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Thread: Guidance please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Guidance please

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025

    I posted this at the start of January: What did I f*ck up - NLP press

    My lifts for 3x5 are S:132.5KG, B:92kg, P:58kg and D:140kg (1x5 and Ive struggled with form on this which is why it's low). I have got my BW up to 215lbs at 6' 2". I am aware I'm still 'underweight' but moving in the right direction.

    Regarding the deadlift, this has never been a problem before having got to 190kg+ for sets of 5 on it when I was a bit younger so it's not a motivational issue. Just a very minor back tweak and struggling to not just 'feel it all in my lower back'.

    My question is, it's starting to get hard but I'm sure I have quite a few more weeks in me before making any changes (3rd phase of SS) but what do you do in this situation where I haven't got my BW up to where the SS method would've likely had me at this stage? I almost don't want to mention this but I've also developed a decent belly (although, some of this is bloat from stuffing my face) but i can't imagine this going well for the next month+ like this. I'm also happy to be convinced, I think I just need a pep talk and to be told it's going to be ok 😂

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    As an update, I did 150kg x 5 on the deadlift on the advice in this thread: Deadlift artificially weak. That's not me but our stats are almost exactly the same! There's a little bit of a technique issue of holding my back flat but I think I can iron it out whilst still progressing the weight.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2018


    You just should to keep pushing the program forward.

    As you gain weight, you will reach that 190 kg DL again and even more.

    For the issue of technique in DL you can open a new topic

    Oh, and just in case... The First Three Questions | Mark Rippetoe This article is one of the best things related to lifting that you can read on the whole internet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    Your bodyweight doesn't seem inappropriately light for the weights you are lifting. You are overthinking this. The cure for the "belly" is to get your lifts up.

    The only thing that stands out is the relatively low deadlift. You do not need to be precious about deadlift form. I'm not sure where the idea that a less than perfect deadlift will cripple you came from. "Feeling it in your lower back" is not a piece of relevant data. You might feel it in your lower back if you do everything right. You might not if you do everything wrong. The important thing is that you are volitionally extending your back, not that it is in perfect extension throughout the set. Like I said, you are overthinking this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Maybach View Post
    "Feeling it in your lower back" is not a piece of relevant data. You might feel it in your lower back if you do everything right. You might not if you do everything wrong.
    Maybach, I am definitely stealing that. Very well said, sir.

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