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Thread: 2016 New Years Training Resolutions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Humboldt County, CA

    Default 2016 New Years Training Resolutions

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    We had a pretty solid New Years training resolutions forum last year so I'd like to kick off a new one for 2016. I believe in general, assigning yourself a start time (the new year) to begin something can be troublesome because the best time to start is usually right now. However, giving yourself a timeframe to accomplish something (oh let's says a year, perhaps) can be very valuable. Writing down specific training goals (like getting strong AF) is very helpful and fun. Having a goal can cut out all the crap in your training and allows you to get the big things done. Most importantly, we're all going to make resolutions anyway so we might as well air them out to all of our online pals so we can electronically cheer each other on to a successful new year of ass kicking.

    What will you accomplish this year? It could be new PRs, weight gain (awesome), weight loss, (not as cool), it could be competition related, it could even be recovering from an injury, or a resolution to track your training better. Let's keep it training related, because surely the non training related resolutions thread will end up in the Ends & Pieces section. How about last year? Did you have a goal? What was it? Did you crush it? Did it crush you?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Oakland, CA


    Man, same goals as last year mostly:
    Bodyweight squat (should be happening in January if I can squeeze the most out of my LP)
    A single chinup
    BW under 200#
    120# bench
    95# OHP

    New goals:
    275# DL
    Compete in a SS competition
    Learn the Power Clean (once I'm stronger)
    Keep dialing in nutrition and tracking macros, better every day (BW goalzzz)

    I actually managed to get my back pain-free in 2015, which in March seemed impossible. I'm just feeling glad to be back at it, squatting and deadlifting without pain. I added 130# to my squat in the latter part of this year (since October) and I'm feeling very proud of my progress in strength and in getting the technique down at long last. Thankful for SS and the role it has in my life. My parents started lifting this year and that has been amazing for our whole family. My hope for 2016 is that we all continue to get stronger, stay healthy, and have fun at it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Central PA


    Start training again and give LP a solid effort. Drop weight to ~225lbs over the course of the year.

    Wife went through a bad spell of depression and anxiety right as I started getting hammered with overtime at work. The overtime just passed and she's been doing better, so I can get out a few hours per week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Many of last year's goals did happen and some did not. I also had some wonderful unexpected lifting accomplishments that I never would have dreamed of or planned for. I did NOT get drug-tested. Dang it. I so wanted to break a record and thus get tested.

    This year I hope to-
    squat 340
    bench 192.5
    deadlift more than I am now :-)
    have fun competing
    coach many people

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Garage Gym

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Just want to get my squat back to where it was (190kg) before my massive layoff due to hip problems. Preferably at a much lighter bodyweight, because I was pretty fat at the time, and a 190kg squat really isn't much to brag about when you weigh 110kg.

    Currently squatting 120kg 3x5 at 87kg bodyweight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    A Lonely Mountain


    315lbs Bench 500lbs Deadlift. Squat somewhere inbetween

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    - Total 544-590kg
    - Bench at least 120kg
    - Fill out the 93's
    - Compete in a sanctioned meet
    - Coach somebody from zero to beastly

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    South Korea Incheon


    At the end of the 2016,
    I hope Squat 520,Bench350,Deadlift570,Press230ish
    C&J 150kg,SNATCH110kg.
    Sprint100m:10.5 Javelin throw:Becoming a high school level.
    Becoming a SSC
    I am an idealist.I will see these at December of 2016.
    Last edited by risepmj; 12-20-2015 at 08:53 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Sydney, Australia


    starting strength coach development program
    In 2016 I will

    Deadlift 228kg (+18kg)
    Squat 200kg (+15kg)
    Bench 125kg (+14kg)
    Press 90kg (+12kg)
    Snatch 70kg (+5kg)
    Eat way more than I should, or than is strictly necessary

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