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Thread: Training three consecutive days

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    In The Rat's Mouth

    Default Training three consecutive days

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Any ideas how I can pull that off?

    I will only be able to train Fri, Saturday and Sunday this summer. I know I can do a two day schedule on Friday and Sunday, but I haven't had good results last time I tried that.

    My thoughts are to just have a Squat day, bench day, and deadlift day. Sure, the deadlift day will be less than optimal, I'll focus on low weights and lots of volume to get the work in, and then I have all week to recover.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by krazyduck View Post
    Any ideas how I can pull that off?

    I will only be able to train Fri, Saturday and Sunday this summer. I know I can do a two day schedule on Friday and Sunday, but I haven't had good results last time I tried that.

    My thoughts are to just have a Squat day, bench day, and deadlift day. Sure, the deadlift day will be less than optimal, I'll focus on low weights and lots of volume to get the work in, and then I have all week to recover.

    Any thoughts?
    Sounds like you've got a handle on all the shortcomings of that schedule and like your plan is the best available option.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Lexington, KY


    Many people DL on the same day they SQ so short rest should not be that bad depending on where you are at from an intensity perspective.

    I'm not a huge fan of volume DL's, in general. It is not clear what adaptation one is looking for in doing high reps with low weights. If you do decide to do high reps, make sure you don't get sloppy with form. That is most common when folks go sub-maximal and high reps.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Palmer View Post
    Many people DL on the same day they SQ so short rest should not be that bad depending on where you are at from an intensity perspective.

    I'm not a huge fan of volume DL's, in general. It is not clear what adaptation one is looking for in doing high reps with low weights. If you do decide to do high reps, make sure you don't get sloppy with form. That is most common when folks go sub-maximal and high reps.
    When I said volume, I was referring to lots of sets, not reps.

    I think I'm just going to go for it. If deadlift day sucks in terms of not being able to work up to a high number relative to my 1rm, I'm just going to add on more backoff sets. I'll play it by feel, Its only for two months anyway. . .

    Now that I wont have an OHP day, should I be doing some form of pressing (dumbell?) on bench day? Or just drop it all together?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA


    Quote Originally Posted by krazyduck View Post
    Now that I wont have an OHP day, should I be doing some form of pressing (dumbell?) on bench day? Or just drop it all together?
    Why cant you press and bench on the same day? Volume bench/intensity press one week and intensity bench/volume press the next.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BertBamboo View Post
    Why cant you press and bench on the same day? Volume bench/intensity press one week and intensity bench/volume press the next.
    I like to work up to a top set and then do some back-off sets. Then some accessory work. My most recent bench day was:

    Bench, top set of 4
    Bench, backoff set of 4
    Pause Bench 4x3
    Chest supported rows
    Rolling db extentions
    DB curls

    I guess I can put db press in the slot after the main accessory.

  7. #7
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    The Deep South


    Personally I would do:

    Squat+ some lower body assistance
    Bench+press+limited upper body assistance
    Deadlift+medium squat OR more deadlifts+assistance

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The Deep South


    Personally I would do:

    Squat+ some lower body assistance
    Bench+press+limited upper body assistance
    Deadlift+medium squat OR more deadlifts+assistance

    On the last day you can do a lot more stuff since you have off after that.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    I would try to incorporate higher frequency and volume for upperbody and also for the squat. If you only have this very suboptimal way to train for a time and you still want to make progress I would do three things:

    1. Set a goal PR weight that you want to reach at the end of those two months. How heavy depends on your advancement.

    2. Train as hard as you can on those three days. The four days afterwards are plenty to recover.

    3. Be conscious of your technique. Low frequency can cause some people to get "out of the groove".

    Example for an intermediate lifter:


    Squat 5x5
    Bench press 5x5


    Press 5x5
    Deadlift 1x5


    Squat 5x2 (technique work)
    Incline bench 3x8
    Chin ups AMRAP x 3

    You can use Sunday work-outs to tweak your response for the coming week. Depending on how recovered you are by Friday you can do more, the same or less volume. You can also use a different upperbody exercise than the incline bench depending on your weaknesses. Friday and Saturday you would obviously try to hit new 5x5 PRs and a PR set of 5 for the deadlift.

  10. #10
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    In The Rat's Mouth


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by BertBamboo View Post
    Why cant you press and bench on the same day? Volume bench/intensity press one week and intensity bench/volume press the next.
    Rethought this, I like it. Going to do it like this:

    Bench top set and back offs
    Press ramping 5s or 8s or 3s

    The next week I will switch the order.

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