starting strength gym
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Thread: NLP & Hockey

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Unc, please upload a video on youtube, where you just rant for an hour like you used to do about comments on this forum.

    @Stephen: I thought you were squatting and deadlifting well into the mid 300s. With a 200 lbs squat and deadlift I do not believe that you need to modify the program at all. If recovery is really an issue with these numbers, just take 72h rest instead of 48h. The program just calls for 5 lbs increase per workout, which is not that hard to recover from. If you squat 300lbs I'd argue that a light day might help a lot with your hockey program.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    Stephen, seeing these details, and taking a look at your form check here: Squat Help / Form Check , the good news is this: at your level of development and body weight, you're in a prime situation to get your squats into good form, up your protein and food, and start getting strong, even while you're playing your sport. You might have a dip in sport performance for a couple of weeks until your conditioning catches up, but you should be able to adapt and start reaping the benefits of getting strong. You'll need to be intentional about your food and rest, but as long as you're putting on BW, you should have more runway than you think. You are a novice, after all, which is a great place to be.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    starting strength coach development program
    Thanks Jason. I appreciate your points!

    Filming that helped out a lot since I could visually link what I thought I was doing with what I was actually doing. I have been behind a desk for over 10yrs now with my only lower body exercise being an occasional 3 mile run. So, i think with the 2 games a week, an extra hour of ice time and loading the bar with more weight than i could handle had me stalled from the beginning. I am going to drop way down in weight to get my form under control (reaching full depth) and start adding the 5lbs to the bar from there like the book recommends.

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