP, for as long as you can. The novice linear progression should add about 30 lb to your BP fives in a month for a true novice. You'll need to swallow your pride, accept that not having done the NLP means you still have novice gains out there, embrace that good news, and get to work in the gym and out.

    The prospect should be exciting for you, especially with your particular family goal. Remember that you don't get secondary things (the 225 bench) by chasing them - you get them by chasing the primary things (getting strong - in this case, on the NLP).
    As Johnsonville said, you want to make sure you're eating enough (the gallon of milk a day thing is not for everyone, and certainly not for you at 42 years old - Rip has clarified this ad nauseam...) Starting Strength Training Programs

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Albany, Western Australia


    starting strength coach development program
    I do not believe that you will be able to achieve your strange goal. I also do not believe your very sick uncle would care all that much about your bench press number, but in the event that I am wrong then the best solution in your case is just to lie to him. Tell him you got 250.

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