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Thread: Novice "Crash" Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Post Novice "Crash" Advice

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Age: 36, Male
    Height: 6 ft
    Background: Endurance Cyclist, mainly body weight exercises prior to SS (Quit cycling prior to SS)
    Time on Program: ~12 weeks
    Starting Weight: 168 lb
    Current Weight: 191 lb
    Diet: ~3,500cal, ~200g protein per day
    Sleep: Consistent 8/9hrs/day except where noted below
    Goal: Keep getting stronger

    Programming Records:
    Tried to attach as PDF, file was too large (~9MB).
    Please let me know if there is a way to share these as they would provide additional insight to my shortcomings.
    5-8min rest between sets

    Started: Novice A/B/A, pathetic weakling
    Squat: 95
    Bench: 115
    Deadlift: 215
    Press: 95

    Latest completed: Novice A/B/A, somewhat less pathetic weakling
    Squat: 220 (3x3)
    Bench: 195 (3x3)
    Press: 122 (3x3)
    Deadlift: 314 (1x5)
    Clean: 150 (4x2), started at 95 (3x5) when exercise was introduced during SS progression
    Chins: 3x8 Body weight + 15lb

    I have consistently used 5lb increments per workout where possible.

    I do NOT "blame" the starting strength method for my failure. I take full responsibility for whatever it is that I am doing wrong and seek guidance to improve. My resources consist of reading Starting Strength, Practical Programming, and the Barbell Prescription along with YouTube instructional videos. I don't have a SS coach in my area, nor any friends that have an interest in strength training, so I'm pretty well solo. The books have been extremely helpful, but being an engineer for a living I understand well the difference between having access to written knowledge and successfully applying that knowledge - the latter requiring years of experience which I do not posses and as such need some guidance at this point in my progression to apply it more effectively than I have interpreted it from the writings.

    Running note:
    I enjoy running and tried to incorporate it into my training at first. My body has since told me quite clearly that if I want to keep getting stronger I can't keep running like I used to, so I cut it out.

    Squat note:
    I am doing high bar squats as I cannot get my left arm into position when doing low bar squats due to the shoulder pain it causes. I've had shoulder issues from old sports injuries, but my shoulders feel great since SS.

    Week 11 I had trouble sleeping well during the nights after Power Clean workouts due to leg muscle pain (not injury type pain, more like the teenage years of deep "growing pains" for lack of better explanation). I began to try and adjust my programming according to tips in Starting Strength and Practical Programming, reducing reps and including a light squat day, but it culminated in abject failure on the last workout. I couldn't maintain form during workouts and my legs/low back were toast. Mentally I feel good, but my body feels like it has nothing to give. I have not encountered this before, nor am I sure how to proceed.

    Humbly request advice for effective adjustments to continue putting weight on the bar and getting stronger.

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Take your calories to 4000 and your protein to 250 immediately.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Thank you Mark, much appreciated. I understand (as much as one can) that it must surely get old/maddening having to tell folks to eat…I apologize for making you do it the millionth and a half time.

    In my case, I had been taking eating seriously - but I erroneously assumed that since I was consistently gaining weight I was eating enough.

    I will immediately increase calories and protein as directed. I’ve also scheduled bloodwork next week, just in case.

    Thanks again,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2019


    Pardon the interruption

    Search here on SS forums for "barbell handles squats". I spent over a year trying to use Paul Horn stretch to get into a solid low bar position. My 68 yr old surgically repaired shoulder made it impossible but I was determined to low bar squat.

    I decided to make some handles with 8mm climbing rope and PVC. They have worked perfectly. Much better than a safety squat bar. I dropped down in weight for one session to get things dialed in and I'm back making progress on regular basis. It's worth a try. The handles are cheap to make.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Thanks for the tip!

    I had never heard of such a thing and will give it a shot.

    I really need to plan a vacation somewhere with a SS coach and get some proper instruction. As much as I’ve tried to make the low bar squat work I’d still like a coach to be there and confirm I’m not being an idiot, ha.

    In the meantime, I’ll try the handles!

    Thanks again, much appreciated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Dachshund View Post
    Thanks for the tip!

    I had never heard of such a thing and will give it a shot.

    I really need to plan a vacation somewhere with a SS coach and get some proper instruction. As much as I’ve tried to make the low bar squat work I’d still like a coach to be there and confirm I’m not being an idiot, ha.

    In the meantime, I’ll try the handles!

    Thanks again, much appreciated.
    Have you tried a wide grip on a squat bar (~95" long)? It's about 8 inches longer than a oly bar. There are also camber/buffalo/duffalo bars that can help with shoulder issues. This is assuming your form is correct.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    I have not tried that, but I don't have access to a squat bar.

    I've likely reached the limit of my self-coaching utility to execute the low bar squat. Having said that, I'm not sure whether a coach would allow me to get my left arm into position - but I'd still like to prove that to myself one day with the help of an actual expert.

    The Duffalo bar seems promising given it has geometric advantages for mobility.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Dachshund View Post
    I have not tried that, but I don't have access to a squat bar.

    I've likely reached the limit of my self-coaching utility to execute the low bar squat. Having said that, I'm not sure whether a coach would allow me to get my left arm into position - but I'd still like to prove that to myself one day with the help of an actual expert.

    The Duffalo bar seems promising given it has geometric advantages for mobility.
    TDS bow bar is about ~$220 online right now. It's pretty good chinese duffalo knockoff.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastian Ohanian View Post
    TDS bow bar is about ~$220 online right now. It's pretty good chinese duffalo knockoff.
    What steel is the shaft? Kind of important, since the Chinese are known for shitty steel.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastian Ohanian View Post
    TDS bow bar is about ~$220 online right now. It's pretty good chinese duffalo knockoff.
    If you can wait, the Longhorn bar from Fringe Sports is the same as the Duffalo but cheaper, and the steel should be fine. Going on online reviews.
    Last edited by Matthew Spicka; 07-03-2021 at 12:46 PM.

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